Miami Rhapsody
Miami Rhapsody
PG-13 | 27 January 1995 (USA)
Miami Rhapsody Trailers

Even though Gwyn Marcus is engaged to her boyfriend, Matt, she is still afraid of commitment. While she admires her parents' loving relationship, she discovers that her family has not always been faithful in marriage, making it harder than ever to settle down. As her mother pressures her to get married, and plenty of attractive men appear in her life, Gwyn learns that she must balance her career, relationships and marriage to be truly happy.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
moonspinner55 Thin, but enjoyable romp involving a young, unmarried Jewish woman and her married family and friends--all of whom seem to be miserable and cheating on each other. Ersatz Woody Allen, as it aspires to be, but not quite on the level of, say, "Hannah and Her Sisters". Odd to see Mia Farrow here (playing Sarah Jessica Parker's mother), as this is basically a retread of the work she was doing with Allen earlier in the decade. Parker is infectious, rattling off the sometimes-precious lines with professional aplomb, supporting cast is quite colorful, yet this tale doesn't have much of a point, and as a film it has no motivation beyond aping Allen. **1/2 from ****
tadams55431 As a big fan of Sex and the City and Sarah Jessica in general, I have decided to try and watch as many Sarah Jessica films as I can. This is a fun film but definitely not as funny as LA Story. Sarah looks great, and I noticed in the credits that Patricia Field who dresses the Sex and the City gals is the costumer on this film as well. I liked the Woody Allen-style story. It makes my own life seem more normal as we can really get into to the actors crazy thoughts and worries. My favorite character in the film is Antonio. His interactions with the ladies were hilarious!
helpless_dancer Dull look at several couples who are no longer able to relate to each other so they either break off the relationship or start sleeping around. This was painful to sit through for me but it did point out that the boy/girl stuff is more flash than bang.
TxMike Every movie's title needs to make sense, and this one, "Miami Rhapsody", makes perfect sense. It is set in Miami, and the definition of rhapsody is, "a highly emotional utterance : a highly emotional literary work : effusively rapturous or extravagant discourse." The short synopsis is this - mid-20s girl is engaged to be married, has a great relationship with her live-in boyfriend, but suddenly she, in succession, finds out that all those close to her, even mom and dad, are having marital problems, and she begins to have serious doubts if marriage is the right thing. In the end, she says, "Marriage is a lot like Miami. It is hot and stormy, and dangerous, but if it is so bad then why is there still so much traffic?"The writing and diolog delivery are very clever, and the editing is just so good, I found myself constantly marveling at how good that part of the film is. I like Woody Allen in small doses, but this one I seemingly never tire of.CAUTION -- SPOILERS FOLLOW --Sarah Jessica Parker is great in the lead. Now I understand the "Woody Allen" references. In fact, imagine a female delivering Woody Allen-esque lines and you have Sarah's role in this film. Antonio Banderas as the "Latin lover" who seduces her mother (Mia Farrow), and comes very close to bedding her too, is also excellent. The one big problem I have with this film is its apparent cavalier treatment of infidelity. When mom first tells daughter she suspects dad is having an affair, and daughter later discusses it with dad, the subject could well have been "dad has hair on his back". That's how calm and accepting they all were of infidelity, and the same later when it is revealed that mom is also bedding grandma's male nurse, Banderas. Similar to the various other couples who are cheating on their spouses.The film starts and ends with Parker in her therapist's office, all the time talking into the camera. The film is done as a series of flashbacks with commentary, after she tells the therapist that once she was engaged. She ends up losing the man, but her parents, and also all the other couple infidels, all realize that they had simply given in to temptation and in the end loved and appreciated their mates and all was heading in the right direction. And Parker's character learned that in spite of all its pitfalls, relationships and marriage are still worth pursuing. So, all-in-all it is a personal growth movie, involving primarily Parker's character, and the "rhapsody" told in the film is solely to show how she achieved that. I rate it a very solid "7" of 10.