R | 01 January 2007 (USA)
Metamorphosis Trailers

In the Seventeenth Century, while Hungary is fighting the Turks, the population of a small village in...

Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
royubq Perhaps when I watched Metamorphosis I happened to be in the right romantic mood. I liked it, though the story should have been more deepened on the dramatic side.This is not one of the horror films, as it is recommended. Unlike average vampire movies, this film does not center upon fangs or bloody images. Its focus is not on horror, and if you expect gore you₼re setting yourself for disappointment. The main focus of the film is upon character and upon exploring the world beyond death.The film could have had the chance of being a runner-up to Interview with a Vampire, had it benefited from a larger budget, a better technical crew and less commercial appetite.While flawed in many areas (epic, acting, and sound track except the piano part) Metamorphosis is worth watching. I liked the humane way in which the film was dealt with. The idea was good. The film presents real human emotions through the surreal world of vampires. Young Elisabeth has a lonely eternity to hollow in, until she meets Keith and falls in love. An impossible love doomed to be hunted by vampire slayers.The conflict between the evil vampire (Constantine) and the humane one (Elisabeth) is the most spectacular part of the film. Lambert is great as Constantine (his lines have really some twisted humor), and makes him fun to watch. Irena A. Hoffman (young Elisabeth) conveys a charm that fits her character perfectly. She was able to hold her own against Lambert, and often stole the scene. Much to my surprise I read she is of Romanian origin, so all the more familiar with the Bathory legend. The piano musical theme suited her beauty and frailty. I think Irena also did a good job in saving this film, otherwise a bit poor on acting.The Hungarian and German actors share little screen time but enough to make their characters wholesome. Keith₼s character was also believable, though Sevier overplays his performance a little as if struggling to come into the spotlight. As for Kim and J.J., they kept reminding me of hot dogs and Coke in an atmosphere of castles and historical past. Not a good idea at all to have them around, they block your getting into the Gothic mood.To sum up, if you have intent for a drama based around vampires, then you will enjoy this film. My vote is seven and a plus for beautiful Elisabeth.
D-Sligar This movie isn't too bad, at least the special effects and plot were on par to its competition. The only sad note about this film is something that plagues many could've been good movies... bad acting.I don't know how Corey Sevier, the lead male actor, has received so many parts in his acting career; his acting is just plain stale and contrived. His role started out OK, but I'm not sure why the director didn't do his job; i.e., inform the actors when their skills aren't up to snuff. The kid tries, but I think too hard and the result is painfully artificial. The worst part was when he detailing some history he had researched, but the way he spoke of it was like he had been there and experienced it. Just stupid. Oh yeah, I don't know too many historians doing this type of research who appear like they've walked off the beach. Who cast this guy in the role, it should have been someone more fitting and collegiate for the role.The second acting faux pas was the Nickelodeon-acting provided by Jennifer Higham. I've seen much better talent at a Jr. High play. Where do they screen these people? Her acting, if you want to call it that, was so off-the-cuff that you would've thought she was trying to make it seem like a joke. Jennifer, you need to not only memorize your lines by get in-character when you read them; i.e., make it at least a little realistic! Overall, given it's shortcomings in the acting department, the movie wasn't too bad, though was a bit quirky at points. If you like vampire films you might want to check this one out, though prep yourself for some B-C grade acting with the leads (Irena Hoffman did much better & hot too!).
teldrassil99 If you don't understand the summary line -- watch this movie.Three young Americans travel through a random part of Hungary, because one of them is rather improbably trying to write a book about the Bathory legend. They quickly manage to be obnoxious and annoying towards the locals, and run afoul of a *spoiler* vampire who has a warped dress-sense (what is up with that bodice, and will she have to wear it forever?). The story quickly degenerates from here, especially once Christopher Lambert makes a surprise comeback appearance.As the blurb on the back of the DVD says: full of twists. Too bad they're either incomprehensible, or just blatantly obvious.This film leaves the audience in Purgatory.
killed_you_once Although this film departs from the standard vampire flick cannons, it somehow gives the impression of having been made in a hurry (time shortage due to low budget?!). It contains good ideas, though insufficiently exploited by the script and rather poorly rendered by the technical team: time freezing in one dimension and going on in another, souled vampires vs. villain ones, love infringing the condition of the doomed, just to mention a few. The film is also too explicit at times: instead of having the characters (J.J. for instance) verbalize situations, the filmmaker should have let the audience discover them themselves, by using close-ups and dramatic music tones. The love scene between Elisabeth and Keith occurs way too soon. Besides, I would have skipped her "I love you " line at the end. Some of the intentionally repeated scenes might fail the popcorn audience, whilst the music (except the piano part) sometimes fails the dramatic moments. Otherwise, most of the vampire film ingredients have been used: the historical background, the portrait, the Gothic atmosphere, castles and candles, wolves and owls, some blood and torture, some combat. The film is worth watching because it's different from the Buffy style and the usual midnight sloppy blood sucking. Lambert is great as usual playing the role of Constantine Thurzo, a charismatic, witty and sarcastic vampire that is not hampered either by crosses or the Bible. Young Elisabeth is perhaps the most credible character in the whole film, and I impatiently waited for the scenes where she'd appear, feeling bored by the other three youngsters (undoubtedly some casting mistakes). Irena A. Hoffman managed to free her character of any demoniac traits.Young Elisabeth is addicted to killing by default, being herself one of her mother's victims. Extremely beautiful, slender and long-legged, wearing a diaphanous white dress, she seems to have stepped out of chivalry times of exquisite ladies. Her seduction does not necessarily spring from her sex appeal (though she has the sexiest worked out back I've ever seen) but from her elegance and especially her deep voice, deliciously contrasting her princess-like frailty. All in all I liked this film for its romantic intentions, original open ending, and Irena A. Hoffman's presence in it. I give the film an eight on a one to ten scale.
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