R | 01 January 2007 (USA)
Metamorphosis Trailers

In the Seventeenth Century, while Hungary is fighting the Turks, the population of a small village in...

BroadcastChic Excellent, a Must See
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
D-Sligar This movie isn't too bad, at least the special effects and plot were on par to its competition. The only sad note about this film is something that plagues many could've been good movies... bad acting.I don't know how Corey Sevier, the lead male actor, has received so many parts in his acting career; his acting is just plain stale and contrived. His role started out OK, but I'm not sure why the director didn't do his job; i.e., inform the actors when their skills aren't up to snuff. The kid tries, but I think too hard and the result is painfully artificial. The worst part was when he detailing some history he had researched, but the way he spoke of it was like he had been there and experienced it. Just stupid. Oh yeah, I don't know too many historians doing this type of research who appear like they've walked off the beach. Who cast this guy in the role, it should have been someone more fitting and collegiate for the role.The second acting faux pas was the Nickelodeon-acting provided by Jennifer Higham. I've seen much better talent at a Jr. High play. Where do they screen these people? Her acting, if you want to call it that, was so off-the-cuff that you would've thought she was trying to make it seem like a joke. Jennifer, you need to not only memorize your lines by get in-character when you read them; i.e., make it at least a little realistic! Overall, given it's shortcomings in the acting department, the movie wasn't too bad, though was a bit quirky at points. If you like vampire films you might want to check this one out, though prep yourself for some B-C grade acting with the leads (Irena Hoffman did much better & hot too!).
teldrassil99 If you don't understand the summary line -- watch this movie.Three young Americans travel through a random part of Hungary, because one of them is rather improbably trying to write a book about the Bathory legend. They quickly manage to be obnoxious and annoying towards the locals, and run afoul of a *spoiler* vampire who has a warped dress-sense (what is up with that bodice, and will she have to wear it forever?). The story quickly degenerates from here, especially once Christopher Lambert makes a surprise comeback appearance.As the blurb on the back of the DVD says: full of twists. Too bad they're either incomprehensible, or just blatantly obvious.This film leaves the audience in Purgatory.
Tomaz Helo everyone!I rented the movie yesterday to watch the mesmerizing Chirstopher Lambert in this adaptation of Blood Baroness Bathory story, who actually existed, and must say I was bitterly disappointed.First, the moving pictures that I've seen on the screen were in poor quality - not the TV seen, but the photography and cinematography were not what you can expect even in low budget movies as this one. Alone the camera movement tried to capture the mystery/horror atmosphere of the movie, but lightning was just bad - as made from students that just ended their program.Second, the Characters of the movie were mostly two dimensional, with no ability or possibility in script to give them emotional(human,when we are talking vampires) depth.Don't get me wrong; the work of actors was acceptable, but the Characters were boring. The only ones that stood out were Lambert as the Bad Guy of the story with his performance, that actually had similarity to his Mortal Combat character, and Hofmann as the Elisabeth (the "good Vampire") because she succeeded to grow over the cliché of seductive vampire woman and let me believe that Elisabeth is truly caring about Keith (played by Sevier, who still has to prove himself as an actor).The FX were OK, but the some scenes were just not working as suspense visual vehicles for the audience(for example, when brother Alexander sticks his javelin trough sister's Chaterine's heart and Hihgham character, and they disintegrate, the J.J, played by Hollway, stands in the Picture and is not afraid but amazed that the scene is actually taking place...?)Really, not funny.You see this in experimental footage of movie students. The white light of the purgatory works OK, but you can see almost the whole time, that it is not...well, that is fx.OK,enough of bad mood. The Idea of "time is slower in purgatory" and the visualization of it was really good.It worked in building the suspense and it worked as the idea of "follow the white light" was finally clear.
mighty_fc keeping it short this is one of the worst movies i have ever seen and not so much because the setting/idea, but the actors are really.. really.. REALLY bad they are beyond bad exactly how far i don't really know cause i lost sight of em going over the "line of beyond bad"it could have been a great movie with better casting, the 3 tourists sounds like they have the script straight in front of em and they are just reading directly from it without taking much notice of what it says lambert does a so so effort to play the vampire ill admit that and Irena A Hoffman also did a pretty good job and her character felt a lil more believable (as did lamberts) the starting minute of the movie really made me want more as im a fan of keeping original languages instead of having cheesy accents but boy was i disappointed , this flick is a orgasm of cheesy accents , and the whole.. "college kids" idea is just.. sad so very sadthe whole movie is a big "could have been" from the beginning (well 1 minute in) to the endif i had financed this movie id cry long and hard after seeing it.. why you can prolly guess by now