Dracula 3000
Dracula 3000
R | 09 August 2004 (USA)
Dracula 3000 Trailers

In the year 3000, the deep space salvage ship Mother III locates the vanished starship Demeter in the Carpathian System. Captain Abraham Van Helsing and his crew composed of the blonde assistant Aurora Ash; the crippled navigator Arthur "The Professor" Holmwood, who believes that he is a genius; the strong and dumb Humvee; the intern Mina Murry; and the drug addicted 187, decide to claim the possession of Demeter. While exploring the spacecraft, they see a tape of fifty years ago of Captain Varna telling that he was locked in his cabin since his crew was acting weird after getting a cargo of coffins in Transylvania station. When 187 decides to search in the coffins for some possible hidden dope, he cuts his hand and his blood awakes Count Orlock, a.k.a. Count Dracula. When Aurora discloses who Dracula is, the survivors try to find a way to destroy the vampire.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
jacobjohntaylor1 Don't get me wrong I think Dracula in space is an interesting concept. The acting was pretty good. But they wasted there talent. This movie is badly written. It had as an awful ending. Like a lot of the Dracula movies a lot of Dracula sequels are some of my favorite movies. But this one is awful. Do not wast your time. Do not wast your money do not see this movie. I could have been good. But is was not. I need more lines and I am running out of things to say. This movie pooh pooh. Pooh pooh, pooh pooh, pooh pooh. This is a pretty bad movie. Do not see this movie. It is so not scary. Bad movie bad movie bad movie bad movie bad movie.
robtwopointoh Never heard of this film before starting it on TMC on demand. Had I seen the reviews, I may have never had the opportunity to see what I will call, the worst film I have ever seen, including Troll 2. Dracula 3000 makes that bearable. This is my first IMDb review. I was compelled review this, even with my busy schedule, to warn people of the complete waste of however many minutes this film is, their life could be spent doing something better, like sucking boils from a homeless man's butt hole, for charity. 1 minute into the title sequence, I knew I was in trouble. It was a close up of what I could only guess was a blob of blood? For the entire sequence. My finger was poised on the remote for shutting it down in anticipation of B movie squalor. That is an insult to B movies!then I saw Erika Elaniak's name in the credits. I went to school with her so I decided I would watch a little to see how she was holding up. I also saw Casper Van Dien's name. His career hasn't been Pacino's but he has worked a bit. Can't be too bad, right? WRONG! Film schools should show this as an example of how not to make a film. I am a bit of an amateur film maker myself. I made a short, (awhile ago) written, shot, edited by and starring myself (and my mother's dog), but my 9 minutes short, shot while training myself how to use Sony Vegas editing software, for that sole purpose, was superior in many ways. I am not tooting my horn. I am really wondering how in the world something with a budget, albeit probably small, could be as bad as Dracula 3000! But I digress…Again, there are many bad points from the average movie goer standpoint but from a "filmmaker's" standpoint, it's probably worse. I will point out a few.The Set: This was either an abandoned Russian oil refinery or ship. The sea kind of ship, not the space kind. This was a film set in the range of years 2050ish to 3000. Interestingly, there was no effort made to hide this fact. Maybe the production/set designer had to take the day off for his kids little league game and they didn't want to lose their $200 deposit for the location?Acting: Yeah…I have seen 10 year old kids on YouTube make better films with better acting. Enough said there. Coolio SHOULD NEVER try to act. EVER! I won't even mention the other actors. I am surprised, Casper or Erika didn't just walk off the set early in the production for the sake of their pride, if not their 'career'. There's no way someone working on this could have possibly had illusions that this was going to be a decent film. I would have to blame the director. I have seen films where some of THIS cast was better. Not A-List good but better than this. Maybe the director was smoking some of Coolio's pot (which was one of the many poorly thought out, plot points of this film)?Sound design: Most people don't think of sound design. It's usually so well done, people who are not "in the know" don't even know someone spends countless hours creating Foley, sound effects,mixing and perfecting audio, etc. Anytime someone in this film runs,there is the sound of what literally I believe to be the sound effects from Donkey Kong, when Mario is running across the metal beams. If there was sound design (i was blissfully asleep by the end credits), I think they took a large pipe wrench and banged it against one of the large steel pipes in the space ship/factory/oil rig they were filming in and used one strike of the pipe as a footfall for the "actors" running across the steel floors.Screenplay: OMG! The dialog was terrible, racist, sexist, stereotypical, offensively bad. No thought what-so-ever was put into characters. They just went, "we cast a black guy so he will want to f*ck white woman and use dirty language and be disrespectful of whitey!", was their character development strategy. Costume: If you lookup "cheap Dracula costume", you will indeed find a better version of the costume than was used on 'Dracula' in this film. I swear! I did it myself. A large black cape, with a HUGE standing collar, probably twice the size of Bela Lugosi's and even Leslie Nielson's in Dracula: Dead and Loving It, and a white shirt that looked like it came from the thrift store used Tux section.I posted in groups on Facebook about how bad this film is: Someone asked me if it was worse than Terror At Blood Fart Lake. YES! Without a doubt. Blood Fart Lake deserves an Oscar vs. this!The only good that has come out of this film is the hilarious reviews and I wanted to be part of history in reviewing the worst film ever made. My 15 minutes?I could go on but I will leave you with this. As far as I know, this IS THE WORST film ever made. I haven't seen every film but I have seen a lot and many bad ones. Films like the aforementioned Horror At Blood Fart Lake was actually funny and meant to be. Zombie Ass: The Toilet Of The Dead -was a terribly stupid and ridiculous film but funny and meant to be. Dracula 3000 is actually meant to be serious, has zero redeeming qualities and is not funny.
utgard14 In the year 3000, a salvage ship full of actors who will do anything for a free lunch finds a derelict spaceship that's been missing for 100 years. They board it and, guess what, they find Dracula. Meanwhile, the viewers find their remotes. Complete and total garbage that has some camp value for Coolio's ridiculous performance. Words escape me. You'll just have to watch to see this fool carry on. Tommy "Tiny" Lister is slightly more subdued but he's also playing a totally unlikable, vile character. For those hoping to at least see Erika Eleniak in some state of undress to make this piece of excrement worthwhile, forget it. The most you get are some cleavage shots and even then nothing gratuitous. Casper Van Dien, no stranger to Z-grade trash, gives probably the only ordinary performance in the movie. Everybody else is either under or overacting.One last thing: Darrell Roodt, a white South African man, directed this. Think about that as you watch and see the only two black characters in the movie play up to every negative stereotype of black men I've ever heard. Mr. Roodt has done at least a couple of movies with positive black characters, particularly women. So you would think he would try harder to avoid the ugliness on display here from Coolio and Tiny Lister.
AirborneRanger This film was so bad, I had to fast forward through it, hoping Erika would at least get naked. The script writers were so intellectually lazy that it was hard to stand. I like well crafted Dracula movies or even ghost ship vice treasure hunter ones, but this should not even count as being in that genre. Nothing is believable, including the opening where a bunch of guys just sit on their asses while the intern goes on the ship alone. Don't get me started on why using an old warehouse should make us think it is a spaceship or why in the year 3000, guys are still using 20th century 9mm pistols and the professor is in a wheelchair. Stupid, stupid, stupid.