Mercury Man
Mercury Man
| 09 August 2006 (USA)
Mercury Man Trailers

After a brush with a strange substance, an average fireman transforms into something far greater than himself — the Mercury Man. Endowed with fantastic superpowers, he will now use his abilities to help conquer the forces of evil.

Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
CeruIean I was going into this hoping for a so-bad-its-good type movie, but for the most part it's just plain old bad. There are some of the ridiculous moments I was hoping for, like the horrific CGI superhero rescuing people, random atomic artifacts that give superpowers or blow up, and out-of-left-field plot contrivances, but they are rather sparse in a movie that is essentially Thai Magneto vs. Osama Bin Laden. It drags badly in several places to the point that my friend and I were seriously considering just turning it off, but every time it would drag us back in with a slow motion leap over a random couch or the hero sliding down a rope from the top floor of a burning building on his fire axe. In the end, though, I wouldn't recommend it. If you're looking for a movie to take seriously, this one has too many CGI, plot, and dialogue problems. If you're looking for a fun bad movie, it doesn't have enough of them. It's stranded in that limbo between good and bad that is worse than either. If about an hour of plot dialogue had been cut out of this nearly two hour movie, it would be decent, but as it stands, it's not worth your time. If you're looking for a good bad superhero movie, Condorman or Return of Captain Invincible are better. If you're looking for a good Thai martial arts movie, stick with Tony Jaa. Either way, stay away from this one.
poe426 Good live-action superhero movies are worth their weight in gold. (To the aficionado, anyway: to the filmmakers, considerably more than that.) MERCURY MAN isn't bad, though it rarely rises above the level of the first SPIDER-MAN (which boasted some great cgi and some solid performances, but which suffered, too, from some really bad cgi and some lapses in logic that were downright mind-boggling). Unlike Peter Parker, Mercury Man also happens to be (in addition to being a super-powered hero), pretty good with his hands and feet. (One of the more interesting superheroes from days of yore was a character called Wildcat. He dressed all in black, with a cat-like mask. In "real life," he was a former heavyweight boxing champion of the world. It's always more interesting when a hero can rely on some kind of skill other than his super power.) (And, if the foregoing has in any way whetted your appetite, check out the new BRAVE AND THE BOLD series: in one episode, Batman teams up with none other than Wildcat himself.) (And, while I'm on the subject of superheroes, I highly recommend the DVD release of HULK VS. THOR. This happens to be- as far as I know- the first time Thor has been done right since the mid-1960s- in a limited-animation series that was scarcely more than panels taken directly from the comics themselves-, although The Hulk is twice his size.) If you're a die-hard fan of the genre, you could do a whole lot worse than MERCURY MAN.
Masta_Ruthless Who said that you have to be Superman, Batman, or even Spiderman to have a good superhero flick? Mercury Man is a movie made in Thailand that overshot my expectations. The story did start out a little slow, but picks up quickly. A small piece of info about the movie is that there are 2 amulets . One is the Sun amulet, the other is the Moon amulet. Our hero feels he is doing the right thing when he helps a police official. He doesn't know that the official is corrupt and is stabled in the heart with the sun amulet.He acquires these extreme super powers. He kinda looks like Venom with different designs on is body. His suit was made by his tranny brother. Anyway, there is this kid that has the moon amulet in his body and he abuses his powers.One of the reviewers said that the choreography was bad. He must have closed his eyes through the movie, especially the fight that took place in the nightclub. The bad guys build this device that took the heros' powers away from him. They must have forgot that this guy could fight.You would have to see it to believe it. But don't listen to these guys with all of the negativity about the film. I mean can you really believe it took these two guys 2 hours to realize that they didn't like this movie, something must have caught their eye. Anyway check the movie out for yourself, you'll love it or you'll hate it. 8.7/10
chrichtonsworld Apart from 1 or 2 good action scenes this movie has nothing to offer! I wasn't expecting anything special! But what I did get was far below average! I can't imagine that this movie will appeal to anyone! The biggest problem of this movie is that it takes itself to seriously! They could have done so if they at least delivered on the action front! This movie could have used more humor which would have improved the badly choreographed action scenes immensely! Also what bothered me a lot wasn't the bad acting or the plot and even the bad choreography! It was the inconsistency of the use of superpowers! At one time he is able to fly and suddenly he can't! At one time he is able to use some form of telekinesis and just like that he isn't able to and just keeps on jumping and kicking like a muay Thai fighter! The very few special fx are OK, but nothing you haven't seen before! My guess is that this movie is made for children! But trust me even children would like this movie! Avoid "Mercury Man" at all costs!