Storm Catcher
Storm Catcher
R | 10 September 1999 (USA)
Storm Catcher Trailers

A renegade general plots to bomb Washington using a new top secret jet called the Storm Catcher. The only trouble is only one man is capable of flying it. So they seek to put him on the run in a conspiracy that makes him appear to have murdered several men and stolen the plane. Then try to murder his wife and take his daughter prisoner. Threatening to kill his daughter if he doesn't help, he appears trapped. However, his best friend who is the plane's computer specialist has a few tricks up his sleeve.

CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
adonis98-743-186503 A renegade general (Robert Miano) plots to bomb Washington using a new top secret jet called the Storm Catcher. The only trouble is only one man (Dolph Lundgren) is capable of flying it. Storm Catcher has it's fair share of good moments for sure as an action movie but it's once again far from other good Lundgren movies. The action was heavy of course but not enough, the rest of the cast didn't do anything insane to say the least and the overall storyline? Wasn't that good or well written for me to get captivated by it in the end. (5.0/10)
Maziun Or „Blue thunder". Or "Iron Eagle" . Every one of this movies is far more entertaining than this poor B-class movie. Sometimes B-class movies are fun. Unfortunately this isn't one of them.This is a poor action thriller. The story is very thin and predictable. The characters are bland (there is even stereotypical "funny black guy sidekick") and the villains are lame. The whole conspiracy thing here is lame and has been done million times in the past and much better. I don't really know what's going on here – a sign of bad writing. If you're looking for action you won't find it here. There's a cool flipping truck stunt but nothing else. Director Anthony Hickox tries to make this movie look stylish like a John Woo movie , but fails terribly. In several of the slow-mo gun fighting scenes you can actually see the silencers on the guns bend and wobble. The plane scenes are weak and unsatisfying. "Storm catcher" is very lifeless and badly directed movie.The acting is painfully bad. Even Lundgren seems bored here and barely puts any effort.This movie was filmed in 18 days and it shows. It really looks and feels low budget. Avoid it. I give it 1/10.
Walter Baeck I would definitely not have bought this video if I had known ahead what it was like. Yet I'm being pushed by my girl to still rate this movie a 3 out of 10, because it had at least some of the action I was hoping for, and there was also a plot twist that was not 100% predictable. Can't complain about Dolph's performance either, he does the best he can , but he deserved a better movie to be in. I went on a Dolph Lundgren video shopping spree after seeing Silent Trigger, which was excellent. Let's hope those other videos are better than this.
sddavis63 This is dismal. A very weak cast offers predictably poor performances, and a very weak story about some sort of military conspiracy by a secret Special Operations force against the US Government simply serves to confuse the viewer, because it's impossible to really sort any of this out. Obviously recognizing the inherent (and huge) flaws in all of this, the writers choose to inundate us with extreme violence, mega shootouts, stabbings, etc., but it all just adds up to a dreadful movie and a waste of time for anyone who makes the mistake of watching it.1/10