Medium Raw
Medium Raw
| 06 August 2010 (USA)
Medium Raw Trailers

Capturing the sadistic serial killer "The Wolf" was just the beginning for rookie cop Johnny Morgan. As he escorts the monster to his new home in the dark underground halls of Parker's Asylum, bedlam ensues and Johnny along with a handful of civilians become players in a night of survival against the world's most terrifying inmates.

Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Elliott Gordon Any time an independent movie is written by and directed by and stars the producer that usually means the movie is a turd and this is no exception to that rule. The acting is laughably bad and the story is so damn stupid you wouldn't believe me if I told you. Basically a crazed serial killer is locked up with other lunatics but then somebody kills the asylum's power which somehow makes all the cells open and turns on the red emergency lighting, which is extra bad because one of the crazy serial killers turns into a bull creature whenever he sees the color red. Yep it really is that stupid. Nothing in this movie is right and everyone involved in the making of this should be embarrassed to have it on their resumes. Whatever this movie's budget is I guarantee 99% of it went into getting John Rhys Davies, Smoking Man from X Files and Mercedes McNab who was occasionally on Buffy to agree to be in this. They're in it for a total of about five minutes by the way. This movie is a huge dud so do yourself a favor and avoid it at all costs.
vethurlow Okay, okay, this isn't the best film ever made-but don't write it off just yet. If you have already seen this film, and you absolutely hated it, then try and remember that Cymek has only directed less than a handful of projects. Even though they may not be anything particularly special (and they aren't), he still has enough skill to work in some decent dialogue, interesting (though predictable) twists, and a generous amount of gore/ways to die. I wasn't impressed, but at least this one showed some promise of a technique..that may need some fine tuning...and practice.For those of you wondering if it's worth the time to's really a question of whether you're willing to give beginner directors/writers a try. And I say go for it. I wasn't left wishing I had that time back (I've seen plenty of films that have), I found some quality aspects to the writing. For example, Johnny Morgan maintains an unusual sense of humour in some darker areas of the film..made me at least smile. There are far too many corny one-liners, but by the end, you can forgive most of them. And if you love gore related to maniacs, then you'll find a scene or two that'll make you cringe a tad. All in all, it truly deserves a mere 5/10. Just watch it with an open mind, and decide at the end how to critique it.
ihateatandt If you are planning on spending money on this movie... DON'T! The director needs to go back to school and learn what a movie is. Heck, he should sign up for netflix and just watch movies all day every day for the next 10 years and then he should realize that this movie wasn't bad but HORRID. Acting 101 went out the door. Please save your time, money and SANITY by not watching this movie. The few people that gave it a 10 on this site must have been drunk employees or a few actors that dared to even rate this film to try to keep it above a 5. This movie should be a 2 or 3 at best.If you do attempt to watch this movie, please bring the following1) Another movie to switch to when you realize that this posting was correct. 2) A few barf bags 3) Maybe a good book 4) Your IPod 5) Maybe a good psychologist to make sure you are not insane!In short... R U N ! ! ! Don't watch this!Hope this helps.
leonhardcastle I cannot actually believe I was able to watch this pile of crap (and this is still a compliment). I see 22 Fb-likes and I can't believe that either.This movie is not even good for killing time. Simple screenplay overly twisted, terribly played. I mean, I could hardly see any expression on Johnny's face. Actually nobody was terrified in this movie. The audibles is not what one can read from their lips, maybe it's re-synced, no problem, but I regret paying 100 minutes of my life watching this. Sucker Punch (which is a not-that-bad movie) should receive a hundred Oscars compared to this.It's OK, my fault, because I ignored the IMDb ratings and I saw John Rhys-Davies starring.