Marie from the Bay of Angels
Marie from the Bay of Angels
R | 31 August 1997 (USA)
Marie from the Bay of Angels Trailers

A random montage of disturbing images tell a story about one summer in the lives of two teenagers who somehow find love within each other, Orso and Marie. After they realize this, they run off to a hidden island off the coast of France where they can not be bothered until Orso's hunger for danger and crime become too much for him, forcing him to return to his normal life...

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
kadar This film appropriated quite a bit from Catherine Breillat's 36 Filette, made nine years earlier: both are French, set in that country's oceanfront resorts, and star alienated 14-year old sexual temptresses who consort with older men.The difference is that Breillat is a film maker of insight, imagination, and courage who knows how to depict character. Whoever made this messy derivative (his name doesn't matter) has none of those abilities. This bumbling, superficial film is poorly conceived and constructed, and is even astonishingly prudish about showing the body of its leading lady, given that the film centers on her sexual attractiveness. Forget about this confused pallid imitative loser, and instead rent the real thing, the more intense and better characterized 36 Filette.
jransom This is truly a film about what it is like to be a teenager. Nothing is trivialized and none of the characters are "heroes." The protagonist is only that because she is the most interesting and accurate depiction of how a teenager sees life. These children have grown up quickly and at the age of fourteen, they view life with the skepticism of adults but lack the wisdom and the compassion that age garners. To say they are shallow and self-absorbed is a cop-out. Of course they are. That's the point. They see that they have matured physically but fail to realize they are still essentially children psychologically. They are eager to test out their newfound independence and their roles as young adults, particularly with sex. Marie realizes that she can use her body to get what she wants from some of the naval men in the area, but she is still too young to understand the price she is paying for their gifts. Orso has been picking pockets and burglarizing homes for some time and decides to up the ante with by packing a pistol. Their love is not the mature and caring relationship. They are in love the way every teenager is, that is to say that they think they are and with their hormones pounding, who's to say they're wrong. Similar to Kids or Gummo, the film to which it has been likened, Marie Baie des Anges shows the teenage years as a critical period in life. A teenager is still afflicted with the rashness of youth, but their actions suddenly have life-altering consequences.
FATLOSER This waste of time really changed one long held viewpoint of mine: the French don't make sanitary, vaccuous, overly polished, HOLLYWOOD type movies. The entire film is so utterly bland despite the subject matter that it becomes very irritating to endure. Why make a movie about runaways if it isn't cinema verite? The locations are stunning, the production value is, of course, excellent, and the very young female lead is mesmerizingly beautiful.(although utilized very inappropriately here by the direction) Beyond this,the film offers nothing but empty promises and a very predictable storyline. Please save yourselves of this irritation and watch "Kids","Streetwise" or "Salaam Bombay" for a palatable version of the subject matter this film hints at.
Dev-7 This film was similar to Harmony Korine's Gummo which takes place in a small Ohioan town where the minors live the same incredibly screwy lives. But this French film was utterly boring, pointless, and just drags on and on and on and goes absolutely nowhere! Don't bother unless you're a foreign film freak (I am - but this was one of the worst foreign film to come into the USA!)