Man Beast
Man Beast
| 05 December 1956 (USA)
Man Beast Trailers

Connie Hayward mounts an expedition into the Himalayan Mountains looking for her brother, who has not returned from a previous trek trying to locate the Yeti, or "Abominable Snowman". Arriving at her brother's last-known camp Connie and her companions find only a strange old guide, Varga. They are soon attacked by gigantic Snowmen but are not half as surprised as when Vargas reveals his secret origin and the plans he has for Connie.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Aedonerre I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Michael_Elliott Man Beast (1956) ** (out of 4) One of many "Yeti" movies to be made during the 1950s, this one here from Jerry Warren who is best known for being one of the worst director's in the history of movies. Just check out Teenage Zombies or Frankenstein Island for more proof. This film here falls into the "so bad it's good" range because while it contains some dumbness it remains entertaining. A group of scientists head into the mountains where there have been countless reports of people running into the Yeti. Once on the mountain the Yeti certainly attacks but the scientists have a plan of their own. If you're a fan of bad movies and can laugh at them then this one here should keep you entertained because some of the performances are among the worst I've ever seen. They're bad enough to where you should be laughing even when the scene is trying to be dramatic. The attack sequenced are even better as apparently Yeti's like to beat people over the head with sticks. Seeing this might leave tears in your eyes so be sure to have something nearby to wipe your eyes.
rixrex Got the video of this in a lot of horror films that we bought, and was surprised at how well done this little low-budget film was. It definitely stands as one of the better Yeti films of the period, most of them are fairly sluggish and without any real terror. This one is just over an hour, and has a nice pace with a concise story. Good acting by all except the female lead, good locations that are mostly realistic (except for some shrubs sticking out of the snow in an area where no shrubs would exist), fairly scary Yeti creatures. Some may not like the idea presented here that the Yeti are dangerous to humans, and perhaps prefer to think of them as kind and peaceful, how some other films portray Yeti, but let's remember that Yeti have not been proved to exist and are most likely imaginary creatures. Sorry to pop the politically-correct balloon regarding Yeti.
Chris Gaskin Man Beast is one of several Yeti movies made in the 1950's. Though not brilliant, I quite enjoyed this one.An expedition heads for the Himalayas to search for one of the party's brother, who has gone missing while on another trek. When they reach the higher regions, they encounter Yeti's and are put in more danger when it is revealed that one of the party is a mad scientist who has been cross breeding Yeti's with humans and is half Yeti himself. At the end, just two pf the party survive while the others are killed off in various ways. There is also an avalanche.Man Beast contains some good scenery, even though it wasn't filmed on location in the Himalayas.I've heard of nobody in the cast and their acting isn't brilliant either. You can clearly tell this movie was made on a low budget. Despite this, certainly worth a look.Rating: 3 stars out of 5.
ubik-11 This was the unequaled Jerry Warren's first production. He didn't write it so it's not as goofy as, say, "The Wild World of Batwoman" or "Frankenstein Island". For a low-budget B-movie it does alright for itself. There are probably too many shots of people hiking in the mountains, but the dialogue seems realistic in most scenes and the story does build nicely to an unexpected climax. In fact, Varga's revelation is kind of creepy. I probably wouldn't go out of my way to find it, but if it came across my path I'd check it out.