PG-13 | 20 July 1986 (USA)
Malcolm Trailers

Malcolm is a chronically shy mechanical genius, who has just been fired for building his own tram. He gets Frank, who has just been released from jail, to move in to help pay the bills. With Frank's help, Malcolm turns to a life of crime.

AboveDeepBuggy Some things I liked some I did not.
Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Phillipa Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
murpur Malcolm is one of several movies produced by David Parker & Nadia Tass. It won 8 A.F.I. (Australian Film Industry) awards when first produced.Malcolm was one of my favourite movies while growing up, particularly because of my own love of tinkering and model railroads. It and Rikky & Pete are still two of my favourite movies, light heared Australian comedies that didn't shy away from anything, which is the depressing reality of more and more modern movies.As it goes it actually has a few stars cast (local stars though not international) in it.While somewhat simple (in the story this is blamed at least partially on his upbringing by his mother in what is an ethnic neighbourhood) Malcolm has a flair for invention which gets him fired from his job with the Melbourne tram company after he builds a working tram out of spare parts. After being laid off he is told he needs to get a boarder in to support himself financially. Enter Frank an ex-con still upto criminal activities who brings in his girlfriend Judith to live in the other room.It is a good fun family movie which most if not all will enjoy, provided the Australian style of comedy and pacing don't get to you (this is typical of Tass & Parker who tend to put a very Australian feel to all the movies they produced together which means the pace is laid back, the language a touch vulgar, and the whole affair is a realistic depiction of human beings [the car that split in half was actually built it's not just a prop]).
anna-147 Last time I saw this film I was 8 or 9. Mum had to change the channel when the sex scenes came on. After watching it again there wasn't really any sex scenes.....booooo. I got it so my boyfriend (from Glasgow) could watch a great Aussie film, and we could look out for bits of Melbourne. He thought it was great. I have to say the second time round was even better and it was good to know they lived in Collingwood, although I am not sure if Napoleon Street exists.
somebodyelse I have to say it is a good few years since I saw this film, but it has a place in my heart. As a shy person in my teenage years, I had a small affinity with Malcolm. He was so shy that he crossed the road near the beginning to avoid some kids. Not your average film lead. Some of the gadgets and vehicles were clever, and well implemented into the film. This film could not work anywhere else in the world. The sense of humour is typically Australian, and definitely adds to the film. If you ever get the chance to catch this film, do so. The music by the Penguin Cafe Orchestra also gives the film something extra.
daveisit If you're not Australian you may find this movie a little strange, but extremely funny. It is great Australian humour set on a socially inept man, Malcolm (Colin Friels), and his love of trams. To make some extra cash Malcolm has some live in tenants who to say the least are very different to him.As a Melburnian it was a pleasure to watch the trams, an icon of the city throughout this movie, and the familiar city scapes. This however was not the reason "Malcolm" was so good. The acting in this film is spot on and the script and writing is wonderfully imaginative and original. If you like Australian comedy's rent it. If you've never seen an Australian comedy give it a go, if for nothing else but the superb soundtrack.
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