Luther the Geek
Luther the Geek
NR | 01 July 1989 (USA)
Luther the Geek Trailers

A psychotic killer convicted of multiple murders is released on parole after spending twenty years in prison. His psychosis immediately takes over and he goes on a killing spree.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
lmjmitchell **This review may contain spoilers.**I am shocked and deeply saddened that this masterpiece, after nearly 28 years, has yet to win an academy award for best picture. This film revitalized cinema, and sets the bar for acting and direction. The writing is brilliant, and the writer actually learned how to speak chicken to write Luther's dialogue. (Chicken to English translations are available on the Blu-Ray edition.)The film focuses on brilliant, yet misunderstood youth named Luther. After a lengthy apprenticeship under a master chicken wrangler, Luther is framed by jealous townspeople for a series of murders. Luther's dream to attend dental school is shattered!Luther is unjustly incarcerated for 20 years, and spends his time learning a new language and studying dentistry. Luckily, the parole board realizes this grave injustice, and sets Luther free.After his release, Luther ventures into town looking for work at the local grocery store. He is ridiculed by the staff because they are intimidated by his homemade dentures and eloquent verbal skills.Fleeing the store, Luther stops to help a hungry elderly woman, only for her to attack him. Luther attempts to calm her, but she kills herself in a fit of rage. The townspeople quickly assume that Luther is to blame, and he is forced to flee.Borrowing a vehicle, Luther retreats to serenity of the countryside hoping to start anew. He soon spots a small farmhouse, and stops by the inquire if perhaps there are any chores he could do in exchange for a hot meal.Unfortunately, the farmhouse is inhabited by a family of lunatic criminals. Instead of helping Luther get back on his feet, they kidnap and torment him. Luther tries to reason with the family, offering them free dental care and instruction in a foreign language in exchange for his freedom. The family refuses, and begins hunting Luther along with the help of an evil sheriff. Luther fights valiantly against the racist hillbillies, but is eventually killed by a mentally ill woman.This is an important cautionary tale for the modern age that details what happens when bigotry is allowed to thrive.
utgard14 ...and they both belong to Stacy Haiduk! Largely a piece of garbage, this low-budget horror film is only memorable today due to the wonderful nude scenes of beautiful Stacy Haiduk. The story is about a freak who clucks and bites the heads off of people. Basically it's a slasher only the weapon of choice for the killer is metal teeth this time. Anyway, nobody cares about this movie's stupid plot. The selling points to this crapper are Haiduk's large breasts, which are pretty close to perfect. So sit back and enjoy what God made and surgery can never duplicate. Just remember the FF button is your friend. The DVD has more of Ms. Haiduk's glory, so check that out. A must-see for big boob enthusiasts!
Boba_Fett1138 Even though this is an 1990 movie, it still feels and looks like a typical '70's exploitation flick/slasher. It uses the same sort of style and approach and it is more successful in this than most other modern attempts that try the recreate the '70's style of slasher.And really, as far as low-budget horror film-making goes, this is quite a good movie, that is only being held back by its writing.It's really only the writing that makes this quite a weak and stupid film to watch at times. First of all, its main premise is already quite flawed. Here we have a psychotic killer, that doesn't talk at all and acts like a chicken, that is nevertheless getting released from prison because it is thought he is no longer being a danger to the society. Why? It's not like this guy ever does anything normal. And all that the rest of the movie basically is, is the guy biting people in the neck and terrorizing a family at the countryside. No, there isn't that much to the story really and to be honest, it all gets progressively worse.About half way through the movie isn't that interesting to watch anymore because it sticks to mostly just one location, with all of the same characters, who never seem to be doing enough to get or kill the Geek. But if they did the movie of course would had been way shorter than its already mere 80 minutes of running time.It's still a fun movie to watch for the lovers of slasher/exploitation flicks. It's no better or worse than the average genre attempt and it besides also has some good gore in it.5/10
chronicbliss2 This movie has been a classic in my part of the country because it was filmed in my own small town. I now have many friends who are guards at Dixon Correctional, and I myself worked for 3 yrs at the SuperAmerica store next to the Krogers store the old lady was at. However, this is still the dumbest movie ever made, destined to be introduced by Gilbert Godfreid or Rhonda Shearer, if it hasn't been already. A bit of trivia, Illinois doesn't even have parole hearings, and Dixon Prison is a medium security facility housing burglars and vending machine vandals. The classic clucking/seduction scene is perhaps the most amusing piece of writing I've ever seen, especially with the suspenseful build-up
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