London Town
London Town
| 03 August 2017 (USA)
London Town Trailers

A 14-year old boy’s life changes forever when his estranged mother introduces him to the music of The Clash in 1979 London.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Lee Eisenberg England in the late 1970s was not a pleasant time for much of the country. Unemployment began to rise, and the government didn't do much to respond (this probably contributed to Margaret Thatcher's rise to power). Derrick Borte's "London Town" focuses on a working class boy who gets into The Clash while his father is in the hospital.The movie is both about hope for the future, and about love of music. One scene features people debating The Sex Pistols vs. The Clash. Jonathan Rhys Meyers plays Joe Strummer, who enters the boy's life. It's not a masterpiece, but worth seeing. The rest of the cast includes Dougray Scott and Natascha McElhone (of "The Truman Show").
Gordon-11 This film tells the story of a teenage boy who faces a series of misfortunes, and ends up having to make a living while taking care of his young sister. He perseveres through the hardship, and meets the famous rock star from The Clash, and his life is changed for the better.People say this film is about music, but I view this film as a film that chronicles how hard life is for people who are not well off. When misfortune strikes, prior don't even lens a hand of support. The boy faces adversity with striking resilience, which I think is a good example to people. I enjoyed watching the film because of this resilient character.
Lisa King This is a fabulous coming of age story, set against the back drop of London in the 70's and the music of The Clash. The film is cleverly put together with a great mix of humour, emotion, gritty reality and music of The Clash. The acting is superb particularly Daniel Huttlestone as Shay, although little Alice steals the show more than once! Jonathan Rhys Meyers could be Joe Strummer, with his attitude and great voice. It's a movie that makes you think, laugh and cry. A real British film, I have already seen this twice and will happily watch again!
subxerogravity I really liked Jonathan Rhys Meyers in it as Joe Strummer. It was fun to see him play a real lively character as the front man of The Clash.The movie itself is more about how a boy named Shay is influenced by the music of the Clash while going through some hard times. His really hot mom (played by Natascha McElhone) left the family to live the life she wanted, while his father (Played by Dougray Scott), plays the classic stereotype of an adult who forgot what it was like to be young and is shifting too much responsibility on his son. London Town is greatly similar to another Coming-of-Age film, Sing Street (which is a little better), as Shay allows a crush on a punk rock girl to greatly influence his walk down the path of punk, which leads him to meeting Joe Strummer. The film's formula is very direct, and it's focus on punk rock makes it a perfect persona of the early days of the genre. It's a love letter to The Clash any fan would enjoy.