Funny Cow
Funny Cow
| 20 April 2018 (USA)
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A comedian uses her troubled past as material for her stand-up routine, trying to rise up through the comedy circuit by playing Northern England's working men's clubs.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
naughtysnappy Complex, funny, deeply upsetting. Unflinching depictions of misogyny, domestic violence, suicide as well as racist humour. I don't understand the comments elsewhere about two dimensional characters and the grim oop north stereotype. The mother/daughter relationship was complicated and beautiful. The protagonist compelling. The period detail was really evocative and oppressive. I also loved the various cameos and Hawley's music. I never thought I'd say I understand why the racism is there but I did. I certainly wasn't fine with the use of some really offensive words and lazy stereotypes by such a likeable protagonist (my friends and I squirmed throughout!) but having her not use those words and notions would be whitewashing over how these spaces were and how pervasive right wing attitudes were (and still are) and that I thought was really brave. Well worth watching. Peake's performance was brilliant.
unyan Maxine Peake is on top form as a conflicted maverick in seventies Yorkshire who rails against the endless stream of male violence ,human indifference and suffering with her dry wit. The film tips a huge nod to kitchen sink dramas like Saturday night Sunday morning and there's no flinching away from the racist /sexist/homophobic jokes of the era. This film is not for everyone but does provide lots of humorous lines and moments amid the relentless misery. Cameos agogo - even Corrine Bailey Rae gets a look in !
nogbadthebad-20327 I've thought about this film more after seeing it than any other film I can remember. There are great performances from the central cast, and some amusing cameos, but I was drawn more to the story of Funny Cow's life. Some of it made uncomfortable watching, but I think that was the whole point.
torrascotia Having just returned from a screening I have to say this was a bit disappointing. The movie is being billed as a comedy however there is very little comedy to be found. The blurb gives the impression this is a comedy about an up and coming female comedian, however its more than halfway through the movie before she arrives on stage. There is only one scene when she is on stage and it only lasts a few mins. This is not a movie which has much to say about the world of stand up comedy. Its more of a biography which jumps back and forward over time which can be confusing. This is more one of those kitchen sink type dramas where almost every male in the film is a useless woman beater. Its a bit like Blonde Fist without the boxing. There are a number of recurring people throughout the film however there is no depth to them, her father is physically abusive, her mother an eventual alcoholic but there is no detail as to how these people seem to have ended up this way. They just "are" and that is all there is to it. She also has a brother who is played by the same actor as her father which was odd, there seems to be an issue with the relationship with her brother but again this isn't explored. Its just a confusing movie to watch as alot of the scenes seem to bet set up as comedic but the punchlines failed to land. Very people laughed during the movie with a full house. As far the main protagonist goes she isn't a likeable person either, she like the rest of the cast seem fairly one dimensional, which is a shame as the cast is excellent for a small budget film. Its a difficult movie to watch and an even more difficult one to enjoy. Its emotionally draining and has no pay off. Enough said.