Living Doll
Living Doll
| 01 February 1990 (USA)
Living Doll Trailers

Howard, a shy morgue worker, falls in love with a girl who ends up in the morgue, but he doesn't let that stop him. Howard has a secret - he is in love with Christine. There's only one problem, Christine is DEAD! A grave was no place for Christine, the only place for her was at Howard's side. At last she was his, his to dress, his to feed and to care for.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
reptilicus Okay let me get this out of the way first thing. I know I come down hard on certain movies but to be fair I do try to find the good in just abot every movie I review. Well not this time! This movie deserves everything it gets! Why? Stick with me.Medical student Howard (Mark Jax) is one sick puppy. In fact he would make a good workmate with Bob from NEKROMANTIC. Howard is in love with Christine (Kate Orgill) who works in the flower shop of the hospital but he is too shy to even give her a flower. Christine also has an abusive boyfriend and you just know that Howard will do something about that . . . eventually; but I am getting ahead of myself.One night a cadaver comes into the morgue and it turns out to be . . . wait for it . . . Christine! He does not buy the boyfriend's story about Christine's drunk driving causing an accident. Well this pushes Bob, who was thirty cents short of a quarter to begin with, right over the edge. He steals her body from the grave and makes her his roommate; he buys her clothes, cooks her meals and so on. In his own sick mind she responds warmly but in real life she is slowly rotting into one very gross looking paperweight. It isn't long before she is talking to him and suggesting he do . . . well . . . certain things.So does he go on a killing spree? NO! It takes over an HOUR of screen time before he gets revenge for Christine's death. Does he bother to get even with his mean landlady (Eartha Kitt, who must have been starving at the time) or his sleazebag boss? NO! This is the sorriest example of a terror movie I have seen in many moons! Howard's boss dies but it's fron natural causes! No, that was not meant to be a sapoiler. This whole darn movie is a spoiler in itself!If you want an example of a scary movie involving corpses see Jorg Buttgereit's NEKROMANTIC. This British import will leave a bad taste in your mouth, sort of like rotten meat.
pj75pj75 Infamous schlock producer Dick Randall's last film (or last released film, anyway) turns out to be a surprisingly good and grim little horror yarn.Medical student Howard falls in love with the girl who sells flowers at the hospital where he works. She barely knows he exists. Then one day a body is brought into the morgue and Howard has to assist in the autopsy. Only too late does he realize it's the lovely Christine herself laid out on the cold slab. How this shock affects his already delicate mental balance and what he does to deal with this terrible state of affairs makes this a highly diverting outing for fans of the macabre Mark Jax is great as the disturbed Howard. He never once camps it up and plays even the most ridiculous moments straight. The SFX and make up on the mouldering corpse are excellent,. The plot takes plenty of surprising turns and the final sick twist raised a smile or two.Great news that this will soon be out on DVD – and in an extras packed special edition.If you like big studio, star-filled extravaganzas, then this is not for you. But if you're looking for something out of the ordinary, you'll not be disappointed.
DocEmmettBrown Here's a premise for ya: A morgue attendant, who's obsessed by a beautiful girl, soon finds her on the slab after a car crash, he takes her home where he creates a fantasy world in which she is alive and co-habiting with him, eventually leading to his total mental breakdown and destruction. Sounds intriguing doesn't it? WRONG! This film is a perfect example of a fair premise let down by totally uninspired film making. Instead of an interesting character development plot, what we are presented with is a film based almost entirely on a man coming in and out of his apartment, making excuses to people, and occasionally talking to or hiding a phony corpse. But at least the performances carry it through right? WRONG! Some of the most mind numbingly poor performances by any actors I have ever seen (just check out the girls meathead boyfriend) and not even in a laughable way, just in a truly 'couldn't care less if they all died' kinda way. It says a lot when one of the stronger performances is from Eartha Kitt! If you really need to complete guy falls in love with corpse film collection then do yourself a favour and fast forward most of the middle of the film, only the mildly deranged ending is worth the entry fee. Though it does have a great closing line. File under: mild curiosity.
gavcrimson Living Doll was the last in an unrelated trilogy of British horror films made by legendary exploitation movie producer Dick Randall. Its bedfellows being Edmund Purdom's ode to Santa Claus abuse, Don't Open Till Christmas (1983/5) and Slaughter High (85) the only slasher movie in which a person is killed by drinking beer, it was also Randall's final work for the cinema (he died in 1996). Unfortunately Living Doll is the ugly duckling of this eccentric batch, but at least the lead actor didn't commit suicide this time around. Living Doll tells the tale of Howard, a medical student hopelessly obsessed with pretty lass Katie Orgill, but when the said girl appears dead on the slab, a grief stricken Howard takes her corpse back to his crummy bed-sit. While captured in the spirit of romance, he fails to notice his true love is quickly becoming a rotting corpse, at least he does until the movies weak denouncement. Like Slaughter High, Living Doll is a British film that goes to great lengths to convince its an American one, mainly by having a cardboard cut-out of the New York skyline as a prop and a days worth of shooting from the real deal. Presumably the film is meant to take place in the little known English quarter of New York! Living Doll falls inbetween being too lightweight to live up to its gristly potential, while being too adult to carry a `romantic horror comedy' tag. The lack-lustre script was apparently jazzed up by Randall but to little avail. To say that Randall's tried and tested exploitation movie approach locks horns with the films aspirations towards that droll mainstay of the British film industry, the romantic comedy is like saying that Four Weddings and a Funeral isn't Love Me Deadly. Whats left is diluted Randall sleaze with moments of bonesaw gore, rotting corpse effects and the casting of tabloid bust model Orgill who gives her worth by appearing as the world's most topless corpse. Amidst sly moments of humour, namely the (Sir) Cliff Richard connotations of the title (the end credits serves up a cover version) and a frankly bizarre cameo by Eartha Kitt. Still at a time when the words `Dodo' and `British Horror Movie' seem synonymous, it would be nice to say Living Doll is more of a heavy hitter. Unfortunately its not, and certainly fails to provide a decent epitaph to Randall's wild and outrageous thirty year career. Dust off your copies of The Wild World of Jayne Mansfield, Pieces, Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks or The Bogeyman and the French Murders and remember him that way.