WWE WrestleMania XV
WWE WrestleMania XV
NR | 28 March 1999 (USA)
WWE WrestleMania XV Trailers

Stone Cold Steve Austin faces The Rock with the WWE Championship on the line. Mankind faces Big Show. Kane clashes with Triple H. The Road Dogg, Ken Shamrock, Goldust, and Val Venis compete in a Fatal 4-Way Elimination Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship and more!

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Terryfan Here we go with another review of the World Wrestling Federation so I thought I would review their biggest even of the year Wrestle ManiaThis is the 15 event of their Super Bowl, The World Series of the W W F.Now let's get going with the show.1. Triple Threat Match for the WWF Hardcore Championship Billy Gunn vs Al Snow vs Hardcore Holly. This match was the first to open the show and it was a decent match with some spots that you never seen coming.Rating 7 out of 102. WWF Tag Team Championship Match Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett Vs Test and D'Lo Brown. This match was formed after a Battle Royal on Sunday Night Heat where the winners face the Tag Team Champions at Wrestle Mania. D'Lo Brown and Test won the match leaving them to face Owen and Jeff for the tag titles. This match wasn't a long match because Test and D'Lo couldn't see eye to eye long enough to work together in the match they got at each other throats so this was a easy match for Owen and Jeff.Rating 6 out of 103. Brawl For All Butterbean Vs Bart Gunn. This was a "Boxing" style match and it was too short to even give it a rating because Butterbean knock out Bart with one punch within 35 seconds so no rating for this.4.Mankind vs Paul Wight AKA Big Show with the winner becoming the special guest referee for the main event. This match only has two things that are remember for it the climax of the match when Paul choke slammed Mankind through a set of Steel chairs causing him to loose by Disqualification and when Vince slaps him across the face he punches him out. Which results in him being arrested.Rating 5 out of 10.5. Four Corners Elimination Match For The WWF Intercontinental Championship Road Dogg Jesse James vs Val Venis vs Ken Shamrock vs GoldustWhile most of the card wasn't all it should be this one wasn't that bad of a match, Elimination matches have always been fun for me to watch. This was another good match on the card.Rating 7 out of 106. Kane vs Triple H. A match with a surprise twist that you have to watch to understand, but this match wasn't much to go on other than Kane getting revenge on Triple H for attacking him with a fireworks and for making Kane hit Chyna with a fireball. Rating 6 out of 10.7. WWF Women's Championship Match Sable vs Tori. Not much to say about this match other then looking at two women wrestling for the Women's championship but nothing more.Rating 3 out of 10. 8. WWF European Championship Match Shane McMahon vs X-Pac now this match was actually pretty good with Shane and X-Pac giving each other a fight from the start of the match plus with a twist you won't see coming.Rating 8 out of 10. 9.Hell In A Cell Match The Undertaker vs The Big Boss Man. To this day I wonder why the Cell was used for this match since both men didn't face each other enough to grant them this match since the cell was used after two guys had enough matches between each other and want to settle the score once and fall. The only thing about this match that I remember is when The Undertaker wins and hangs the Boss Man thanks to the Brood. Ratting 5 out of 10.10. World Wrestling Federation Championship No Disqualification Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Rock. Now after a long night of matches that were more or less we get rewarded with two of the greatest to ever grace the Ring giving us one of their best matches in their careers. When you have Stone Cold vs The Rock you will be given something special and this one is one of those matches both men were beating each other with everything they had and after all was set and done. Stone Cold Steve Austin for the second Wrestlemania in a row wins the World Wrestling Federation Championship.Overall this Wrestle Mania only had a few matches that were worth while but the main event is the best part of the show.I give World Wrestling Federation Wrestle Mania 15 an 7 out of 10
bh_tafe3 Well, Triple H and Chyna were re-united, Mankind and Kane had their say on McMahon's Corporation and Steve Austin defeated the Rock to cap off a six month chase and a year long rivalry in one of the weaker Wrestlemania PPVs wrestling wise, which compensated for this with a strong central storyline and a decent main event.The night started off with a continuation in the rivalry between JOB Squad members Hardcore Holly and Al Snow involving the Harcore Championship. This event threw Billy Gunn into the mix. Gunn makes most of the running and is a little unlucky to get slugged by Holly at the end as "Sparky" stole the win and the title. The Hardcore title produced some decent entertainment to start with, but eventually became a waste of time.Next match saw Owen hart and Jeff Jarett retain the tag team titles against D Lo Brown and Test in an uneventful match followed by Butterbean defeating Bart Gunn in a "Boxing" match in some of the worst 34 seconds I've ever sat through as a wrestling fan.Brings us to one of our main matches for the evening, the battle between Mankind and Big Show for the right to guest referee the WWE TItle match between the Rock and Stone Cold. The match quickly broke down with Mankind delivering a mandible claw to Big Show's nether regions before Show through him out of the ring and started smashing him with a steel chair. The ref DQ'd the Big Show, who kept right on hammering into Mankind. So Mankind won the match, but surely he was too badly hurt to be able to play any part as a ref later in the show? Next match saw Road Dogg successfully defend the Intercontinental Championship in a four corners match with Goldust, Ken Shamrock and Vel Venis. Shamrock and Val Venis had been in a rivalry after Venis had cast Shamrock's attractive sister Ryan in one of his adult movies. RYan gets involved in the match, Shamrock and Venis end up getting counted out and Road Dogg pins Goldust. Match was pretty short and not memorable at all.Next match saw Kane tombstone Pete Rose for the second consecutive year. Rose had tried to disguise himself as a chicken and then tried to surprise Kane, who once again had his number. Anyway, Kane comes to the ring with Chyna, who betrays him and sides with Triple H. So DX is back together. Kane wins by DQ, but he don't look like a winner to Jerry Lawler, after getting pedigreed on a steel chair.Next match saw Sable retain her WWE WOmen's Championship with a win over her stalker Tori, with help from Nicole Bass who hit what I think was supposed to be a gorilla slam om Tori.Next match saw Shane McMahon defeat X-Pac, thanks to interference from Triple H and Chyna. Looks like DX is now part of the Corporation, but the New Age Outlaws quickly run out to brawl with Triple H. Kane's music hits, ring clears. I'll join some dots in hazy memories here. Kane would soon end up in a relationship with Tori and start a tag team with X-Pac.The next match saw Undertaker, who was leader of "The Ministry" defeat the Corporation's Big Boss Man in probably the worst of the PPV Hell in a Cell Matches. The match itself wasn't especially dreadful, but got real mean spirited at the end as "the Brood", Edge, Christian and Gangrel came into the ring and hung Boss Man by a noose from the top of the cage.This brings us finally to the main event. McMahon comes out at the start and announces himself guest ref, but WWE COmissioner Sahwn Michaels over rules him, and despite the crowd wanting Mankind to come out, we get a normal generic referee. Rock and Austin have a pretty neat little brawl, about half way through Rock brings a steel chair in and the ref gets smashed, will Mankind come out? Nope, just another generic ref who also gets taken out. Wil Mankind come now? Nope Earl Hebner's out instead. McMahon now runs in and he and the Rock start beating the crap out of Austin. Hebner tries to stop then and gets creamed. Who will ref the match? Who will save Austin? Massive roar from the crowd as Mankind runs out in a referee's shirt and kills McMahon. Rock and Austin go at it. Finally Ausin gives Rock the double finger, hits the stunner and Mankind counts the three. Austin is the the Champion!!!! The Corporation has been defeated. Austin had the belt and Mankind had the final say on the Corportion's reign of terror.Well, like I said the wrestling wasn't great, but the strong central theme really holds this show together. The main event is probably the weakest PPV outing between Rock and Austin (well apart from their 1997 "match" at Ground Zero), but it's still a good match, and it brings the whole storyline together. McMahon is vanquished, Rock is defeated, Austin has the belt, with Mankind avenging the humiliation the Corporation had bought him. While the reuniting of DX and their apparent defection to the Corporation gave us something to look forward to in the coming months. All that and a big buyrate, you'd have to say this was a successful show that can be watched and enjoyed again and again by any true wrestling fan.
wrestlingsitewebmaster Another disappointing event which somehow drew a then wrestling record of 800,000 buys and it also grossed a truck load of money.This Wrestlemania was OK in certain parts but there was some totally baffling decisions on the show like pushing 'Road Dogg' Jesse James to Intercontinental Championship level and having Owen Hart participate in a lousy tag match which also featured Jeff Jarrett, the underused D'Lo Brown and the boring and depressing Andrew 'Test' Martin. Owen was not treated fairly in my opinion and deserved to be in a much better match. More upsetting though was this was Owen's last Wrestlemania before he tragically died.The Hell in a Cell match between The Undertaker and Big Bossman was a colossal bore and is the worst Hell in a Cell ever. Worse even when The Undertaker won this dreadful match he tied a rope around Bossman's neck and Gangrel, Edge and Christian helped Taker to lift Bossman off the ground in other words Bossman was hanging. Oh dear deeply unpleasant in a wrestling setting.However the card does have some good points especially the exciting Boiler Room Brawl between The Big Show and Mankind. And even though The Rock and 'Stone Cold' had a satisfactory main event Rock seemed a little nervous out there and this also featured the funny sight of Kane tombstoning Pete Rose and Butterbean knocking out Bart Gunn in a boxing match.Results from the show which was held in Philadelphia: Hardcore Holly defeated Billy Gunn and Al Snow in a passable Hardcore match to win the Hardcore title (Gunn was super over although I couldn't understand why).... Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett downed D'Lo Brown and Test to retain the WWF Tag Team titles in a passable match.... Butterbean beat Bart Gunn in the Brawl 4 All finals.... 'Road Dogg' Jesse James defeated Val Venis, Ken Shamrock and Goldust to retain the Intercontinental Championship (Shamrock was wasted in this match).... Kane downed Triple H via DQ in a short match.... Women's Champion, Sable downed Tori to retain the title in a lame Women's match ( The abysmal Nicole Bass came out and destroyed Tori, which enabled Sable to get the win, which left fans confused).... Mankind defeated Big Show via DQ in a good match.... Shane McMahon downed X-Pac to retain the European Championship.... 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin defeated The Rock to become the Heavyweight Champion in a satisfactory main event.Grade - B/C
mpn Wrestlemania XV didn't live up to my expectations, which is not very surprising given that some of the show was haphazardly booked. I mean, pushing Road Dogg to the IC title and Gunn toward the Hardcore title made no sense given the opposite build up that had been going on for weeks (not to mention the fact that Road Dogg is NOT IC title material.) HHH still hadn't found himself, though his match with Kane was pretty good. X-Pac's bout with Shane was surprisingly enjoyable and one of the best matches of the night. The women's title match and the brawl for all were horrible, but hey, what were you expecting? The tag-title match made no sense, and the Hell in a Cell match was just plain abysmal. Still Austin and Rock put on a good, solid main event, though they would outdo themselves a month later. After first buying this PPV, I felt like I had wasted my money, but in retrospect, it wasn't horrible. Still, definitely not a great PPV by Wrestlemania standards. Do yourself a favor and watch X and VIII, for some truly memorable Wrestlemania action.