Love's Enduring Promise
Love's Enduring Promise
| 20 November 2004 (USA)
Love's Enduring Promise Trailers

In this Janette Oke sequel to "Love Comes Softly," the eldest child in an 1800s frontier family, Missie Davis is a bright and beautiful elementary schoolteacher whose love for the prairie is matched only by her passion for books. When Missie encounters Grant, a handsome New England railroad executive, she feels as though she's met a hero from one of her novels.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
SimonJack If all one ever watched were the standard fare films Hollywood made about the West, you would have to wonder how it ever really was settled. The rootin' tootin' shootin' Westerns have entertained generations – not only in America, but also across the globe. But if that's what the West was really like, then it's a wonder that anyone lived or that towns in the West ever grew and survived.Well, of course, many people did survive – the vast majority; and many towns grew up into the Western U.S. that we have today. From pioneer journals, diaries and novels we have the stories of hardship, sorrows and progress of some of those people. Many were people of faith, who took their trust in God with them when they journeyed West. "Love's Enduring Promise" is such a tale and film. It's the second of a series of movies made based on books by Canadian author Janette Oke. Oke's stories include all the rigors and hardships of the hardy pioneers; but they develop around people with strong Christian faith and beliefs. There are many pioneer and historical museums and centers in the U.S. Two excellent sources for diaries, maps, and stories about the West are the Oregon-California Trails Association in Independence, MO, and The National Oregon/California Trail Center in Montpelier, ID."Love's Enduring Promise" is a well-made movie with a fine cast. The cinematography and technical qualities are all very good. Most of the characters are quite natural and lively in their roles. But Dale Midkiff seems to lack energy in his portrayal of Clark Davis. This seems an exaggeration of a pensive person, where he seldom shows emotion or excitement about anything. His character comes across as sedated, where Katherine Heigl and January Jones also have deep faith, but with some spunk. These are good family stories, but this particular film may be too slow to keep the interest of young boys.
LilPink90 Well as with all of the movies they have made so far with this series this movie was the most disappointing. If any one has read the books they would know that the first movie was off a little which is to be expected when a movie is based off an book. But, the this one was so off the story line it was maddening. If you changed the names of the characters and the name of the movie it would be hard to relate this movie to the book. They have cut out key characters, mainly the rest of Clark and Marty's children. And the plot line is nothing like the book. While the movie itself was good and enjoyable, my knowing the story made it hard to watch how far strayed from this series. There really is no way to even come back again, as shown in the next two movies. The writers are rewriting the story and ruining it.
WilliamJDeal When I first saw Love Comes Softly, I quickly ranked it high up on my mental list of favorite movies. I purposefully watch it whenever I see if listed, which now totals about 10 times. I just saw Love's Enduring Promise for the first time recently, and now have another movie to add to my list. This sequel did not let me down. Thankfully, the same Clark and Marty were cast for this movie, as well as Willie. I suppose it wasn't reasonable to cast the same Missie, due to her age. But January Jones' portrayal soon made me forget any disappointment I may have had. I realize these movies are carried on the Hallmark channel, which thankfully seems to have kept ethics and principals in tact, but I believe they could have been shown on any leading network and still would have drawn lots of viewers with positive feedback. I hope everyone of all ages takes the time to watch these movies. I found myself getting so absorbed in Enduring Promise, just as I did in Comes Softly, that I "became" a part of that time in my mind. What different times those were! I intend to watch them again and again!
sun86 I love this movie because I love true romance! I love to watch a movie or read a book that "makes my heart hurt"! And this one did it! It is a sequel to "Love Comes Softly". Missy (the little girl in "Love Comes Softly") has grown up and is the school teacher. When her father gets hurt chopping wood her step-mother must keep the household running and take care of him while Missy does the physical labor of plowing and planting the farm. Then out of nowhere comes a stranger, (a gorgeous one at that) called Nate, and decides to help them. He takes over all of her fathers work so that she can help her mother and father, and help him as well. They get to know each other during this time and Nate seems to have a secret that connects him to the community. In the mean time a very handsome, very rich, very sophisticated gentleman has decided to pursue Missy. Will she pick wealth or love? I hope they continue to make these films and I would love to see some Lori Wick books on screen as well. If they will do them justice!