Little Dead Rotting Hood
Little Dead Rotting Hood
NR | 05 January 2016 (USA)
Little Dead Rotting Hood Trailers

The residents of a small town discover that something more sinister than killer wolves is lurking in the backwoods: first the wolves start turning up dead...then people.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Micitype Pretty Good
ShangLuda Admirable film.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
demented_one I am a fan of the B movie genre, so I am more forgiving than most.This movie wasn't bad. Would be a good movie to watch if you have your buddies over for pizza etc.The plot hung up a few times, and the storyline was so nonlinear that it caused me to say on one or more occasion ...Why is she doing this? or Couldn't this have been written a bit better? If it was then it wouldn't be a B movie.My final answer is 'watchable' and nowadays that has to be enough.
Sjhm Overall, I enjoyed this movie. The premise wasn't bad, if a little thin, and there are some super long scenes which make you wish that they would get to the point. I would have liked them to have developed the plot line whereby the heart of the story had some more explanation. ***spoiler*** The girl dies in the first few frames of the film, her grandmother buries her and then commits suicide over her grave, giving the body the lifeblood she needs to resurrect. So Little Dead Rotting Hood of the title crawls out of the grave, apparently knowing she had to find super-secret Grandma's note book, but not retrieve Grandma's red cloak and sword...Quite a lot of the action takes place before LDRH actually gets into her stride, there's the addition of a mysterious female character who's supposed to mis-direct you but has little to do other than serve as a plot signpost and you see through her in about three minutes. The same with the ultimate villain character, she knows too much to be exactly what she appears to be, there just seems to be something too off about her to be a credible surprise.Eric Balfour does not disgrace himself in a part which is the everyman heart of the story, divorced dad, two children, argumentative wife, local boy smarts, all the usual boxes are ticked, but he still manages to bring some empathy and intelligence to the role.
James Wright This movie seems much more like a conversation with high/drunk friends that somehow actually got made rather than a realised idea for an actual story. Someone said: "Man there should be a film led by a cool female lead...and she should be like Blade, but also powerful, like a werewolf...and tragic, like she dies...but then she comes back!...So she should be like a vampire, werewolf, zombie chick, but hot, definitely hot...and she should be based on some kick-ass fairy tale babe, like little red riding hood, killing wolves and all that...oh my god! She could kill werewolves!" And then someone else was like: "Done."Unfortunately rather than writing the whole thing while high/drunk so it becomes some crazy, wacky cult classic, they instead sobered up and tried to give some legitimacy to their idea by giving it a serious plot, which becomes ludicrous in conjuncture with such a concept. The actors all trying to play the entire thing straight makes it way more boring and way more unintentionally stupid than it needs to be.Overall this film is simply a 'cool' sounding concept with very little actual entertainment. It comes across as a quick cash grab with an inane plot, although it is filmed well and the actors aren't too bad so it can't be completely condemned. If you just want to turn your brain off then go for it, but even in those regards this film could have exploited its premise to make it a much more enjoyable brainless watch.
riporeilly Simply put... I LIKED this movie. I'm SOOOOO not into horror movies but the action added in to the horror element makes this a very good watch. Not for children, but good story and kept me guessing... who lives? who dies? who's the "badguy?" Nice twist and well put together. Character development and acting definitely on par. Hope there will be a sequel because the possibilities for more development are surely in place, Comics? Novels? Maybe a video game? Nice use of blood and gore and guts (and sex) without taking it to the level of cheesiness. The kind of movie I wish I could produce myself. New word comes out of this... CREXY, ... crazy + sexy = crexy.