PG-13 | 02 February 2012 (USA)
Chronicle Trailers

Three high school students make an incredible discovery, leading to their developing uncanny powers beyond their understanding. As they learn to control their abilities and use them to their advantage, their lives start to spin out of control, and their darker sides begin to take over.

AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
rzajac I was looking forward to being able to say that this flick blew my mind.And then I sort of ponder whether the quotidian nature of the characters and story were supposed to be the things that did the trick, and I'm just too dim to catch that.Being careful not to spoil, I can mention something revealed in the first 10 minutes: It winds up being a sort of non-parable parable about kids getting super telekinetic powers.I have to say that I expected many layers in this story, and what bit of layering may have been present really gets eclipsed by the flick being (as I say in my heading line) a kind of SFX snack plus largely unfiltered teen angst. If you can imagine the outcome from a storyline so hedged in, you probably have a good idea what to expect from this movie.So I can't heartily recommend it. I know there's a subculture that fawns on CGI-dense movies... but I don't run with that sort... don't really know their expectations... so I'm not sure if I can recommend the flick to them.If you expect narrative richess from a flick, skip it. If you expect colorful character from a flick, then maybe. If you get a rush from particularly well-executed CGI, then... I dunno what to tell you.
adonis98-743-186503 Three high school friends gain superpowers after making an incredible discovery underground. Soon they find their lives spinning out of control and their bond tested as they embrace their darker sides. Despite some effort from it's Cast Josh Trank's Chronicle is a boring, bland, slow paced and above all terrible found footage film with lot's of shake camera and it mixes lots of things in one to the point where i just didn't care for the characters or the plot. (4/10)
The Movie Diorama It dabbles into various genres during its short runtime. Sci-fi, high school drama, thriller and even the superhero sub-genre. Surprisingly, despite the meaty contents, they all blend well. A small group of students stumble across a peculiar underground rock. They progressively start to realise they have acquired unique abilities and use them to their advantage, despite the consequences. At the centre of all the crazy happenings is Andrew, a troubled boy who lives a difficult life. His is unpopular at school, abused at home by his alcoholic father and is having to care for his ill mother. It details the effects of emotional trauma and how it can effect someone mentally. Andrew's troubled life has lead him to feel pure anger and hatred. We then view the positives and negatives of using telekinetic powers for one's own desire, falsifying a sense of popularity only for it to then come crashing down. It's a personal story, all captured on Andrew's camera, told through his perspective. The endearing aspect to this film is the chemistry between the three lead characters. They explore their powers together and form a close friendship, I found them to be relatable and incredibly lifelike. Dane DeHaan steals the film and portrays his character's development with ease. Also him saying "I'm feeling really spelunked out actually" just feels...satisfying. I don't know, I'm weird like that. Josh Trank's direction was solid where he really positioned the camera in inventive ways, particularly during the flying scenes. The low budget does unfortunately show during those scenes and the effects during the destructive third act detracted from the quality of the film. Also how they found the underground cavern to begin with felt coincidental and far too rushed. However, Chronicle is one of the better "found footage" films that genre enthusiasts will love. And if there is one thing it's taught me, never mess with an apex predator.
Ewan Suttie Josh Trank may get a bad wrap for Fantastic 4, but Chronicle is something amazing. It uses the found footage genre, but in such a way that it's intense and makes you feel like the main character. The story centers around Andrew, a troubled and depressed teen with no friends or anyone to talk to. He likes to shoot things on his camera, yet is bullied for almost everything he does, including this. Without giving away too much, he quickly makes some friends after receiving telekinesis at a barn party. Because Andrew records everything, we feel like we are a part of him, like his imaginary friend and we begin to feel for him as he makes new friends. After a while, he begins showing his darker side, after trying to rescue is mother, dying with Caner, and being abused by his alcoholic father. His friends attempt to stop him from becoming depressed and resentful again, but he fights back, accidentally killing one of his friends in the process. The other, his cousin, knows exactly what he has done, and why he's filming everything, makes it the even more scary. But when he stops filming, the footage from car dash cams and helicopter cameras makes us feel as if we are no longer Andrew's friend, and we cannot help to feel sorry for him as he fights his only friend to the death.Overall, Chronicle is a very good film and for a low budget is phenomenal.