Wolves of Wall Street
Wolves of Wall Street
R | 31 December 2002 (USA)
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Jeff Allen just got a new job in one of Manhattan's wealthiest brokerage firms, Wolfe Brothers. Here young, good-looking stockbrokers make a lot of money by being particularly cutthroat. Jeff finds out that the real secret to their success is an animal instinct that is turning him into a werewolf, but it may be too late for him to get out.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Michael Bo Of course the metaphor of stockbrokers being akin to bloodthirsty werewolves hunting in packs in trite, but having said that this is by far DeCoteau's most professionally executed film. Lots of reasonably vibrant location footage from Lower Manhattan, really good acting (quite a shock after some of DeCoteau's earlier efforts!), but the sex is less titillating than in some of his old stuff. The homosexual flirt is always at the core of a DeCoteau film and naked male flesh often seems to be the whole point of them. Not quite so here, which is why many might want to opt for a less idiosyncratic form of slasher movie.
jdb-4 If you're going to make a movie about werewolves or vampires someone should actually turn into one. It would have been a good low-budget movie with a different hook but they failed to make a monster. Maybe it was a budget thing, I've been there. ADVISE: If you don't have enough money to do it right, don't do it!
mcpsy I watched this last night. I think because it stars A-list hotties (ooh, I haven't felt this much heat since Mariah Carey's incendiary performance in `Glitter') Eric Roberts, Louise Lasser and Baywatch's Michael Bergin (it's so nice to see they're working and for these penultimate thespians, the "Home Shopping Network" as well as "QVC", might just be a stretch) and a semblance of what could be argued as being a more, should I say "Klassy" distribution company, the faux gay porn without actual sex factor in this movie is anemically low. Don't look for tighty whities and gym socks here. This is Christopher Street, I mean "Wallstreet" Dammit. Where hunky stockbrokers wear black 2xist knockoffs. * "Leeches" and "Voodoo Academy" serve up more generous portions of post-pubescent pulchritude. Did anyone actually turn into a werewolf in the movie? OH HELL NO! Call for continuity expert! How many days does a full moon usually last? In this movie, the full moon seems to be in phase more than a week. During the ooh so scary transformations, the actors turned away from the camera, and then after poorly edited quick cuts, the "wolves" (or characters who were supposed to have turned into werewolves) would turn back towards the camera looking very "Oooooohhh I'm so maaaaad I could just spit tacks". Then, with their temples decorated with purple marker lines, they would lunge at their victims and give them a hickey. Evidently, the production company here, wasn't about to waste time and an obviously coach class catering budget on special "Werewolf" effects. However, to the movie's credit, the actors were far less Bonnie Bell, pink sparkle-kissy lipped out, than in some of DeCoteau's *other work. Did you ever see the movies "The Howling" or "Silver Bullet" even `Teen Wolf'? Well, in those flicks, the werewolves were pretty nasty ambre's. Not so in this movie. These werewolves were closer to "Miss Jackson if you're nasty". The fembot quotient we've all come to love and expect from a DeCoteau epic, was in full effect, especially at the "Oh thank God this is over...*ahem, cough cough* I mean, is it over already?' climactic showdown when the main character Jeffy lube and his "Happy to be me" girlfriend Annie are you OK, defeat the entire pack of werewolves, by drawing on, ooh, my bad, I mean stabbing them ("take that you you you bitch in cheap shoes! Eeeeumph, I'm, oooooh, ooooh take that"!) with a silver ballpoint pen. I'd still give it 3 out of 5 stars only for the fact that it is a "B" movie and DeCoteau doesn't force the issue that his flicks are anything other and or more than that. If I was to judge this movie strictly against DeCoteau's others, well then it would probably only get 2 out of 5 stars.
Dexter TCN OK...first thing: Eric Roberts is in this, so that should ring alarm bells.2nd thing: This is a werewolf film but you won't see anything hairier than some designer stubble. Absolutely no werewolves here. In fact apart from a (much repeated) gratuitous breast shot this film struggles to make its 15 certificate in any sense. In fact it mostly just doesn't make sense anyway.3rd thing: scariest of all, all the leading men seem to wear the same underpants when they strip off. I found this extremely un-nerving.The only thing worse than the acting is the plot. A barmaid takes out 3 werewolves in about 3 seconds with...a pen. The moon is so close to Wall St that you expect it to come crashing down. Said moon is ALWAYS in the same place and ALWAYS full. (Handy for werewolves I suppose)This movie struck me as being very homo-erotic (Eric Roberts, what can you say).Avoid or watch only when wasted for fun.All in all this is the 2nd worst film I have seen this year.(Reign of Darkness in case you ask)