R | 19 March 1986 (USA)
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Young graduate student Jane Chase becomes the new assistant to an eccentric zoology professor at the remote home he shares with two brilliant chimpanzees and an elderly orangutan butler named Link. But when one of the chimps is found dead and the professor mysteriously disappears, Link becomes dangerously aggressive towards Jane. Now, the time for “monkey business” is over and the true terror is about to begin.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
loomis78-815-989034 American college student Jane Chase (Shue) lands a job at a seaside British Mansion. Her job is with Professor Phillips (Stamp) who is doing research on chimpanzees. Jane is introduced to an old circus Orangutan named Link who doubles as the house butler and a younger one named Imp. When Link overhears that the Professor has plans to put him down, the over smart Ape kills one of the other chimps and soon after the Professor turns up missing. Jane must match wits in a battle to survive with Link on the rampage. Hitchcock enthusiast Richard Franklin brings his nice Directorial style to this slightly odd story written by Everett De Roche. The movie takes a little while to get going and isn't very gory or bloody. This is an exercise in action and suspense and Link does very well in this department. Elisabeth Shue is believable as young Jane; But Stamp sleeps through his role and looks like he is waiting for his paycheck to arrive. Some ambitious photography and just the right amount of suspense make this an entertaining film, but not a scary one. Jerry Goldsmith's effective score ads to the fun.
callanvass OK. I'm being a bit dramatic obviously, but I hated this film with a passion! It's insipid to the extreme, with any entertainment being completely evaporated as soon as the movie begins, which means it wasn't even there to begin with. I do not find the threat of a sadistic Orangutan frightening what so ever. I don't know whether they were going for a horror film or a horror film with shades of black comedy, but it just didn't work, regardless. The setting is certainly eerie, but they crapped all over it. Orangutan's aren't the only problem here; they try to throw in a bit of Cujo for good measure with a bunch of rabid dogs lurking around the place. To say the pace is leisured is an understatement. There are many pointless scenes of Jane (Shue) wandering around the place, interacting with the Orangutan's that amount to nothing. When it actually does kick into gear, it's too busy being absolutely idiotic. I also had issues as to why Jane stuck around for so long. I would have left at the first hint of trouble. It was just a plot hindrance which bothered me. Elisabeth Shue is cute as a button, but this is quite possibly her worst performance. It's not entirely her fault. She has absolutely nothing to work with, but she is too nonchalant when it comes to things. It got on my nerves very quickly. Though I wouldn't be surprised if she was phoning it in; I wouldn't blame her in the slightest. Terrance Stamp doesn't have a lot of screen time. He added presence and class whenever he was on. Link (The main Orangutan) is written as this clever thing. He came across as obnoxious and one of the most annoying things i've ever seen. The acting gives way for the Orangutan's to be the whole show. Also; 5.7 guys, seriously?! I am really starting to lack faith in humanity…Final Thoughts: This was a real chore to get through. I'm one of the biggest Elisabeth Shue fans around, and when I get annoyed at her, there is something seriously wrong. Die hard Shue, or Die hard Horror fans, I'd suggest avoiding like this plague. It's extremely boring, and has virtually no suspense. If you decide to watch it, you reap what you sow2/10
dag_nabbet Best monkey horror movie ever - no other comes to mind so its not like there is too much competition. But who cares, this movie is great fun especially for us monkey fans. And who ever you might be, there is no denying that Link is one funky monkey.All ye nay-sayers stop your monkey buisness and vote Link for president.
SooZeeQ90210 I loved the film Link. It's one of my favorite suspense films. I love it because of it's twists and turns. Plus because of it's great and amazing music score by Jerry Goldsmith. I also like Chimpanzees. I recommend it because it's one of my all time favorite suspense/horror films plus I own it and have seen it hundreds of times. I give it 2 thumbs up for acting and surprises along the way.
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