Le Million
Le Million
PG | 20 May 1931 (USA)
Le Million Trailers

Debt-ridden painter Michel is overcome with joy at discovering that he has just won 1 million florins in the Dutch lottery, but almost immediately, he discovers that his softhearted girlfriend, Béatrice, has given away his jacket containing the winning ticket to an elderly petty thief. Soon Michel, Beatrice and Michel's artistic rival, Prosper, are hurtling through the streets of Paris on the trail of the missing jacket.

Wordiezett So much average
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
efisch A truly great film, unlike anything you've ever seen. Hilarious, complicated, delightful and a musical. So original that I've never seen anything this different. Great direction by Rene Clair. It's easy to see the Chaplin and/or Clair influences including chase sequences, fight sequences, opera spoofs. An early sound/silent blend that is masterfully done. Unique and entertaining with great performances. This movie contains all the elements of comedy, music, farce, and timing. A must see, you will not be disappointed! Charming and thoroughly enjoyable. Excellent restoration print. Easy to read subtitles that match the musical text.
JLRMovieReviews Made in 1931, this foreign film should be seen and enjoyed more often.We open on a quiet little French village, scanning the roofs of the sleeping citizens. Then we hear something that sounds like a party. Upon investigating the uproar, two neighboring men are told the story of two men, supposedly friends, who picked two numbers for the lottery.Our star of the picture has his number and his friend his. When he asks his friend, would he share half of the dough, should his ticket be the winning number, his friend promptly says no. In fact, H.E. double hockey sticks no! is the way he acts about it.So when our man discovers he has the winning ticket and that it has been lost, through no fault of his own, he is frantic. Everyone is out for themselves, looking for this ticket, in something like a precursor to "The Great Race." Even though this is all a flashback, I was in knots the whole time and got so upset over every little thing in this all-for-me show-me-the-money cash-in-the-bank film. Watch Le Million today!
Michael_Elliott Le million (1931) *** 1/2 (out of 4) Extremely charming and inventive French comedy takes a simple idea and really expands it to something special. A starving artist name Michel (Rene Lefevre) is being hounded by collectors when he realizes that he's won the lottery. He rushes to get his coat where the ticket is but learns his girlfriend (Annabella) has given it away, which leads to a wild chase in hopes of getting it back. I wasn't sure what to expect when entering this film because I had heard that it contained some pretty strange things but within minutes I was caught up in the story and the way it was being played out. I don't think the movie is laugh out loud funny but it doesn't really need to be. In fact, I think the story could have gone for more slapstick and gotten bigger laughs but, in a strange way, it's smarter than that and goes for something completely different. Having the actors sing their dialogue makes this film come off very fresh today and I can't imagine and fresh and unique it must have been in 1931 when many sound films didn't sound all that great. The delivery of the music is top-notch and many of the "songs" are better than what Americans were hearing in their musicals then. Another major plus are the performances, which are all very charming but Lefevre really carries the thing as he floats around like a feather and really hits all the right moves. The one thing that didn't work too well for me was the rather long sequence at the opera. I thought some of it went on a tad bit too long, although the football scene here was greatly directed.
Boba_Fett1138 This is one irresistible great cheerful- and technically greatly made movie!The movie features some of the greatest looking sets you'll ever see in a '30's movie, even though it's all too obvious that they are sets, rather than real place locations. Often if a character would fall or shake a doorpost too aggressive, the entire set would obviously move.The best moments of the movie were the silent, more old fashioned, slapstick kind of moments. It shows that René Clair's true heart was at silent movie-making. The overall humor is really great in this movie. Also of course the musical moments were more than great. This is a really enjoyable light and simple pleasant early French musical. Though the best moments are the silent moments, that does not mean that the movie is not filled with some great humorous dialog, that gets very well delivered by the main actors, who all seemed like stage actors to me, which in this case worked extremely well for the movie its overall style and pleasant no-worries atmosphere. No wonder this worked out so well, since this movie is actually based on stage play by Georges Berr.It's a technical really great movie, with also some great innovation camera-work in it and some really great editing, that create some fast going and pleasant to watch enjoyable sequences. There is never a dull moment in this movie!René Clair was such a clever director, who knew how to build up and plan comical moments within in movies. It's a very creative made movie, that despite its simplicity still at all times feel as a totally original and cleverly constructed movie, that never seizes to entertain.The last half hour is especially unforgettably fun, without spoiling too much, and is really among the greatest, as well as most creative moments in early comedy film-making.The movie is filled with some really enjoyable characters, who are of course all very stereotypical and silly and were obviously cast because of their looks. It all adds to the pleasant light comical atmosphere and cuteness of the movie.One of the most pleasant movies you'll ever see!8/10http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/