Annie Brocoli dans les fonds marins
Annie Brocoli dans les fonds marins
| 19 December 2003 (USA)
Annie Brocoli dans les fonds marins Trailers

Quebec idol Annie Brocoli hits the big screen with a goofy adventure that takes her under the sea to meet a whole host of oddball characters: synchronized-swimming bananas, a vegetarian lady frog, lettuce heads and more!

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
claudette-letourneau I would just like to say we have all Annie Brocoli's CDs and DVDs and my grand-children Alyssa-Skye who is 4 years old and grand-son Ethan who is 16 1/2 month old love to sit down quietly and watch Annie perform. Annie gives a lot from the heart and the children all feel this. Her smile lights up the room and her beautiful eyes glow with happiness and her expressions show she really loves what she is doing. The children sit there and also feel like they are underwater with her exploring its beauty and captivating it's many wonders down there. My 4 year old dances to the beat Disco Dancing each time it is on. My grand-son is amazed by all the colorful fish he see's. Annie has a gift that only her can put out to our children. Her voice is so beautiful and her costumes are fantastic. I will be purchasing her new Christmas DVD. Annie make more DVD's of Holloween, the 4 seasons and even something with ABC's and numbers, as all the children learn so much from you. You have a gift in the teaching field that you are not afraid to share with others and that is a blessing to all the children. We don't see this kind of performance each and every day. Only you have this gift. Annie you give hours of entertainment, love and mostly you teach a lot of good things in your DVD's that children need to know. Thank you for sharing this wonderful gift with us and our children.
alf6805 Here's the comments of my 5-year-old daughter: I loved everything about the movie. It's funny. I liked that movie because there was no big shark with lots of teeth.As a parent: It's a great movie for my kids. No violence, no gun shot, no bad language. Instead, they are promoting recycling. My daughter spent the 88 minutes without saying a word and not quiting the silver screen. It's a movie full of color and songs.
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