Laws of Attraction
Laws of Attraction
PG-13 | 04 April 2004 (USA)
Laws of Attraction Trailers

Amidst a sea of litigation, two New York City divorce lawyers find love.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Helllins It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
anniehutch I liked this movie. I picked it up in the 5 dollar bin at Wal-Mart and was surprised.If you're looking for an original comedy this isn't the one for you. The plot is predictable, but overall if you want to just see a cute film about goofy love, this isn't half bad. I wouldn't have spent nine dollars on a movie ticket for this one, but 5 dollars at Wal-Mart wasn't bad at all.I'm giving it a 7 because it was, overall, predictable but cute. Julianne Moore is wonderful and so is Pierce Brosnan and I don't even like him very much. It's a movie that doesn't try to hard to impress. It knows exactly what it is, a romantic comedy and doesn't try to get away from that. Once again, predictable but cute.
Kaitlin Donovan (tinybubbles8611) I absolutely loved this movie, Pierce Brosnan and Julianne Moore are the perfect on-screen couple! I personally bought this movie and watch it a lot, I watch it so much the DVD is getting messy. I am only 15 but a complete movie fanatic! Pierce Brosnan is to die for with his "Bond-like" charming ways when faced with a female co-star. No two people could have played these roles so well, (Except maybe Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn). Either way these two kept making me want more. I'm not one for much conversation, the film kept me spell bound, scene after scene it dragged me more in. I am also looking forward to one of Julianne's newest roles in the movie "Trust A Man", co-staring with David Duchovny (Another one of my favorites).
kyrat I generally don't like ROMCOMs unless they are exceptional. The dialogue needs to be sharp and the plot can't be the same recycled/formulaic rehashing of other films. I do like the subgenre of "screwball comedies" like the films from the 30's/40's that others have referenced.This movie although it had beautiful/talented lead actors with good chemistry & lovely scenery failed to meet my standards in plot/dialogue/character.The biggest problem was Moore's character who was the ultimate stereotype of successful woman who is actually insecure, needs a man, and has to gorge on junk food secretly to bolster her self-confidence etc. I'm not saying she has to be the most confident person ever, but why the woman character? And why does it have to display itself in such a gendered way.The ending alone made me rather dislike the film. If only (as others have said) they had used the alternate ending. Again, we have a woman desperate chasing after a man having to admit that she is wrong and will change for him. Most obnoxious was her quoting that line her mother tried to pull on her that single women are lonely. This is one of our society's worst stereotype....that single people (especially women) are losers/unfulfilled/incomplete and that they aren't happy. I've read a lot of sociological & psychological studies about single women because this is an interest of mine. In actuality - single women (especially over 30) often rate themselves as happier, more confident and financially more secure than non-single women. I can site several books/articles if needed... I wish our culture would stop trying to paint successful single women as lonely/needing a man (at least they didn't make her have to give up her career).Other than the entire gender issues it was OK enough film. There were a few other flaws like the over-the-top/forced obnoxiousness of the punk couple that weighed down the script.There were a few highlights that made it worth watching. A romance featuring mature couples who are the same age (not a dirty old man w/ a 20 something or two 20 year olds) is nice to see. The mom who looked her daughter's age because she was obsessed w/ surgery/injections & other unnatural methods was not only a great comic relief but an excellent commentary on societal standards of beauty & what some women will put themselves through.
Sherazade Parker Posey actually steals some major money scenes as the designer wife of a philandering rock star in this quick witted comedy that pits two of Newyork's high profile divorce lawyers (Pierce Brosnan and Julianne Moore) at each other wits. Audrey Woods (Moore) is an overworked, over zealous, over praised and over achieving career woman at the top of her game. That is until she meets her match in Daniel Rafferty (Brosnan) an equally established but slight eccentric professional much like herself, when he is hired by her clients soon-to-be ex husband. From the minute the two lawyers meet, sparks fly and neither one of them seems to be able to hold down their side of the case at hand as they juggle inevitable falling in love, and a drunken shotgun marriage that takes place during their visit to their clients estate in Ireland. The most enjoyable scenes for me were those in which a not so far fetched Parker Posey plays Serena to a pulp. The ever interesting Frances Fisher also does her share of co-starring as Sara Miller, Audrey's Page six seeking mother. It's all very funny, charming and quite entertaining. The wardrobe people deserve an applause as well for making Moore and Bronsnan look even better than ever and the directing was on par as well.