R | 19 March 2004 (USA)
Intermission Trailers

A raucous story of the interweaving lives and loves of small-town delinquents, shady cops, pretty good girls and very bad boys. With Irish guts and grit, lives collide, preconceptions shatter and romance is tested to the extreme. An ill-timed and poorly executed couple's break-up sets off a chain of events affecting everyone in town.

Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Mischa Redfern I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
kenjha This incompetent and uneasy mix of comedy and violence looks at the intertwining stories of a group of Dubliners. There are a couple of amusing moments in a bad script, but it's very poorly directed. This is the first feature film for director Crowley, and based on the evidence here, he really should find another line of work. Here's an eyewitness account of Crowley on the set: "OK, roll'em. No, Ian, you're not shaking the camera enough...let's go - up, down, left, right...that's better. Now zoom in quickly. Excellent. Now zoom out...extreme zoom in, shake, shake, shake...quick zoom out..." Barf bag please. Subtitles are recommended for those who don't speak Irish.
robbreslin By way of response to so many bemused reviews, yes, Intermission wasn't specifically 'made for the American market', it is an Irish movie. Ha,its an Irish movie through and through. It is graphic, and hilarious. It is strikingly real at times, tongue in cheek at others.There are however universal stories being told throughout, things everyone understands, and the tone is unique. You can read the blurb to hear some of the storyline if you like so my job is to tell you that this is a very entertaining movie which adheres beautifully to the Irish sense of humour (spelled humour btw ha).Watch out for the young rebel in the red jacket, ten years old if he's a day, throwing rocks and causing scenes; therein lies the beauty of the humour and the tragedy of this film (thats film pronounced filim).Enjoy this movie people....!!
kooleshwar I had no intention of renting this movie I'm the kind that likes my comedy crude and slapstick and usually involving scantily clad or nude women,and the PG (not 13 i hate 13) animated kind of movies. Yet every once in a while one of my friends or I has this itch to rent a different film and although most of the times we have met with disaster once in a while we have picked out gems like Lock Stock or Waking Ned Devine and so we keep trying these experiments, our experiments with comedies have largely been unsuccessful and I have come to realise the British-Irish-comedy movie formula a bit.This movie is an attempt at mixing two classics (Lock Stock and Love Actually) with the similar theme of seemingly unfamiliar peoples lives intersecting. A single reading of the synopsis ensured that I knew the following things.This movie would have the similar formula of introducing the characters to us, almost boring us with seemingly meaningless event and conversations, and then suddenly justifying everything in one glorious finale. All the while they will also find themselves in precarious and humorous circumstances. (The Lock Stock influence ).Also the characters would be in the constant search for love (or happiness) and will sooner or later get what they want (or realise it) but not before a tumultuous journey. (the love actually part).Common themes are the large number of characters who are related somewhat and others who are absolutely unrelated all coming together in the end.Now this sounds like being tailor made for all audiences including lovers of British comedy, women, the adventurous, the drama lovers, and obviously those who swear by the festival films.Except that somehow it ends up pleasing none of them.Some scenes are worthless and humourless to boot.Leading to large stretches of boredom.The humour is so dry that forget us lovers of loud humour even those who like their humour subtle will struggle to find it.Lovers of drama will find the lack of sadness and long conversations unappealing.The romantics will find the romance lacking and will be surprised by the absence of good looking people.The big end is actually not that big, nor that funny, nor that profound.The only people who will come out happy will be the festival lovers who will bask in the boredom and find meaning the meaningless scenes.There were positives to the movie though.Even though I don't have the superior intellect (or the drive to be different) like the festival fanatics I like movies that let you infer what the scene has to say and not have everything in black and white. This movie has a few good scenes and events that are left unexplained and it left up-to us to infer what we can.(this positive is negated by the sheer number of such scenes, and the presence of explaining scenes when none were required).This movie will not draw many laughs but has loads of smiles. The only genuinely funny scene that I found was the coffee scenes.The thing is the smiles and the almost good ending (cannot even be compared to the classics) ensure that you actually complete this movie on a higher note but even then this did not rise above the lower expectations that i had.In all a thoroughly ordinary film whose rating will be popped up by the drama and festival film lovers who will die before they say anything bad about a movie thats as boring and dry as this can be.Still I'm sure that there is a market for such films, I cannot venture to guess who they are but the rating show that this market has been reached.Wouldn't recommend it for anybody who likes commercial cinema, even lovers of big budget drama (say a million dollar baby or Gay Mountain) would best stay away from this film.-s loads of boring and meaningless scenes, not really much in it for anybody.+/-s loads of unexplained scenes, very dry and often morbid humour.+s loads of smiles, good ending (not worth the ride), a few really good 4/10 (even after lowered expectations would not comment on absolute terms as I'm not the target audience for such movies).
insightandsound Well, if you loved "Crash" (no not the David Cronenberg version, but the Academy Award winning Paul Haggis film) you'll love this Irish version of everyday Irish folk in everyday life, living everyday life interchanging and interacting, kind of like a Irish "six degrees" thing. Speaking of acting, what acting...Everyone is so "real" almost like a documentary, Oscars for All! Great camera work, it just flows so well together, great cast nice to see Scottish actress Kelly MacDonald (Trainspotting, Gosford Park) again. Colin Ferrell is as intense as always, he is such fun to watch he's a great "on-the-edge-of-your-seat" actor. So if you enjoy great acting, a good story with some twists and turns check this one out. Other great Irish films are: Omagh(2004), Veronica Guerin(2003), Bloody Sunday(2002), The Commitments(1991), Waking Ned Divine(1998) and The Field(1990).Slainté