The Man on the Train
The Man on the Train
| 28 October 2011 (USA)

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A mysterious criminal rolls into a small town planning to knock off the local bank, assuming it will go off without a hitch. But when he encounters a retired poetry professor, his plans take an unlikely turn. With no place to stay, the professor generously welcomes him into his home. As the two men talk, a bond forms between these two polar opposites, and surprising moments of humor and compassion emerge. As they begin to understand each other more, they each examine the choices they've made in their lives, secretly longing to live the type of lifestyle the other man has lived, based on the desire to escape their own.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Wordiezett So much average
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
billcr12 Donald Sutherland is a retired professor of poetry living alone in a large Victorian house, listening to Schubert in most of his spare time. He meets a stranger, played by Larry Mullen, Jr.(yes, it is the drummer of the Irish rock band U2), a criminal type who is the complete opposite of the professor.Mr. Mullen can definitely give up his day job, he is the cinematic acting discovery of the year. His style is that of James Dean in "Rebel Without A Cause" or Martin Sheen in "Badlands," and he matches the veteran Sutherland in scene after scene. The two are terrific together. Mullen possesses a natural, charismatic charm.A major problem is the soundtrack, which frequently features a piano in the background at a volume clashing with the actors' lines; at times I was wishing for subtitles.The professor and the stranger with no name ponder each others lives, contemplating the paths they have chosen, a universal theme we can all relate to. The two leads keep it moving along and make it worthwhile.
spotlightne Basically this film centers on just two actors, Donald Sutherland and Larry Mullen Jr.As we all know, Donald is a seasoned veteran but U2 guy Larry is new to cinema, and boy does it show.I guess Donald has about 3,000 pages of dialogue here to Larry's one page. Larry's excuse is that he is playing a guy (we never know his name) who doesn't say much, although he's on screen nearly as much as Donald.Basically the movie is about Larry (known as the thief) who arrives in town straight off a train and makes an accidental acquaintance with a Professor, played by Sutherland. Bizarrely, the professor invites the thief to stay at his home, while the thief secretly plans a robbery at a local bank.It's a very slow film that never picks up speed. Donald acts his socks off, but Larry is so quiet and dull, the film hardly makes an impact.Without Sutherland this film would have bombed. With a different actor playing the thief it might have been better.I give it 5/10 because of Sutherland but the movie really doesn't deserve it.
edington-3 I had no idea who Larry Mullen Jr was before I watched this movie but I thought he was great. He should have taken up acting years ago. Too busy being the drummer for U2 I guess. Donald Sutherland was good too. I liked the literary references, such a refreshing change to see in a movie. EE Cummings, Bukowsky, Henry James. Hey who doesn't love Henry James? Just joking, probably only me and a few academics. The idea of wishing you had lived someone else's life is intriguing and was handled well. The Professor talks a lot about the choices he has made in his life. The other man (Mullen) doesn't talk about his choices but we can guess what they were. Wish someone would explain the ending though. I liked the ending, just didn't understand it. It was also a very funny movie and had lots of levels, definitely going to be mulling this one over for a few days.
pdxsds The concept is interesting... a mysterious man shows up on a train and strikes up an unlikely friendship with a lonely old retired professor. He starts to case a bank for a heist, and you begin to think that maybe the professor is in on it.But then the film just bogs down. The slow pace must be intended to convey depth and ponderous sentiment, but instead it just ends up being boring. For a movie about a bank heist, there's almost no tension, just a lot of long pauses and close ups of Donald Sutherland and Larry Mullen Jr. And maybe I'm just dense, but I have no idea what happened at the end - is that the point? There are countless hidden references to literature that I must be missing, but it just isn't worth the effort. Not to mention the terribly inaccurate portrayal of surgery - they could at least have gotten the anesthesia right, and no hospital in the world would respond to a code that way. Bummer... I was hoping I'd discovered a sleeper gem.