Every Day
Every Day
R | 14 January 2010 (USA)
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Ned is in the throes of a mid-life crisis. His work as a writer on an outrageous, semi-pornographic TV show is less than satisfying. His fifteen year old son has just told him he is gay and his eleven year old is afraid of, well pretty much everything. When his wife, Jeannie, moves her sick and embittered father from Detroit into their home in NY, it puts added stress on an already strained marriage. And when a sexy female co-worker puts the moves on Ned, the temptation sends him spiraling.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
TinsHeadline Touches You
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
nzpedals So many problems, it's a wonder any family copes? They strive, they work their way through?There is unpleasantness, we see it coming, we watch it develop, but the director keeps the scenes short, so the unpleasantness fades and we move on to the next scary issue. That's a great way to deal with it.So, why the 10 rating? Because it is so real. They are real problems, a real story of coping, real people. And my other requirements for a 10, some especially good scenes, and examples of really good dialogue. It's all here.Ned (Schreiber) is a writer for a shock-horror TV show, and must be quite good at it, even though he doesn't really like the attitudes. He is trying to cope with eldest son who wants to go to a 'gay prom'. That would try any parent. His wife (Hunt) has her father (Dennehy) come to live with them. He is declining, and demanding. Very unpleasant mostly. Scary too, we all will (or might) get old and others will have to cope.The plot has the potential to go really awful, but great directing and superb acting achieve so much. Any of us could face similar issues, and how would we cope? Badly maybe.Getting the best from child actors takes patience, persistence and careful guidance - director Levine has done a great job here. And Levine has written some great lines too, Ernie at the rest home... "We're all just visiting". A profound thought for us to ponder.Although the DVD blurb says 'fast and funny', there is only one really funny part - when Ned at first says his cut face came from hitting his steering wheel, but then he explains the real reason and you should see the surprise on the faces of his boss and work colleagues! Great.
Avid Climber Every Day is every family's scenario. An ordinary midlife crisis, a slightly rebellious child, a difficult parent... it could be anyone, and it serves as a mirror telling people who look upon it: "Yes, it happens to others too. It's not easy, but you can make it."The good. The acting is well dosed, just right to make us feel at home. The script keeps event popping in, but does not become overly complex. The story is dynamic, yet quiet. The dialogs, characters, and background are realistic, without dragging us into the mundane or the boring.The actors. Liev Schreiber is the steadfast husband and father who's running into a wall. Good performance. Helen Hunt is the daughter, wife, and mother who is lost. For once, I did not find her annoying, and I must give her credit for keeping her performance on par with the flick. Carla Gugino as the sexy fun seeking coworker, Eddie Izzard as the flamboyant boss, and Brian Dennehy as crotchety old father are what gives the film its piquant. Well done.The bad. I think all this production needs to really have more punch is a bit more polish in almost all departments while avoiding becoming slick which would loose the "anyone" feel. The ugly. Nothing.The result. A bit of entertainment for everyone, but don't expect any action or big gestures. This is about "every day".
Chrysanthepop Richard Levine's 'Every Day' takes a slice of life look at Ned and Jeannie's family life. Their monotonous life is further disrupted when Jeannie's grumpy father, after the death of his wife. Levine tells the story with sincerity but it feels very familiar. It bares some resemblance to movies like 'The Savages' and 'Little Children'. I liked the angle with the teen son who gets lured into sneaking out at night to meet a guy at a disco and yet he's strong-minded enough to refuse drugs. The dynamic between him and his father, especially concerning his homosexuality is portrayed effectively. The struggle between Jeannie and her father is well-depicted. The characters are well-written. The lines are witty and funny but the plot is contrived and very predictable. The Eddie Izzard track felt like an attempt to be quirky and it hardly contributes much to the main story other than providing some comic relief. It's good to see Helen Hunt back. She performs naturally. Brian Dennehy is brilliant and the two child actors are good too. Carla Gugino is spot on. Liev Schreiber and Eddie Izzard are passable.Overall, it may be a typical slice of life family drama but still worth the watch mostly because of the way it portrays certain themes, sharp dialogue and good performances
Saad Khan EVERY DAY – CATCH IT ( B ) A movie about dysfunctional family is my favorite genre. These movies sometime brings out the greatest moment and performance out of actors you actually never expect. Even here we see a side of Liev Schreiber, which I have not seen before. Watching him with Helen Hunt was really interesting. Helen Hunt is a fine actress and we rarely get to see her these days. I really would love to see her soon in some more movies. Ezra Miller is uprising young actor and he is really impressive can't wait to see what he brings on table with bussed about movie" We Need to talk about KEVIN". Carla Gugino is a sweet actress, its always fun watching her and her chemistry with Liev was HOT. Tilky Jones and Ezra Miller smooching was HOT. Overall, it's a good effort and I really enjoyed the whole dynamics of the characters and specially the funny dialogues. I enjoyed it.