Lava Storm
Lava Storm
| 15 March 2008 (USA)
Lava Storm Trailers

Lori and John Wilson, employees of an emergency response center, must find a way to survive the initial lava storms, to save John's father and their two teenage children. Even more importantly, they must find a way to slow the path of the lava storms, to give humankind the time to find a solution to this natural disaster, in order to save humanity and our Earth.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Leofwine_draca This is poor, even by the standards of a typical Asylum or SyFy Channel disaster flick. The problem with LAVA STORM isn't with the nonsensical storyline or the bad acting - hell, we expect both of those, some of us EMBRACE them - but it's with the almost entire lack of incident. A lava storm threatens to engulf a US city, and it's up to a dedicated team of scientists and researchers to stop it. Aside from a ridiculous climactic 'blow up the dam' set-piece, nothing happens here.A bunch of characters end up getting trapped underground so have to navigate subterranean passages for what seems like hours on end. The po-faced protagonist must race to stop things above ground, but his journey is so dull that the film-makers are forced to insert lots of stock footage of lava into their movie to try to make it interesting. There are the requisite CGI shots as well and yes, they're very poor.It's hard to believe that SHARKNADO was a step up for actor Ian Ziering but after seeing his efforts in this mess that's the honest truth. There are no other familiar faces, and why an annoying teenage daughter was added to the character list I don't know; it just makes LAVA STORM all the worse. Dull, dull, dull, and one to avoid even for FANS of this genre.
john-4316 Nothing I could write could spoil this movie. The filmmakers and writers have already done that simply by making this horrible movie. Obviously the writer did not pass a 5th grade science class yet at the end of the movie they have the nerve to leave an "Ecological" message based on fact. Something about how this has happened in the pass and drilling may cause lava flows in the future.This is idiotic as the deep well oil drilling is at 3-4 miles. The earth's crust runs from 15 – 40 miles thick. There is nothing man could due including use of nuclear weapons to cause lava to flow in this manner. They try to blow up a dam with a RPG which is impossible, and they are standing directly below the damn in the stream bed when they try to do it. I kept telling myself it only a movie. But it's a movie that is not even based in possible realm of reality. Don't waste 2 hours of your life skip this one.
dona-gray Who would think? A disaster indie movie competing with the big multi million budget movies studio? It's definitely a bold step to take. Unlike many plot less studio disaster movies,this film actually had a decent plot. I cared about the characters and the characters cared about each other. And I'm not talking only about a sexual interest here. The special effects are quite good and believable, the acting is little uneven but fine. I was impressed by the old man. He really did a great job. If you're used to the usual plot less, testosterone, studio studio action movie, you may not like this movie. But if you have an open mind, and you like to see something different and unexpected this movie is for you.
aliway I really don't know what to say, apart from repeating the summary.First of all, the bit at the end saying the film's events could happen, now, I'm not an expert, but I find it hard to believe one volcano going off could destroy the world. That segment didn't even try to make me believe, more telling me off than reasoning.Then we have so many boring scenes. The photograph montage, the looking at each other for a few minutes without saying anything, a scene of them driving, these are just a few of them.And there's very bad special effects, for example a very fake dam, and they couldn't even be bothered to show us the house exploding properly, just in a reflection. Also, when lava hits the bottom of the house, it does not cause the top of it to explode it seconds. It may rupture a gas pipe and cause the whole house to explode, but not the top.Also, where the Hell is everyone? We see a town but apparently only 7 people live there; the five family members and the two dead people at the start.Speaking of which, the son and daughter. Now, I was glad to find they were step-related after what I saw, but it was still creepy when they referred to each other as blood related, for example 'sis', it's just creepy!But you can't blame the actors, they did the best of their situation. With the exception of Valérie Valois since she appeared to lose it at the end. Seriously, there was one point where everyone else in the scene had an expression of, what's the word, worried anticipation, cut to Valois' blank expression, before thinking 'oh yeah, need emotion here'.So many bad things I want to talk about but thankfully the memory of the film is leaving my mind. Seriously people, unless every single other channel out there is just static, and only this was on, go read a book.And on a final note, this film tells us that the best place to blow up a dam with a rocket launcher (don't ask me where it came from, I blanked out), is at the bottom.