Last Hour
Last Hour
| 15 April 2008 (USA)
Last Hour Trailers

How would you react if three years after the death of your father, you receive a letter signed by him inviting you to visit an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere in China? Curious in nature, you decide to set off on this adventure. Here's the snag, when you arrive in front of the house (which looks more like a bunker), you realize that there are other visitors summoned as well. Four guys show up with the same letter you have! All five characters, Monk, Casino, Black Jack, Shang and Poker have something in common. All carry guns, have dangerous reputations and are wanted by the police. Unexpectedly the door to the house is opened by a mysterious woman and shortly after entering they notice that they are all locked inside. The house is surrounded by police and they can not escape the psychotic killer that wants to wipe them out. After shocking plot twists and with a growing suspicion of each other, they come to realize that they have only one hour to live.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
tynidevil It's like Smokin' Aces meets Crash meets Usual Suspects with a twist. It starts out not half bad but then it just becomes awful. The script is so corny, boring, unimaginative, it made my head hurt. The action wasn't too bad, it just needed something more. This whole movie needs an overhaul, because it could be a really really good movie. The script just absolutely killed everything. It's like a 6 year old wrote it. The action wasn't polished but it kept you interested until the dialogue kicked in. I am still mad at the fact that somebody put this out as a final version. Do they not have editors or somebody to critique it before final print? This was a waste of money and a good idea.
yhayasaka this is one god awful movie. it has very poor scripting and there's no continuity or flow with the story line, which is also confusing and hard to follow. terrible acting all around. OK, so carradine, madsen and dmx aren't exactly A-grade actors, but u'd expect something a lot better even by their standards. even using penelope cruz's sibling cannot give any credibility to this debacle. i can't point out one good thing about this film at all to be honest. director pascal caubet should look for another day job. even the film catwoman with halle berry looks like an Oscar winning masterpiece compared to this pile monkey crap. poor action, poor story line, poor acting and poor me for wasting 105 mins of watching this. i don't normally write reviews on anything, but this is so diabolical that i had to do it. BE WARNED!
rahul raul This is my first review. The moment i saw the film i wanted to send an emergency warning to all, the movie is unbelievably bad. I couldn't see at a stretch so i kind of split it into three halves and each time i just wished i hadn't started this one.I have seen hundreds of Movies but very few with such Bad acting, The performances were amateurish, the story with the plot could have been so much better, this one seemed liked it was stitched from different different movies, bad movies of course. The whole crew looked like such wannabes that one could pity them, in fact i should pity myself and all for bearing such an awful movie.All i can say is avoid at any cost. Trust me you are not going to like this one.
Hash86 I was extremely let down by Monsieur Caubet's directorial debut Last Hour, as it could have been so much more than the stinker it ended up being.The plot essentially was a good one. A classic of the crime/murder/mystery genre - A bunch of strangers brought together in mysterious circumstances by an unknown overseer, are stuck with each other in a foreign surround. There were sufficient twists and turns to set it apart from similar films in this genre had it not been for the fact that it failed to deliver in three key areas - Script, acting and direction.The script was just awful, it took a promising premise and ruined it with some of the worst dialogue I have seen on screen. It was also the first time in a long time that I felt like I was watching actors try to act rather than simply becoming their characters. When I watched this movie I didn't see Blackjack, I saw DMX attempting read the poorly scripted part of a gangster. As for Carradine and the CID chief, some of their interplay was so stilted and false that I was left looking around expecting to see an autocue. Final criticism was the overall directing of debutant Caubet. Any suspense that might have been generated by the substandard acting was quickly lost due to the equally substandard directing. The childish cutting between scenes, poor use of light, terrible sound editing and don't even get me started on the abrupt and wholly unfulfilling ending, all contributed to this movie being a lump of coal rather than a diamond.Had this premise found it's way into the mind of a more capable scriptwriter and subsequently a director like David Mamet, Sidney Lumet or Michael Mann then I believe the basic idea could have lent itself to greatness. Instead, you spend the whole film thinking you are watching the first draft of a movie and that experience is simply not worth spending any money on.