Laid in America
Laid in America
| 26 September 2016 (USA)
Laid in America Trailers

Two foreign exchange high-school students are kidnapped during their quest to get laid on their last night in America.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
genemorrissey Laid In America is about two British guys who are about to leave the school they go to in America but there's one problem, they haven't had sex yet, OH GOD. This movie stars Casper Lee and KSI. If you've never heard of either of them then let me explain, neither of them are actually actors, there both Youtube stares, are you seeing a problem yet. The acting in this film is some of the worst i've ever seen in my life. I did sorta buy the two characters as friends but y probably just cause they are in real life, when the enviable conflict come in and they start fighting its so unbelievable. Also this movie is marketed as a comedy, and in comedy's your meant to laugh, i didn't laugh through this whole film. possibly the worst thing about this film was that after it had ended the two characters hadn't changed at all. They didn't have any ark, they were both really annoying at the beginning and they were really annoying at the end, if not more. There are no redeeming qualities about Laid In America, its a complete waist of time. The people who made it obviously don't that in order to make a good film you have to do more than just point a camera at people and have them talk and say unfunny jokes. I've tried to find people who like this movie and the ones i have said "its so funny" i said "why" and they said "well not really but i really like Casper Lee" Im not kidding i actually had that conversation with someone. I would recommend Laid in America to no one. It's not even so bad that is good, its just bad really really bad.0/10
Joshua Gordon Jones As this is a "YouTube Movie" expectations for the movie were that it would be completely awful, with the acting quality at a completely fecal level, and a generic base plot. I was pleasantly surprised with KSI or rather JJ's acting, as it was convincing and gave his character decent depth. However, everyone else's acting was pretty crap. Caspar especially was really bad, although his performance did get a bit better over the duration of the movie. The plot itself followed the teenage flick clichés, although it did add a bit of variety, and honestly wasn't too bad. I did enjoy the movie, it was a good laugh and fun to watch. Not something to watch seriously, just something for a drunk night/ a mess about with your mates!
Hert Niks Caspar Lee is awful at acting! KSI was just playing himself, so no acting there, but he was better than Caspar. The rest of the cast were quite professional. Not a lot to the story, but there are some twists and turns that I did not see coming. If you're a fan of KSI or Caspar then I suggest watching it, if not, then don't.It looked like there might possibly be a second film, which I really hope they are not making. Definitely one of the worst films I have watched, but then again all youtuber films are quite rubbish.Giving it a 5 out of 10 rating, only because the cast was "good".
Arkayne I adore Casper, and enjoy watching the videos posted by him and Olajide on Youtube... but whoever thought it was a good idea to put these two on the big screen were utterly *cookoo*.Post the budget of this film and the gross profit so far so we can laugh at how silly this idea was.Neither brought anything to the big screen, just silly youtube humor which is funny for 1-2 minutes. And thus is what youtube is about..An hour and a half of this stuff? And yup, you made a mess. There's no question seeing Casper smile brings the wrinkles of an 80 year old out, but that still doesn't defend this "feature" of a movie even being made public in the first place.At best, did this even come to any theatre outside of mainstream US? I doubt it...Good try, but please keep youtube comedy stars separate to that of the big screen... It'll keep your finances and stock safe, as well as our eyes.