Komodo vs. Cobra
Komodo vs. Cobra
| 19 August 2005 (USA)
Komodo vs. Cobra Trailers

A team of environmentalists, including a reporter, her camera man, and an environmentalist's famous girlfriend charter a boat and with the captain, sail to a military island. They suspect the island is hosting to illegal activities. Upon arrival, however, they find no one. They finally reach a deserted house, where they find Dr. Susan Richardson, who tells them that everyone on the island is dead, including her father. Richardson's team were working on a compound that could make edible plants grow to super size, however the military intervened with plans of their own. They wanted to test the compound's effects on animals, and proceeded to feed it to several komodo dragons and cobras.

Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
WakenPayne You know, I do actually sit down and watch these movies. Not even for the "maybe, just maybe one might be a good movie" because even though I have heard otherwise with a couple of these movies - To me they are the modern day version of Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. You know what to expect from the title - some campy fun that mocks itself when intentionally making a bad movie.Okay so the set-up is so stock they might as well have taken old footage to tell it. Reporters go to a mysterious island to uncover a science experiment. They find a giant Cobra and Komodo Dragon and they must get to a downed chopper before the military bombs the island.So here's my biggest complaint - It's BORING! It feels like it's playing it straight when for me - that's the LAST thing I want to see these movies for. Give me more chainsawing sharks in mid air and surf one down to the ground and surviving please! That's why I prefer movies like the Sharknado series and Sharktopus - They know they're sh#t! So they take advantage of all they can to deliver some of the most intentionally goofy crap to get a laugh.But on that it has all the right ingredients to make a movie on par with the aforementioned movies. The acting for this movie sucks right across the board to the point of hilarity, it was no surprise when I found out one of them has a career in porn. The effects are on par with N64 cut-scenes (although I might be harsh on N64 cut-scenes). So in theory this combination could have worked.But another thing that doesn't is the title. The Komodo and the Cobra don't fight unless you count the couple of seconds near the end. I think we see them rarely - Oh yeah! because the acting was so riveting we needed to see more of that! It just has too many problems to really live up to what I was expecting. Maybe I might find another movie of which I would enjoy the stupidity of, like Sharknado but at the end of the day, this is just a forgettable mess.
TheLittleSongbird As I have said many times previously, I am not a SyFy original movies fan, in fact while some are flawed but watchable a lot of them are garbage. But I don't take pleasure in talking dirt about them, most of the time in regard to movies I try to be encouraging and not too harsh to the movies I dislike. Komodo vs. Cobra is a bad, lame movie. However I have seen far worse from SyFy. The tropical island was striking, Michael Pare is suitably gruff and Michelle Borth sparkles in her sexiness. However, it is very cheaply made, with a lot of the shots repetitive, the sets uninteresting and unauthentic and the effects incredibly fake. The komodo dragon and the cobra both don't convince either in how they look or as a threat. The title of the film is also unconvincing, as these two are hardly together apart from like two or three confrontations. The music is also generic while the dialogue is cheesy and stilted and the characters are annoying stereotypes that you don't learn anything about. The story other than the effects is quite possibly the worst asset of the film, it holds no surprises, has no suspense, no sense of terror and is dull. It is also very ridiculous, the water snake idea was intelligence-insulting enough, but what really floored me was how many bullets were fired out of that very small gun? The direction is also very flat. The acting apart from Pare and Borth is poor, the actors have very little to do and are very bland as a result. For instance, Renee Talbert is made to do very little other than pout. Ryan McTavish displays no charisma whatsoever. On the whole, Komodo vs. Cobra is not the worst but is still mega lame in most regards. 3/10 Bethany Cox
Michael_Elliott Komodo vs. Cobra (2005) * 1/2 (out of 4)Leave it to the stupid government to create a chemical that turns things large and then they decide to feed it to a komodo and a cobra. Leave it to a group of dumb, young protesters who go to the island to uncover the truth and sure enough they are attacked and eaten one by one. All of these leads to the final showdown between the two giant beasts. Director Wynorski got his start under Roger Corman and many people consider him the Corman of the past thirty-years because he deals with all sorts of "B" movies. SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE 2 and BIG BAD MAMA 2 are among my favorite cult movies but that certain charm the director can get out of a lower quality movie doesn't work here. The movie starts off mildly fun with its silly story, bad acting and outrageous special effects but in the end it goes on way too long to really work. At least Corman knew to keep these type of movies around the 70-minute mark but this one here clocks in at 94-minutes and by the end of the movie you can't help but feel bored. The human characters are all stereotypes that we'd expect from this type of film and the performances are what we'd expect as well. Michael Pare and Michelle Borth are mildly entertaining but the rest are pretty forgettable. The special effects, CGI of course, are extremely bad but they awkward enough to be entertaining in a so bad they're good way. The final battle isn't too bad but the thirty-minutes leading up to it are incredibly slow and boring. The dumbest thing in the film is that Pare has a .38 handgun, which never runs out of rounds. He constantly shoots off forty or fifty rounds and never has to reload somehow. Fans of this genre might want to check this out but others should stay far away.
Aaron Smit (jgordon1093) Where do I start? First off, the story sucks. The acting sucks, the effects really suck, I guess I'll start with the story. The story for Komodo vs. Cobra: number one, it doesn't explain how or when the Komodo and the cobra even got there. Or for that matter, how it was created. The acting: TERRIBLE! It seems like the director just pulled a few people from the street (which is probably what he did). And last and definitely the least, the effects: they are so horrible that the komodo doesn't even look like a komodo, just a dinosaur, that looks incredibly unrealistic. The water doesn't even move when the cobra appears. All in all: terrible piece of crap, don't even think about renting it.