| 20 January 2014 (USA)
Klondike Trailers

The story centers on the friendship of two adventurers, Bill Haskell and Byron Epstein, as they travel west during the Klondike Gold Rush. Along the way they "must navigate harsh conditions, unpredictable weather and desperate, dangerous characters," including mill owner Belinda Mulrooney and aspiring writer Jack London.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Tore Hund Klondike is one of those series I picked up because it looks fascinating, with a somewhat unorthodox setting. With gold digging as the historical background, you assume that this is what the series will also be about mostly - aside from all the frauds and the harsh climate. Alas, everything seems to be addressed only once throughout the series, because there isn't time to remind the viewer what's so perilous about the environment, and what's at stake. Instead the show aims to be a classical Western story featuring cold weather. The gold digging itself is also left completely out of the story. While I wouldn't want to watch a 6 hour series about digging gold, it's striking that a 20 page chapter of "The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck" is more detailed in the process of extracting gold, than a 6 hour series produced by Discovery. At times it's easy to forget that the show is even taking place in Klondike, and not just any saloon in Santa Fe.Despite a good crew of actors, the characters are one-dimensional and there is little room for any character development. Although some of the characters undergo transitions, there's no development - they simply go from A to B while not giving the viewer any credible reason for their transition. The same goes for the relationships between the characters. Some characters that take up a lot of screen time are even completely redundant, and a waste of the precious time of a 6 episode mini-series. I can think of at least two subplots, without which the show would have lost virtually nothing, while gaining both time and coherence. "Klondike" bit off more than it could chew. A mini-series of 6 episodes is not equipped to deal with profound questions on the true value of gold, while also dealing with the position of females, the suppression of Native Americans, the presence/absence of hope and God, and so on. This series could and should have been a lot better.
mvdennisuk I watched this mini series for entertainment. If that is your purpose - enjoy!! The scenery is spectacular,the photography is beautiful, the acting is solid and the story is ENTERTAINING (somewhat melodramatic)!!! I thought the cast was excellent. Much of the criticism that comes from the other reviewers seems to stem from the lack of realism. I have always felt that the hallmark of a good television show or movie is the ability to suspend disbelief. There are dramatic elements to this series that stretch the imagination BUT it is a story not a documentary. If you want it to be absolutely realistic don't watch it. I LOVED IT!!!!!
Jeff Lefebvre The show is slow moving because it is supposed it is supposed to accurate. I believe it is based on a novel by Jack London who visited the Klondike to write about it. Richard Madden is the main character and plays it well except that he hates to wear hats as a personal matter. He was a character in Game of Thrones crossing the frozen landscape and did not wear a hat. Stupid thing to put up with. That show has a powerful ending including a couple minutes of the credits but you have to watch the entire show to get the ending. My suggestion is to record it and binge watch it. remind yourself that the show is supposed to give you a snapshot of many situations that happened in the gold rush.
mscharle01 I accidentally turned on the miniseries at 8 am on a beautiful sunny Colorado Saturday morning and did not leave the house until 1:30 that day. I was hooked from the opening scene and continued so..until I realized there was only 30 mins left in the 6 hour series and I did not want it to end..so I turned it off so I could savor the last 30 minutes at a later time.I would compare it to Lonsesome Dove and the Hatfield's and McCoys in its capacity to draw you into the characters and living conditions of that time. This miniseries was a little less dark than Hatfield's and McCoy's. They had a little fun on the way to the Klondike and some fun when they got there. There were a few parts that were a little unrealistic like how did Abbie Cornish stay looking so good dealing with the harsh elements and how did she get there and why did she stay? It makes me want to read the book..although I don't want the ending for the Count to be any different than it was!! Thank you Discovery Channel for giving us something inspiring and exciting to watch..the reality shows are getting a little demoralizing..the investigative dramas and detective stories a little creepy..how much gratuitous blood do we need. The miniseries helps one see the eternal value of taking the high road..even when justice doesn't prevail at that moment in time..and the importance and joy of having true friends!