Death Comes to Pemberley
Death Comes to Pemberley
| 02 December 2013 (USA)
Death Comes to Pemberley Trailers

Elizabeth and Darcy, now six years married and with two young sons, are preparing for the lavish annual ball at their magnificent Pemberley home. The unannounced arrival of Elizabeths wayward sister Lydia, however, brings an abrupt and shocking halt to proceedings when she stumbles out of her chaise screaming that her husband Wickham has been murdered. Darcy leads a search party out to the woodlands, and when they discover the blood-smeared corpse, not of Wickham, but his traveling companion, suspicion is at once aroused. The dramatic and unnerving events of the evening have shattered the peace, both of the Darcys and of Pemberley, and as the family becomes caught up in the ensuing murder investigation, a mysterious web of secrets and deceit will threaten all that the Darcys hold dear.

Micitype Pretty Good
Steineded How sad is this?
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Paul Evans A three part murder mystery penned by PD James, featuring the characters from Pride and Prejudice, a daring feat many would say. For those that have read the novel, I'm sure would agree it's very good, I believe, for the most part, in her re-creation of the characters, but is the television adaptation any good?It held my attention, and for the most part I enjoyed it, it is after all a very clever story, and as you'd expect from the BBC it boasts some super production values, the sets, costumes etc, all spot on. It's the performance of Matthew Goode in my humble opinion that steals the show, his Wickham is handsome, demands a degree of sympathy, whilst having a degree of villainy running through him. Matthew Rhys is very good as Darcy, cold and serious, even though in my mind's eye he doesn't match the appearance I have for him. Anna Maxwell Martin, a truly talented actress I felt was miscast, nothing wrong with her performance, but she just fails to add any spark into Elizabeth, for the entire three hours she looked like she had a headache.Tom Ward, Trevor Eve, James Norton all good, Jenna Coleman and Felicity Kendall were both on great form, adding energy into their roles.Flawed, but enjoyable, 6/10
Samantha Ritz I would like to start by saying I am a huge Austen fan. I've read Pride and Prejudice multiple times and the Keira Knightly version of the movie is a favorite of mine. That being said, I loved this adaptation of the Bennets/Darcys. I think the casting is excellent. As for Lizzie being too old, I disagree. Lizzy would have been close to 30, and the actress playing her is well within appropriate age. I also think her "fairness" is closer to the novel's version of Elizabeth than Keira Knightly. In this adaptation, Darcy is truly his broody self, not a pretty, sad, misunderstood gallant. The actors have been chosen not for their "beauty" but for their acting. The rest of the cast plays their parts with easy believability. The story line is wonderful mix of murder-mystery and flashbacks to the original novel. The story gives plenty meat for the characters and satisfies in many ways the relationship between Darcy and Elizabeth that was not continued in the books. I was happily surprised by the ending, it caught me by complete surprise and that made the wait all the better. I only wish this excellent cast could create more story for this beloved novel. I've watched it 3 days in a row, no regrets!
mrbell-1 Had this pvr'd so didn't get to watch it until recently. The main characters were mis-cast. Rhys as Darcy just didn't work, but he would have made a great Wickham. Matthew Goode should have been cast as Darcy, and not as Wickham. And seriously, who would have thought to cast AMM as Lizzie? Her presence was paper-thin, and had difficulty carrying the role and the dialogue to make Lizzie spring to life and be the object of Darcy's adoration. And by the end of even the first episode, I was seriously tired of seeing her in the same, ugly blue dress. I was beginning to think it was the only one she owned until they came up with the same dress in episode two, but this time in green. And that little bolero jacket, and the pickle-barrel bonnet was just too much for me. For a woman of means, after 6 years of being married to a wealthy man and representing the estate, you would think she had more than two daytime dresses, that she wore everywhere. Did she get them at the church jumble sale or the bottom of the missionary barrel? And Rebecca Font as Mrs. Bennett? Really??? That was just too painful to watch.
mmsbk First , I do have to agree with reviewers who noted anachronisms of language and highly unlikely behaviours - Georgiana falling to her knees crying in front of male servants in the public rooms being one of the most obvious. I do not believe for a moment in the central premise that Darcy and family would be cast into Outer Darkness socially because his brother-in-law was a criminal. Gossiped about undoubtedly, but bad apples among the aristocracy are hardly uncommon now or then. I feel also critical of the costuming and general appearance of Elizabeth , it become clear at the end as to why she might have looked tired but why she should be so badly dressed is beyond me . One coat-like garment resembles nothing so much as a hessian bag and she appears to only wear two plain dresses for weeks on end. Georgiana seems to have only one - though it is a nicer one . And Elizabeth's hair seem so be permanently dishevelled for no good reason. While I'm carping , I also have to say I don't understand why there appears to be almost no upper servants in the vast edifice of Pemberley. Such an establishment would have a steward and/or butler, several footmen and under-footmen and Mrs Reynolds would have many maids under her . Ah well, no matter really I guess.On the plus side, I thought all the acting was great , especially the female cast. Lydia was beautifully cast and played, as was Lady Catherine and Mrs Bennett . I wish they could have had bigger roles in fact . So, in spite of the above mentioned criticisms, I have to say it was a very watchable period drama and , actually, much more fun than the the book . I like PD James very much , but this was NOT her best work and frankly rather a tedious dry read .