Aguirre, the Wrath of God
Aguirre, the Wrath of God
| 29 December 1972 (USA)
Aguirre, the Wrath of God Trailers

A few decades after the destruction of the Inca Empire, a Spanish expedition led by the infamous Aguirre leaves the mountains of Peru and goes down the Amazon River in search of the lost city of El Dorado. When great difficulties arise, Aguirre’s men start to wonder whether their quest will lead them to prosperity or certain death.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
rsgmiller-1 A drunk soccer player reportedly vomited on Herzog's typewriter rendering many of the pages he was working on useless and he couldn't remember what he wrote, so he ended up throwing them out a window. Had he decided to keep those pages in his final draft, (which he apparently spent a whole 2.5 days on since he's that brilliant,) they would have added some much needed improvement to the finished film.I have watched my fair share of art house and had been looking forward to checking out Aguirre for some time, but I call bs on this.I read a review where a guy described this film as "intense." I mean, what kind of life are you living if an intense experience is sitting through this movie?
capone666 Aguirre, the Wrath of GodBy the time technology makes exploring easy there's nothing left to discover.Which is why the adventurers in this drama didn't wait for Google Maps to exist.While on a Gonzalo Pizarro (Alejandro Repullés) lead expedition to find El Dorado, 16th century Spanish conquistador Lope de Aguirre (Klaus Kinski) is allocated to a small fleet sent down the Amazon river to scout ahead.Joining Aguirre on the raft is his daughter (Cecilia Rivera), his commander (Ruy Guerra), his commander's mistress (Helena Rojo), a nobleman and a priest.Aguirre's avarice eventually results in a mutiny. While his madness steers everyone aboard towards their deaths.German director Werner Herzog's disturbing depiction of colonialism, this cult classic uses fact on which to build its fictional account of Aguirre's descent into lunacy. Success is ultimately achieved thanks to Kinski's haunting performance.Incidentally, the only civilization the conquistadors are credited with discovering is crazy town.Yellow
Kirpianuscus demonstration of the work , based on strange, disturbing war between a great director and a special actor. a historical film who use the past as reminder of basic sins, deep solitude, portrait of ambition fruits. a kind of Shakespeare and Greek tragedy. cruel, honest, beautiful. fresco of madness. and Klaus Kinski. out of script or scenes or dialogues. himself as a story of fury and desire and isolation in the womb of his truth. Aguirre is more than a good /impressive/terrible / great film. it is a struggle. not surprising. but useful for discover a manner to transform history as a large mirror of the essence of humankind. and this does Aguirre, the Wrath of God in a story about limits of dream. one o the most convincing.
Charles Camp My expectations going in to this film were pretty high given its critical acclaim and reputation. Grizzly Man is the only other Herzog film I have seen and it happens to be my current favorite documentary of all time, so needless to say I was quite excited to see another film by him. And I'm happy to report that, although on a first viewing I didn't love it to quite the same degree as Grizzly Man, Aguirre: The Wrath of God definitely did not disappoint. I was quite interested to see what Herzog's style would be like as a filmmaker working with his own script and actors rather than as a documentarian. Based only on this film, he definitely seems to have a very deliberate, methodical air to his direction. The entire film is very even-toned and it slides along at a steady pace that feels neither fast nor slow. There is definitely an emotional coldness to the film that feels almost Kubrickian. None of the characters are very relatable or likable; quite the contrary in fact - they are consumed by greed, selfishness and delusions of grandeur, our "hero" in particular. Thus, there is an emotional distance between the audience and the characters that is definitely reminiscent of a Kubrick film.And ironically, despite the fact that I turned to this movie as my first Herzog non-documentary, the film almost feels like a documentary. The way the film is shot with hand-held camera and without any pomp or dramatization makes everything feel so real and authentic. It's very obvious that everything in the film was done for real on location and that is to its advantage as you really feel like you're there with these men rather than just watching a dramatization.This ultra-realism also works very well in bringing the themes of the film through and making them resonate. The film is clearly about man's misguided and even delusional thirst for power. Aguirre embodies this more than anyone in the film - a man with very clear delusions of grandeur who fancies himself a god despite clear evidence that his expedition is futile and doomed to failure. Klaus Kinski gives a spectacular performance in this role which is even more impressive given his relatively minimal amount of dialogue. He just has such an ominous presence on screen, his face perpetually twisted in a snarl, and he becomes almost hypnotic to watch as the film goes on.And it isn't just Aguirre. Essentially every Spaniard in the film engages in treachery at least once, including the holy man who utters one of the most searing lines of the film: "You know, my child, for the good of our Lord, the Church was always on the side of the strong." Ouch. These men commit mutiny, elect "emperors", make grand declarations of land ownership, and hold trials with their only audience being the indifferent tangle of vegetation and the raging river. The realism of the film perfectly captures how delusional these men really are as they parade around with their notions of power and fame in the middle of the jungle. Nothing could be further from the truth as they slowly succumb one by one, lost in a foreign and foreboding land. And their impossible goal of finding El Dorado, the imaginary city of gold, is the perfect metaphor for their delusion. A great strength of the film is that the way this theme is executed feels so universal. Herzog isn't just showing us the madness of these particular men in this particular scenario, he's showing us the madness of man in general. He showing us that these illusions of power are just that - illusions. In the grand scheme of the world and the universe, the titles of men are meaningless and transient.Aguirre: The Wrath of God is a powerful film and an impressive achievement from a filmmaking perspective. However, it is definitely not a movie that is out to entertain or dazzle its audience. It is a film of ideas rather than plot or spectacle. Really the only criticism I can make of the film on a first viewing is that there were some moments of humor which felt a bit out of place given the tone of the film - a man makes a quip after being shot with an arrow or a decapitated head speaks its last word. There is definitely an absurdity to the film and you could argue that these scenes play to that, but I felt these moments perhaps went a bit to far and were too cartoony to mesh well within the film's fabric of realism. Regardless, it's a minor complaint which does very little to sour an otherwise excellent film.