The Pacific
The Pacific
| 15 March 2010 (USA)
The Pacific Trailers

A 10-part mini-series from the creators of "Band of Brothers" telling the intertwined stories of three Marines during America's battle with the Japanese in the Pacific during World War II.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Steineded How sad is this?
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
anselmdaniel This review contains spoilers.The Pacific is a mini-series that follows three perspectives of marines that enter the Pacific theater in different roles. The series is a departure from Band of Brothers and it has a more finer focus on its three characters. The series follows the characters before boot-camp and after the end of the war.Like the series before it, Band of Brothers, the mini-series has high production values and has real characters that are the focus on each episode. The series has much of its action and characterization scarred across each episode with the bulk of the action being in the middle and end chapters. The beginning is meant to give the viewer a grand scope and to see how the United States began mobilization. These men were not all volunteers and the series makes it clear with the characters. Some of the soldiers had been drafted and are awaiting their service to expire.The actors and actresses all do a great job here with the highlight being Rami Malek. This television series really launched Rami Malek's career with his fantastic performance as on of Sledge's compatriots.The Pacific is different from Band of Brothers as the combat scenes are more gory and visceral. The series also plays more to the themes of post-traumatic stress disorder than in Band of Brothers. The two series are fine on their own and one should not compare the two. Each series talks about separate themes even though they utilize the same tropes.The Pacific is highly recommended. This series is a high budget mini-series with its own direction.
bheadher Pacific is done with a similar flair that Band of Brothers possessed, but doesn't have quite the same feel to it...and there is no reason it should really...The War in Europe, and The War in the Pacific, were totally different...and the overall tempo of the Pacific War is shown pretty much the way it was, in an island hopping campaign that never seemed to end...Where BoB tells a story of deep emotional ties, developed within an Army company of Paratroopers, Pacific tells a completely different story, one of young men who made the giant leap from civilian to Marine, in a very short time. There is a certain loyalty displayed, and patriotism, but each character is portrayed as an individual...the movie dwells a lot on the inner turmoil that every soldier had to deal with...One reviewer really slammed the series, for not being realistic...I would agree partially, but this wasn't supposed to just focus on how fanatical the Japanese were. Instead, it tries to paint a broader picture of how our young men reacted to the constant fighting...Frankly, I did like Pacific, more because I did not expect it to be another movie...
denis888 I will now speak the simplest variant of English, only to make my point clear and precise - this 10-episode serial is very bad. The first reason, is that although it cost more than $200 ml to make, it is not clear as to where this money went. It seems to be a very poor choice to waste money on this flick. The plot is so terribly predictable and yes, we have seen all of this many times. Do we need a poor rendition of equally poor Band Of Brothers? Do we need a terribly inferior variant of Private Ryan? The casting is of a dubious merit. We do not feel any empathy for all these seemingly vapid and shallow characters. The battles are loud and they grow tiresome so quickly that one can skip them all as fast as possible. The message is clear but again, do we need to see that again? Tom Hanks made a huge misstep here and he did not deserve any praise for this third-rate formulaic flick
electric-crow At first I thought it was a little sappy especially the Melbourne episode but then I thought about my own career in the military and how yes, that's what we did, that's how we hazed each other, that's how we treated FNG's, that's how nobody understood, that's how you sometimes get jerks for officers, that's how you would rather be with your buddies than at home pretending to be normal. After a couple episodes it all felt very familiar.