Killing Moon
Killing Moon
| 11 August 1999 (USA)
Killing Moon Trailers

A mysterious disease threatens airline passengers.

MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Stephanie Jonsdottir I don't ask for much in an air disaster movie, but this one is pathetic. It all starts on a small plane sitting at the gate that all of a sudden is huge on the inside, so some people may not notice that. How about a flight attendant going from first class back into coach and as she passes through the curtain she's coming upfrom the back of the plane? Obviously the work of a lousy director (the flight attendant puts a pitcher of water on the cockpit floor for instance) speaking of her, why is she all by herself in a big plane like that? Someone apparently blew the budget on the fake blood dripping from the actors nostrils. Am I ranting, no not really, but if you have the ability to make a film no matter how lousy the script/story, or how bad the actors you are stuck with, at least keep the sets common with one another.
bheyer In the annals of movie-making, "Killing Moon" ranks up there with such turkeys as "Plan 9 From Outer Space" and "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman." Besides being cursed with a Baldwin in the cast (in this case, Daniel), the movie also suffers from an almost unintelligible script, Ed Wood type cheapo sets, wooden acting and a director (John Bradshaw) who must've come down with the same "mysterious disease" that infected some of the airliner passengers so boringly depicted in the picture. Some truly outrageous dialogue is spoken in this movie, and "you-gotta-be-kidding-me" situations are blandly acted out. Really, HOW many interesting variations of "The High and the Mighty" are there? My advice? ONLY watch this flick if you have a terminal case of insomnia.
Jim Manson I didn't have much in the way of expectations when I rented this DVD. That was a good thing.The first hour of the movie was fairly interesting. The actors did a good job for the most part with the notable exception of Daniel Baldwin.The script was fairly formulaic as expected but it did a better than average job setting up some of the main characters. Overall I would rate it better than most TV movies but it suffered from a low budget. With better sets and writing it would have rated higher.Spoiler:The major problem I had was with the typical Hollywood techno illiteracy. The explanation of the virus was easily the most absurd thing since China Syndrome. The alleged agent was a DNA that somehow combined with, get this, Tritium. As the DNA replicated the Tritium also allegedly replicated thereby killing the person with radiation. Tritium is a radioactive isotope of Hydrogen- 3 protons 1 neutron.Of course the only way that could occur is if the virus managed what Pons and Fleischer didn't- COLD FUSION. After I got done laughing it was somewhat difficult to get back into the movie.With a decent explanation I would have rated the movie higher. Overall a simple movie that managed to become more than a sum of it's parts. Good for a quick escape without too much thought.
wchoff This is the worst movie I have seen in the past year. I rented it on tape and could tell right away it was a for TV production. My expectations lowered, but could not get to the level of this sub-TV-standard slop. The movie was obviously a low budget effort, judging by these examples: an interisland flight in Hawaii only had 20 passengers, the plane only had a flight crew of two, the set for the 737 was a DC-10 set from another movie and only 3 Federal agents became involved in a major medical/air disaster! The number of technical errors were numerous too, such as the one hour and forty minute trans-Pacific flight time from Hawaii to California. The worst part of this movie was the performance by Daniel Baldwin, one of the Baldwin boys. It is obvious why we see less of him than his other brothers. I had a hard time figuring out what the deal was with him making a heart-shaped design with the fingers of his hands across his belly as he walked stiffly around the control room. His overacting outbursts were ridiculous too. Avoid this one. Watch one of the old Airport movies instead.