Killing Lincoln
Killing Lincoln
PG | 16 February 2013 (USA)

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April 14, 1865. One gunshot. One assassin hell-bent on killing a tyrant, as he charged the 16th President of the United States. And in one moment, our nation was forever changed. This is the most dramatic and resonant crime in American history—the true story of the killing of Abraham Lincoln.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
classicsoncall Back in the early Seventies I researched a college history class assignment on the assassination of Lincoln and was surprised about everything I learned at the time that wasn't common knowledge. "Killing Lincoln" is even more of an eye opener as it delves into the conspiracy headed by actor John Wilkes Booth, a Southern zealot who had a fanatical hatred for the President. What started out as a kidnap plot to exchange Lincoln for captured Confederate soldiers became a scheme to debilitate the federal government by killing the President, Vice President Andrew Johnson and Secretary of State William Henry Seward.In regards to the overall documentary, the effort appears to be exhaustively researched and well presented. However I take issue with narrator Tom Hanks who states that this was the 'most resonant crime in the history of the nation'. Surely Hanks was alive when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on the streets of Dallas, and in terms of 'resonance' for modern day viewers, I think Hanks' claim might have been made more for effect than for accuracy. By saying this I don't mean to imply that Lincoln's death was any less horrific or consequential, but in the 1860's it often took news of events a number of days or even weeks to travel across a smaller country than we have today. Additionally, it's made clear that Lincoln was hated by many, even some within his own party, whereas Kennedy enjoyed a popularity during his brief presidency that will probably never be rivaled again.So that's just a minor nit-pick I had with the picture. Though some other reviewers here expressed dissatisfaction with the principals who portrayed Lincoln (Billy Campbell) and Booth (Jesse Johnson), I don't think I ever gave it a second thought. This is a documentary one goes into to learn the facts behind an historical event, so I wasn't looking for or expecting an Oscar caliber performance. The principal players did a credible job backed up by supporting cast that handled their roles well.So overall, an excellent documentary that provides a springboard for those with more than a passing interest in the death of the sixteenth president. Behind the mere fact of Lincoln's assassination lies an entire saga relating to those responsible and the measures they took on the tragic night of April 14th, 1865.
Michael_Elliott Killing Lincoln (2013)*** (out of 4) Tom Hanks hosts and narrates this docu-drama about the final days in the life of Abraham Lincoln (Billy Campbell) who would be assassinated by John Wilkes Booth (Jesse Johnson) and change American history forever. Hanks starts off quickly talking about how history has shown Lincoln as a martyr but then mentions that a minute before his death he really wasn't all that popular. This approach isn't something most documentaries take but it pretty much goes away from anything new and instead just tells us the assassination story again. Last year I watched quite a few documentaries on the Civil War and Lincoln so I've become well versed in the subject. This film here is certainly worth watching but at the same time I do question if it was really necessary to do the film like this. We'll see quick re-enactment of events and then we'll flashback to Hanks who is usually sitting in a chair. He will then tell us something about the events going on (ala.. Lincoln has 12 hours to live) and then we go back to the footage. I think the film probably would have worked just as well had it been done as a straight movie without the narration. I also think it would have been great had Hanks just narrated the entire story. As it is the film is entertaining but I think at times we never really connect with the re-enactments and I think Billy Campbell really gets hosed because he never really gets to come to life as Lincoln. It seems most of Lincoln's greatness is told through the narration so the acting of Campbell really doesn't have much of a part to do. On the other hand, Johnson is simply wonderful in the role of Booth and really manages to steal the film. While the subject might be about Lincoln, the actor makes the greatest attention go to the murderer. The look of the film was quite nice even with the obvious at times CGI. History buffs are certainly going to enjoy this and I think the best thing is how is breaks down what was going on the day of the assassination.
richardcuccia If you watch this movie, you will know the facts of the events leading to, the events of, and the results of Abraham Lincoln's assassination. This is most excellently performed.The actors who portrayed both Lincoln (Billy Campbell) & Booth (Jesse Johnson) performed A plus roles. Both actors conveyed the feel of the age and the personality of both historical persons as history has made them known to us. Excellent. Johnson for sure deserves an award. Watching his performance, you will feel that you know Booth.If you are at all interesting in these events, watch this movie. You will be well educated, informed, and entertained. In this modern day, such a combination is rare, indeed.In the highest minded rationale, this is as good an expression of the TV art as there can be.
laverge-611-161047 For over fifty years, I have been intrigued with the story of the Lincoln assassination. For the past thirty-eight years, I have lived with it on a day-to-day basis as first a volunteer and then director of the Surratt House Museum in Clinton, Maryland. During that time, I have worked with researchers, authors, journalists, and a variety of film makers from the old In Search Of series, Unsolved Mysteries, History Channel productions, and more - including The Conspirator movie directed by Robert Redford.Through those years, I have waited patiently for someone to give an accurate, detailed account based on the facts of the Lincoln conspiracy. I finally have seen the best depiction to date with Killing Lincoln. Thank you to all the writers, directors, cast members, and production staff who finally took the time to get the story right. It's an event that came at the end of a horrible war and changed the course of American history. With skillful writing, directing, and acting - and with the excellent guiding narrative by Tom Hanks, my waiting patiently has paid off. Thanks to all.