Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace
PG | 16 September 2006 (USA)
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The true story of William Wilberforce and his courageous quest to end the British slave trade. Along the way, Wilberforce meets intense opposition, but his minister urges him to see the cause through.

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Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Jana Siegrist How Sweet the SoundThe film Amazing Grace, directed by Michael Apted, is based on the remarkable story of the abolition of the slave trade, and is set in Great Britain in the 18th century. Both political and religious aspects of culture are present heavily throughout the film. The film is based on the true story of William Wilberforce and his fight to end slavery in Great Britain. Wilberforce's life was dedicated to seeing souls be set free and to bringing justice to the oppressed. He was terrorized night after night with dreams and visions of the slave trade, and each dream detailed what slaves were going through daily around the world. At one point, Wilberforce was playing cards with one of the men in the British Parliament, and the man asked for his "nigger" to fetch his carriage. Wilberforce became vehemently angry and raged out of the game, slamming the cards down. The fellow Parliament members said he was acting as if he had never seen slavery before, but he replied, "It is like arseny, each tiny dose doubles the effect." (Wilberforce) At another point in the film, Wilberforce was in a fight in his mind as to whether he should be taking up a religious calling or continue in his political career and see the slave trade abolished. His friend William Pitt brought a group of acclaimed and diverse individuals in order to convince to Wilberforce that he is able to conquer both. This did not entirely "seal the deal" for him. Instead, Wilberforce went to seek advice from John Newton, his former pastor. Newton was a former slave ship owner but was redeemed to a life of freedom. Newton told Wilberforce he must seek to abolish slavery and that parliament needed individuals like him. "Take their dirty ships out of the ocean," Newton told Wilberforce. (Newton) Then Newton's dreams began haunting him again. This time it was in regards to a friend's letter from Jamaica. Wilberforce had nightmares of children being scalded to death by molten lava, and he felt as if he was living inside of the dream. Each time he had a dream, he would wake up in a cold sweat. Aludo Equiano, a former slave, showed Wilberforce a slave ship and explained to him what went on in each part of the ship. "Slavery is a trade which degrades men to the level of brutes," Equiano explained. By now, Wilberforce had taken a petition to parliament each year for what seemed to him an eternity, and each year he became closer to getting it passed. Barbara, whom he met through his aunt and uncle, encouraged him in his pursuit of equality and told him how much she had admired his efforts and how she watched him do good in society. "After night comes day the people are not afraid now that the war on France is being won and when they are not afraid they rediscover their compassion." (Barbara) He later married Barbara and they had children together. John Newton told Wilberforce that he should publish the accounts of his experiences with fighting the slave trade. Newton told Wilberforce that, "I was blind, but now I see," regarding how he had met the Lord. James, a friend of Wilberforce from the Indies, came to share with his supporters pages and pages of first-hand accounts he had collected. James explained to them that the slaves were anxious for freedom and they heard that there was someone coming to save them named Wilberforce. James gave Wilberforce's supports an idea: they would not directly present the bill to parliament, but sneakily go around it. He suggested a more effective way in order to get slavery abolished. The slave ships were sailing with the American flag. He suggested that a bill is passed that all American ships are able to be searched and seized. That same day he went to parliament to make the petition, Wilberforce gave free tickets for a horse race to everyone who opposed his anti-slavery efforts. The petition passed. Soon after its passing, the abolition of the slave trade came to fruition (in the late 1820s). This movie is highly recommendable. It opens your eyes to the reality of slavery, and shows of a hero fighting it. This film shows Wilberforce as a hero. He will forever be remembered for how he took the sighing of the needy and brought freedom to many hearts. Freedom is a sweet sound. The slaves finally became free.
SimonJack The opening of "Amazing Grace," has a written statement that sets the stage for the movie. It reads, "By the late 18th century, over 11 million African men, women and children had been taken from Africa to be used as slaves in the West Indies and the American colonies. Great Britain was the mightiest super-power on earth and its empire was built on the backs of slaves. The slave trade was considered acceptable by all but a few. Of those, even fewer were brave enough to speak against it."The film is part biopic, part historical drama, and part fiction. It is an excellent story about slavery, and the efforts in 18th century England to stop the trafficking and sale of human beings. The focus is on one man who led a small group of dedicated people in the fight to end the slave trade. William Wilberforce, played by Ioan Gruffudd, was a man of many accomplishments in England. This film tells the story of his 26-year effort to abolish the slave trade. And, his inspiration for ending slavery completely within the British Empire by the time of his death in 1833. Gruffudd is just one of a large cast, all of whom deliver outstanding performances in their roles. Benedict Cumberbatch plays an excellent William Pitt (the Younger). Albert Finney is excellent as John Newton. He is a former slave-trader, now reformed, and writer of the song, "Amazing Grace." Michael Gambon is excellent as Lord Charles Fox (who was not a Lord in real life). Rufus Sewell as Thomas Clarkson, Ramola Garai as Barbara Spooner, and Youssou N'Dour as Olaudah Equiano all excelled in their roles. The rest of the supporting cast, down to Richard the butler, played by Jeremy Swift, were excellent. Two key fictional characters also were played quite well. Ciarán Hinds excelled as Lord Tarleton, a leader of those who opposed the abolition of the slave trade. He is another character of peerage who would not have served in the House of Commons, but the House of Lords. And, Toby Jones was very good as the fictitious character, the Duke of Clarence, who supposedly was the young son of the king. While not a character in this film, the king would have been King George III. He reigned almost the entire lifespan of Wilberforce – from 1760 (age 12) to 1820. The last 11 years of his life, he suffered a mental illness that earned him the title "Mad King George." This was, however, after the ending of the slave trade in 1807. The film overall does fair justice to the principal characters involved in the battles to end the slave trade and eventually slavery. The role of Lord Fox was highly fictionalized. He was ahead of Wilberforce in calling for an end to the slave trade – as was William Pitt the Younger. While many of the situations in the film are true, the actual details and facts are altered. I think the life of Olaudah Equiano would make for an interesting movie itself. Most of the details given in the film were factual. But the film doesn't mention his many accomplishments and travels as an explorer and merchant. He also went under the name of Gustavus Vassa, and later married an English woman. The couple had two daughters. He was 52 yeas old at his death. A scene in the movie has Wilberforce visiting his grave site, but in reality, the exact location of his burial is unknown. Movie buffs may be interested to know that the U.S. abolished the slave trade within months of the action by England. But, just as in England, slavery continued. England was much faster in ending slavery outright. That was in 1833, shortly after Wilberforce's death. It took the U.S. until December 6, 1865 to end slavery entirely. That was the date the states ratified the 13th amendment to the Constitution. On Feb. 1 of that year, Pres. Abraham Lincoln approved a joint resolution of Congress that provided for the constitutional amendment. Other viewers have referred to the film, "Amistad." It is an excellent companion film to "Amazing Grace." These are important stories about the horrors of slavery. And, they are good accounts of some early heroes in the cause to end this horrible abuse of human beings.Albert Finney's John Newton in this film gives an impassioned reply and charge to Wilberforce when he asks Newton for help. I think it's a nice description of the film's plot. "I can't help you. But do it, Wilber! Do it! Take them on! Blow their dirty, filthy ships out of the water. The planters, sugar barons, Alderman Sugar Cane, the Lord Mayor of London. … Liverpool, Boston, Bristol, New York – all their streets running with blood, dysentery, puke! You won't come away from these streets clean, Wilber. You'll get filthy with it, you'll dream it, see it in broad daylight. But do it … for God's sake." This is an excellent film all around.
ma-cortes The idealist William Wilberforce (finely played by Ioan Grufudd) along with Rhomas Clarkson (Rufus Sewell) and a group of anti-slave trade maneuver his way through Parliament, endeavoring to end the British transatlantic trade that would lead to a great victory . Wilberforce helped by his lifelong friend and future P. M . William Pitt (Benedict Cumberbatch) will fight to get their purports for social justice . Wilberforce encounters the inspiration in newfound love interest (Romola Garai) to rejuvenate the battle with new ideas . After many attempts to bring legislation forward over twenty years, he is eventually gets a bill being passed through Parliament in 1807, in which abolishes the slavery the British empire forever.This is a bicentennial tribute to William Wilberforce and his parliamentary bill abolishing the slave trade . Thought-provoking and moving film dealing with interesting issues , including fidelity to historical accuracy and detailed moral battles . Ioan Gruffudd is good as obstinate , romantic parliamentary member who battles relentlessly injustices ; he does a dignified portrayal about a great man . The prestigious cast shows their awareness of the contemporary impact about the brooding themes and are allowed to step out of period detail . Special mention to Benedict Cumberbatch as his lifelong friend Prime Minister William Pitt and N' Dour realizing an enjoyable portrait of an ex-slave . All of them are quietly upstaged by Albert Finney as a repent , remorse ex-slaver . The motion picture was marvelously directed by Michael Apted , he's director, producer of several successes such as ¨The word is not enough¨, ¨Gorillas in the mist¨ , ¨Class action¨, ¨Nell¨, ¨Enigma¨ , ¨Chronicles of Narnia II : The voyage of Dawn Treader¨ among others . Rating : Above average and worthwhile seeing , the whole family will enjoy this film .It's a very likable biography and enormously appealing for students and scholars . Overall this is a really nice movie . If you are familiar with the history then you will like this splendid film .This is a biopic well based on historical events , adding more details over the largely described in the movie are the following : William Wilberforce (24 August 1759 – 29 July 1833) was a British politician, philanthropist, and a leader of the movement to abolish the slave trade. A native of Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire, he began his political career in 1780, eventually becoming the independent Member of Parliament for Yorkshire (1784–1812). In 1785, he underwent a conversion experience and became an evangelical Christian, resulting in major changes to his lifestyle and a lifelong concern for reform. In 1787, he came into contact with Thomas Clarkson and a group of anti-slave-trade activists, including Granville Sharp, Hannah More and Charles Middleton. They persuaded Wilberforce to take on the cause of abolition, and he soon became one of the leading English abolitionists. He headed the parliamentary campaign against the British slave trade for twenty-six years until the passage of the Slave Trade Act of 1807. Wilberforce was convinced of the importance of religion, morality and education. He championed causes and campaigns such as the Society for Suppression of Vice, British missionary work in India, the creation of a free colony in Sierra Leone, the foundation of the Church Mission Society, and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. His underlying conservatism led him to support politically and socially repressive legislation, and resulted in criticism that he was ignoring injustices at home while campaigning for the enslaved abroad.In later years, Wilberforce supported the campaign for the complete abolition of slavery, and continued his involvement after 1826, when he resigned from Parliament because of his failing health. That campaign led to the Slavery Abolition Act 1833, which abolished slavery in most of the British Empire; Wilberforce died just three days after hearing that the passage of the Act through Parliament was assured. He was buried in Westminster Abbey, close to his friend William Pitt.
john-977-155021 Amazing Grace is my standard for faith-based movies. Beautifully shot, beautifully acted, and honest this film reveals the best of humanity - a person truly motivated by God to pursue justice, regardless the cost. Ken Wales has had his hand in many projects throughout his career, and he has tried to create film that is God honoring and life affirming. This is, in my opinion, by far his best effort. In a medium where we regularly see the worst side of people, here is an inspiring look at the best. Historical drama is also usually out of the budget range of films like this, so often the attempts at period fall short, or are shot with such an abundance of close up that you never feel a part of the setting. Not so with Amazing Grace - the Parliament scenes, the streets, the homes - all were believable. My only gripe is with the title - I think it is a mislead. Wish they had just called it "Wilberforce."