Kill Buljo
Kill Buljo
R | 12 May 2009 (USA)
Kill Buljo Trailers

Jompa Tormann and his guests and family are brutally gunned down during an engagement party. Sami- and women-hating police officer Sid Wisløff is put on the case. Together with his colleague and a Sami guide, Wisløff tries to find the guilty party, but Tormann survived and he wants revenge!

Spoonixel Amateur movie with Big budget
Connianatu How wonderful it is to see this fine actress carry a film and carry it so beautifully.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
jofredbekk I am from the town that this movie was made in, and I have seen and talked to the director and the actors on several occasions.I can see that it may be hard for folks that aren't from Norway to get the humor of the film, hell even the people who live in the southern Norway have a difficult time getting it all... So with that said, this movie is maybe not for everyone. It's not meant to be just a parody of Tarantino's "Kill Bill" movies, this film uses lots and lots of local humor which to other viewers may seem very lame.So I can understand why this movie have got a bad rating here, but if we all came from northern Norway this movie would have 10 Stars :)
killerost I was very reluctant seeing this film cause I expected it to be a piece of s**t film. I was aware that this was a low-budget, comedy/parody movie and that's really not my genera so I was not very eager to see this movie. My friend persuaded me to see it, telling me it was kinda funny. So my expectations were really, really low. But even with my very low expectations I was let down. Releasing this film internationally is just an insult to all intelligent Norwegians, and I would like to apologize to all non-Norwegians seeing this crap, on behalf of Norway. This film does really not represent us. Thank good. Oh and by the way, the only reason this film got one star is because there 0 stars isn't an alternative.Do yourself a favor, don't waste one minute watching this movie. Unless, maybe if you're from the north of Norway AND drunk.
Anton Brondz Kill Buljo is the story of a sami whose friends and family is killed during an engagement party. The storyline follows the Kill Bill films more or less, with the only the location and people being different.The parody is good at times and it definitely includes some funny elements, but the film in general is poorly made and the acting is terrible at times. It got so bad at times, I started wondering whether this actually was a film production or just something for a film project at school. Kill Buljo also left me wondering whether it's actually necessary to add extra nastiness to make a "good" film.. I guess so.I didn't really have big expectations, so I wasn't disappointed. Watch it only if you have nothing else to do.
hampe-1 This movie sucks big time! I thought I was going to see a movie that was at least funny, but there's nothing funny in this movie. The acting is awful, the jokes are not the least bit funny and that's too bad because it's supposed to be a comedy/parody. Instead I found myself being irritated because it could have been a good movie.The only things I enjoyed was the opening credits and the beautiful women. I can't see anyone enjoy this except if you're fiends of the cast or if you have so bad humour that it's out of this world.Even if it's made with low budget and with amateurs it is still a very bad movie, it's no excuse for bad jokes and bad acting.If you are thinking about watching this: DON'T!