Jungle Moon Men
Jungle Moon Men
NR | 08 April 1955 (USA)
Jungle Moon Men Trailers

Priestess Oma is forever young in this Jungle Jim knockoff of "She" or the La of Opar stories from "Tarzan". The Jungle Jim-type character is played by Weissmuller using his own name.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Richard Chatten With a title like that I just had to see this! But the connection between the moon and the little people with blow-pipes led by Billy Curtis is only vaguely alluded to. It's actually the sun that figures more prominently in the plot, since it represents the great god Ra, from whose lethal rays wicked high priestess Oma has eternally to shelter from in the murkily lit temple over which she rules.Jean Byron cuts an impressive figure in the usual lady explorer's pith helmet and tight black britches as archaeologist Ellen Marsten - author of 'The Historical Basis of African Civilisation' - and proves remarkably bloodthirsty when let loose on the local wildlife with a bow & arrow, but is subsequently reduced to little more than an onlooker (I wonder what she called the book on which she based her adventures here?) Helen (sic) Stanton, too, as Oma Who Must Be Obeyed, has the makings of a formidable villainess, but is otherwise little used; not helped by an ugly blonde wig and boring dress which between them look as if they had both been lying about in wardrobe at Columbia since the 40's. Most of the film is set out of doors in the sunshine, which keeps the film pleasant to watch, until we enter Oma's temple, which cameraman Henry Freulich renders suitably noirishly atmospheric. However as a whole, the film felt far longer than 70 minutes.
mark.waltz And with lollipop guild leader Billy Curtis as one of the pygmy leaders, the similarities increase. This is the second to last Jungle Jim movie (minus that name because of legal issues concerning the character) and it is not an entry too late, for the plots have reached their nadir on this one. The pygmy's obviously are not either real pygmy's or moon men, just a band of little people living a jungle "Terror of Tiny Town" under the thumb of an evil high priestess searching for a high priest and using a poison with an anecdote ready to serve once she receives the package of her heart's desire. Billy Curtis, as the captured pygmy, is treated with little respect, used as entertainment and patronizing condescension by the oh too adorable chimpanzees Kimba. You know you're considered the lowest of the low when you're the prop of a monkey! Kimba is talented, but if he (or she) could be trained to roll her eyes back because of the outrageously bad story, then he (or she) would be worthy of an Oscar!
MattyGibbs This is another Jungle adventure starring Johnny Weismuller but isn't either a Tarzan or Jungle Jim adventure. Rather confusingly he plays himself in this film. Quite why that is I don't know but essentially he is the same character in all his movies. The plot is the usual greedy white bad guys seeking an ill gotten fortune in a jungle setting featuring some decidedly unrealistic natives. The Moon Men of the films title are dwarfs dressed up laughably unconvincingly to look like a jungle tribe. Almost certainly the least scary tribe ever committed to celluloid. Jungle Moon Men ticks every cliché in the Tarzan book but fails miserably to compare to the superior and much earlier Weismuller/O'Sullivan Tarzan films. The support acting is also sadly lacking.However despite it's numerous faults, I did somehow enjoy this film. Maybe it falls into the so bad it's good category, maybe it's just because I like Weismuller.
Hermit C-2 No matter what you expect "jungle moon men" to be, you'll likely be disappointed. Your imagination is probably better than that of the filmmakers. Johnny Weissmuller is playing a character named Johnny Weissmuller here, but twenty years as Tarzan and Jungle Jim doesn't seem to have taught him much about acting. At least Jean Byron as an intrepid author and Helene Stanton as some kind of high priestess are both attractive. That gives you a little something worth paying attention to in this dismal flick.