Sophie's Choice
Sophie's Choice
R | 08 December 1982 (USA)
Sophie's Choice Trailers

Stingo, a young writer, moves to Brooklyn in 1947 to begin work on his first novel. As he becomes friendly with Sophie and her lover Nathan, he learns that she is a Holocaust survivor. Flashbacks reveal her harrowing story, from pre-war prosperity to Auschwitz. In the present, Sophie and Nathan's relationship increasingly unravels as Stingo grows closer to Sophie and Nathan's fragile mental state becomes ever more apparent.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
Phillipa Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Mike Guratza Yes, Meryl Streep can even play a transsexual-nigerian-goat. We get it. Yes Kevin Klein has got all the charm in the world, and deserved his Oscar for (The same role-pretty much) in "A Fish Called Wanda"Yes, the holocaust timeline is gripping.BUT WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH THE REST OF THE MOVIE? It reminds me of "The Room" (Tommy Wiseau)Who let's a semi-retarded southern boy sleep in the same room with them from the first week they meet them?"Where do these stuff happen?No reality whatsoever. Oh, and pretty boring, tedious pace.
powermandan When you look at 1982 in film, you will see things like Star Trek II, Fast Times At Ridgemeont High, ET, Blade Runner, Tootsie and Gandhi. Sophie's Choice is the most underrated as well as the best. Gandhi may have won nearly every major award and ET may be the most beloved, but this tops both films. ET's only massive strong point is the ending which the movie builds up to, Sophie's Choice also builds but has vast strength from everything that comes out. Gandhi is pretty much the inferior version of Lawrence of Arabia, massively dragged out. There is not one dull moment in Sophie's Choice. It is worth seeing why this is not a dull 150 minute movie.Peter MacNicol plays a young writer, known as Stingo, who moves into a duplex in New York and hits it off with his neighbours, Sophie and Nathan (Streep, Kline) right away. As Stingo grows closer to Sophie and Nathan, winning their trust, he can tell that they are harbouring deep secrets that will change him forever. Peter MacNicol and Kevin Kline are extremely underrated actors. Both of them are extraordinary. Then there's Meryl Streep who gives the best acting performance in film history by a female. A few years ago when I saw American History X, Edward Norton's performance in it became the best I had ever seen. I said nobody, male or female, could top this. Then I saw Sophie's Choice. Does Meryl Streep do a better job of acting than Edward Norton? I don't know, tough to say. But I do know that Norton is the best male performance and Streep is the best female performance. She is the main character who's background gets dived into the most. We see her experience in war and her choice. They are haunting and you will never forget what they do to you.
Armand the novel. the director. and the cast. result - memorable movie. or, only, a gem. not only for grace of adaptation. or for magnificent performance of Meryl Streep. but for precise form of an universal message. for the memories of viewer. for the shadow of words and gestures. in fact, it is one of films who, after its end, becomes an experience. aesthetic, emotional and , in same time, a map more than a lesson to understand the life as a chain of profound choices, cruel sacrifices. it is difficult to write a good review. because essential is out of words. because images, the small gestures, the art of each actor, the accent of Sophie are details who gives to entire film soul. a fragile soul. must see it ! for be more rich in the exploration of every day nuances.
Costas Papachristou The only bit of information about her on IMDb reads: "Attended Tulane University" (the field of study is not even hinted at...). Under her Filmography, there is only one title: "Sophie's Choice"... This is all that remains from a very impressive performance of 1982 by a little girl whose name was Jennifer Lawn. Those who first saw the famous "choice" scene toward the end of the film, where the Academy Award winner Meryl Streep was holding terrified little Jennifer in her arms, must have foreseen a bright future for this kid actress who might easily fool the viewers into believing that she was actually living the scene, rather than just acting it! "A future Oscar winner in the arms of a present one", one might have prophesied back in 1982. Unfortunately, this prophecy never came true... If you have seen the movie, you are certainly familiar with this intensely dramatic scene (DON'T watch it if you have NOT seen the film and plan to do so!):