Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla
Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla
| 04 September 1952 (USA)
Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla Trailers

The Singer Duke Mitchell meets Sammy Petrillo in this parody of Martin & Lewis. They arrive on a jungle island, where a mad scientist played by Bela Lugosi makes human experiments.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Hitchcoc OK gang. Let's make a musical where we call in the great Bela Lugosi. Have him play a slightly cracked mad scientist (he must have cried himself to sleep at night). And bring in a couple guys doing the Martin and Lewis act. Actually, the Lewis look alike is quite good at what he does. This is an excuse for him to pretend to be Jerry Lewis and to dance around and cavort. The Dean guy is worthless. Lugosi does some good mugging and projects that great accent. I wonder if there was a point where he would have like to to have toned it down, but Dracula was stuck in the minds of every producer. If you don't take this too seriously, there are some decent bits.
utgard14 Wretched "comedy" starring blatant Martin & Lewis rip-offs Duke Mitchell and Sammy Petrillo. I don't even like the real Martin & Lewis, so you can imagine how much a couple of imitators must grate on my nerves. The only reason I even subjected myself to this is that it's one of the few Bela Lugosi movies I've never seen. Now I wish I could unsee it. Sammy Petrillo is the worst! Loud, talentless, incessantly trying for any laughs, desperately grabbing for them like a drowning man looking for a lifeline. He never lets up. I was sick of him by the end of his first scene. I'm shocked the cast and crew didn't assault him. As for Bela, he looks gaunt and sickly. His presence here is just depressing. Best part about the movie is eye candy Charlita. I don't ever want to see this again. I'm not surprised this is the only film Duke & Sammy made. I'm also not surprised Jerry Lewis did his best to keep Petrillo from working. Normally, I would think that's not a good look for Jerry but in this case I think he did humanity a favor.
Mark Honhorst Okay, if you can look past the fact that the "comedy team" (a term used very loosely here)is just a rip off of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, and the fact that Lugosi is only here because he was taking any and every role he was offered at this point, it's actually almost funny on it's own, even though most of the time I laughed at the parts that weren't supposed to be funny, and groaned at the parts that were trying to be funny, but were ultimately just embarrassing. There were a few funny bits and pieces here and there...if you can forgive the duo for being carbon copies of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. Plus Lugosi can make anything watchable, if not respectable. Basically the story, if you can call it a story, is about the aforementioned "comedy team" crash landing on an island inhabited by mad scientist... I'm not even going to tell you who it is, it's so obvious by the title, who wants to turn a man into an ape. The characters run around like idiots for awhile, and the movie ends with a great, disappointing cop-out, presumably because the filmmakers couldn't figure out a better way to end it. It's really sad when your second best actor behind Lugosi is a monkey from the Tarzan movies named "Cheeta".
ctyankee1 Samuel Perillo is Sammy in this movie, the skinny guy. I thought he was Jerry Lewis. I did a Google search and did not find anyone named Samuel Perillo or a picture that looked like Sammy this guy. Sammy in the movie talks, looks, laughs and dances like Jerry Lewis.Now I can see where Sasha Cohen (Borat) gets his dance steps from. The other man Duke Mitchell sings but looks nothing like Dean Martin. When I search the net with "Duke Mitchell" the only picture that comes up is this one Bella Lugosi Meets a Brookly Gorilla and it has "Samuel" Perillo" and "Duke Mitchell". Does anyone know if Jerry Lewis ever used the name "Samuel Perillo"? This is a black and white movie 1952 That I watched for free on Classic Cinema On Line. tell me if you know. Thanks