Juan of the Dead
Juan of the Dead
NR | 16 March 2012 (USA)
Juan of the Dead Trailers

While Havana is full of zombies hungry for human flesh, official media reported that the disturbances are caused by dissidents paid by the United States. Panic seizes all until Juan comes to the rescue: he discovers he can kill the undead destroying his brain, and decides to start a small business under the slogan "We kill your loved ones."

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
amesmonde During a zombie apocalypse Juan, a hustling Cuban, sets up a business with a couple of unlikelies and charges Havana's local residents for cleaning up their undead problem which clashes with winning his daughters respect.Director Alejandro Brugués delivers a comedy injected zombie affair, which subtexts the political and social issues of Cuba and highlights the irony of the zombie mythos, including a stab, fast and slow walking dead films. It reminiscent in part of Rec (2007), Shaun of the Dead (2004) in tone and The Dead (for distinctive atmosphere).Alexis Díaz de Villegas is not your stereotype looking hero and plays the everyman Juan perfectly. Jorge Molina is Lazaro his overweight sidekick who steals some of the scenes. Notable is Andros Perugorría as the hero type who is also the love interest of Juan's zombie kicking daughter Camila(Andrea Duro). There are some homages thrown in to other virus flicks. The special make-up effects are excellent but the digital ones are a mixed bag, that said, the collapsing tower block and the helicopter crash are worthy of note.It captures the unscrupulous, non-sequential social issues - especially murders, this may turn some viewers off as the characters can be quite unsavory at times. Nevertheless Juan de los Muertos is a Spanish language film (and writer Alejandro Brugués even manages to jibe at the language differences in an amusing underground car park segment)which has it's own identity and atmosphere due to real locations captured wonderfully by cinematography Carles Gusi which gives it its own feel.Those looking for social commentary in the vein of Romero's dead films will be overloaded. If you're looking for plenty of blood, decapitations, head bashings and zombie comedy action this also ticks all the boxes.As a side note keep watching for the comic credits that finish off the narrative. Overall, Juan of the Dead will have you thinking about Cuba long after the credits roll.
GL84 When a man notices that a zombie epidemic has overrun his Cuban home-town, he joins forces with his friends to start an eradication service to dispose of them only to realize the inevitable and tries to get them out of the country alive.This turned out to be one of the more flat-out enjoyable zombie efforts around in the last few years with some absolutely great work to this one when it came down to it. The comedy here is the biggest plus, as this seems to be done in the right way with a group of funny people at the center of the storyline rather than just trying to shoehorn the jokes and gags into the proceedings, and there's a lot of fun with the great comedy that comes from both the verbal and physical areas, yet is still smart enough to keep the creatures as true threats and something to be dealt with in a serious matter. This allows for a lot of great gore to come through with some pretty innovative kills and copious bloodletting during the zombie massacres, even though the low-budget shines through and it resorts to clever and ingenious but still cop-out methods of hiding the biggest gore scenes. As well, the fact that the scatter-shot story seems to go all over the place at times is a little problematic, but overall this was a pretty entertaining and enjoyable zombie epic.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Brief Nudity.
Douglobacki I read some reviews that made this movie seem just as good as it's English counterpart "Sean of the Dead" and went into it expecting something pretty good. It started off solid but quickly got worse and worse as the movie went on. Why people enjoyed this movie is beyond me.The bad: Poor CGI, all of the CGI was just utter crap, I've absolutely seen worse but wow; they should have just cut all of those scenes out, it was just unnecessary. The plot was my biggest problem, nothing made sense. I don't want to spoil anything but the things they say/do completely contradict the plot, even the plot contradicts the plot! Acting was bad, the zombies made very fake noises, and the background screams are the same scream over and over I've heard before in a video game. The dialog was stupid and sometimes even contradicted the plot. The charters had no depth to them, they bring up certain things that leave you with a feeling that it will become a large role in the movie but it never comes up again. The humor was not very humorous and mostly lost on me. Almost everything about this movie was bad, not horrible but just plain bad.The good: There was a nice pair of boobs at one point but only for a minute or two. There were a few brief moments of actual humor. Conclusion: I must have seen a different movie than everyone else but this is a bad movie. Only watch it if you really enjoyed "Sean of the Dead" and are extremely bored. Otherwise just don't. I gave it a 4 because I've seen worse, this movie is watchable and it didn't kill me but "Sean of the Dead" is a 9/10 compared to this.WHO SHOULD WATCH IT: Sean of the Dead fans? Ehh maybe. Zombie Fans? Ehh maybe. Action fans? I'd advise against it. Comedy fans? No. Anybody else? NO.
rgblakey After the popularity of Shaun of the Dead, the zombie film culture created by George Romero jumped back center stage with hundreds of films hitting the shelves. Just like every other genre, there are good and bad ones, but when they are bad they are usually unwatchable, but when they work they are great fun. The latest attempt at this genre Juan of the Dead, not only shares a similar title, but takes the same direction of Shaun, but could this Cuban zombie flick have any chance of living up to its potential? Juan of the Dead follows Juan and his rag tag group of friends that try to take advantage of the zombie outbreak by charging people to kill them. With his new found business motto "we'll kill your beloved ones" they set out on a rampage of survival, profit, and carnage. While this film is produced and could be looked at as a rip off of Shaun it sets its own tone to create a funny, bloody good time. The story is pretty simple with just enough story idea to keep the film moving, but not enough to clutter it with unnecessary plot holes. At first it seems like it may be a bit low budget, but quickly showcases some great make-up work with the zombie effects and does not hold back on the blood. Much like most these days it mixes CG and practical effects blood, but is executed great. This film also sports some interesting cast of characters and over the top humor that helps to step this film up to the level deserving of this genre. There is no shortage of zombie killing action as well as some surprisingly creative kills.Don't let the fact that this movie is subtitled deter you from checking it out. This is easily one of the better additions to this genre to come along in some time. Everything about it works to create an over the top zombie killing gore fest that any fans of the genre will love. Even though they aren't directly connected to each other, this is a great companion film to Shaun of the Dead that will hopefully catch on and get the respect it deserves.http://www.examiner.com/movie-in-dallas/bobby-blakey