Jarhead 2: Field of Fire
Jarhead 2: Field of Fire
R | 14 August 2014 (USA)
Jarhead 2: Field of Fire Trailers

Battle-scarred and disillusioned by the war, Corporal Chris Merrimette is put in charge of a unit whose next mission is to resupply a remote outpost on the edge of Taliban-controlled territory. While driving through the hostile Helmand province, a Navy SEAL flags down their convoy and enlists the unit on an operation of international importance: they must help an Afghan woman famous for her defiance of the Taliban escape the country. Without tanks or air support, Merrimette and his team will need all the courage and firepower they can muster to fight their way across the war-torn country and shepherd the woman to safety.

Steineded How sad is this?
SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Catherina If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.
Michael Ledo After watching some really bad war films, you know, the ones with Eric Roberts in them, I was relieved to watch this film and perhaps over rated it by comparison.The film opens up questioning our cause in Afghanistan, a person who wants to do something to change the world, and ends with a positive answer. After a Marine Sargent gets his leg shot off, Corporal Merrimette (Josh Kelly) is given a field promotion and has to take much needed supplies to a unit and cross through Taliban territory. He reluctantly accepts the position having a pregnant wife at home and no desire to re-enlist. In fact his commander (Stephen Lang) asked him if he had submitted his letter of resignation yet, which caught me off guard, because having been in the service, enlisted people did not submit letters of resignation, only officers.They take a truck convey, because an air drop would have made the film too short and besides there is a dust storm that we never see. Along the way, they run into difficulty causing Merimette to make those "world changing" decisions.The characters are introduced by name, rank, and place of origin. Character build up happens with the fun military banter, which normally concerns sex and me having to Google "Queen Christina." Seriously? The acting was fair, the plot needed tightening up. For instance, one time when they were on foot they killed some Taliban with vehicles, but opted to proceed on foot. Not the decision I would have made, but then again I was never a Hollywood Marine.Parental Guide: F-bomb. No sex. Early gratuitous male nudity.
Jeremy_2014 If you are just seeking Hollywood action this is right up your ally. If your'e like me and wanted something realistic and a true military movie then move on. This movie has so many military errors it aggravated me more than entertained me. There were scenes where Marines ranks were not on their uniform. A corporal was called sir constantly throughout the film. They fired an M203 grenade at a taliban member no more than 20m away and it exploded when it hit the man. These grenades are made to not detonate that close. Also the fact that they wasted the 40mm grenade on a single man instead of blowing up the truck with a machine gunner in it was far from realistic. Also an RPG was fired and supposedly exploded the entire building they were in and set it on fire and only the one man that the grenade hit directly died, not the Marine three feet from him. Lastly, the weapons the Marines had were fully automatic M4 and M16 platforms and while they do exist they are not used by US Military. This movie was made for people that just wanted action without any realistic backing. It isn't a bad story it just was not done with the accuracy that should be expected. I didn't have too high of expectations but I was still let down.
cihilt Sometimes there are patches when you get bored in a movie however this movie was quite action packed and there was a few scenes that surprised me. As you normally can predict who lives and who dies.totally different from the first one, which I felt was a little boring and not as action packed. I like the part where the Seal joins in and said that Afghanistan is the hardest army to defeat in the world.Which has some truth to it and it also goes into the lives of what some of the afghan army are really thinking and what its its kind of like to be one, which is you don't see a lot of.I would say this movie is a lot closer to reality than other war movies where everyone is jumping into live bullets (indispensables) and where the opposing army can't shoot or hurt their enemy.However they could have done a little more in that regards as there still appears to be too much cowboys even though they touched on that one scared soldier.
tregouetsylvain Jarhead 1 was excellent, this one is way too patriotic, with the Americans on the good side, despite most of the war, occident is going now, is just for resources and lobbies interests, I found it a bit hard, to promote such a propaganda, behind such a cheap scenario. It's about American soldier always doing the right thing, because they fight for America, saving lives, and fighting for freedom, but this does not happen in real life.Nowadays, Marines serve for their presidents, who themselves serve the ones that finance their campaigns. Where jarhead 1 was sticking to a more real feel , here not at all. It could have been a good scenario back in a days' when commando was out, but would not be compared to a big title like apocalypse now , full metal jacket, saint soldiers or jarhead 1.