Invasion of Astro-Monster
Invasion of Astro-Monster
G | 29 July 1970 (USA)
Invasion of Astro-Monster Trailers

Astronauts Glenn and Fuji investigate Planet X and encounter mysterious aliens known as the Xiliens, who ask Earth's people to help save their world from "Monster Zero". In exchange for borrowing Godzilla and Rodan, the Xiliens offer a cure for cancer. As Glenn investigates, he develops a romance with Miss Namikawa and uncovers the Xilien's true intentions.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
classicsoncall I can only take these Japanese monster films in small doses, which is to say about every six months to a year so as not to get permanently loopy. The same thing with Seventies martial arts flicks. But I stick with them for the amusement factor because that's basically what I see as their mission. I see that most of the reviews for this movie are hugely positive, and that's fine, but even so, I don't get the rationale for rating pictures like this a '10' because even if you're a fan, you have to have seen "Star Wars" or "Alien" by way of comparison. I merely shake my head.At least the bonus for this viewer was the inclusion of Nick Adams in the cast. He proved he really was a rebel to take on this assignment, appearing in the cast credits as Nikku Adamusu. But the odd thing was that his name in the story was Glenn, without noting whether that was the character's first or last name. His astronaut partner on the space mission went by the last name of Fuji (Akira Takarada), which led me to question why everyone simply called him Glenn, no matter the context. The cast credit here on IMDb states Adam's character as Glenn Amer, but one wouldn't know that from watching the picture. Maybe Amer was short for American.Say, I had to laugh when Spaceship P-1 landed on Planet X, and the hatch door used to leave the ship actually had dents in it. Still, that was a whole lot better than the spaceship used in the 1959 flick "Teenagers From Outer Space". In that one, you can see the futuristic technology of space age hammer and nails at work. So you can actually measure the progress of sci-fi special effects used in this film compared to the one that came out six years earlier.The best and funniest moment in this picture occurred when Godzilla and Rodan defeated King Ghidorah on Planet X. Right after, Godzilla went into this goofy looking dance number that had me baffled. That simply reminded me that these Toho films were primarily put together for a pre-teen audience, so with that in mind, it seemed rather logical. What's not logical is why I still watch this stuff. But rest assured I'll be back in another six months or so. Or wait, maybe sooner, because I just happened to come across a copy of "Mothra vs. Godzilla".
bkoganbing Ghidorah, that three headed flying Cerberus from outer space is in control of the folks from Planet X who look quite Oriental, but they have gray suits and helmets to distinguish them from the earthbound Japanese who made this addition to the all star monster lineup of films they do.Planet X is a planet in parallel orbit behind big Jupiter, the better to conceal it from prying earthling eyes. The X people live underground and Ghidorah does his thing on the surface. If I may digress, an observation here. In all the Japanese monster films I never see these monsters actually eat anything. What do they do for food. Godzilla and Ghidorah both carry a built in microwave if they like their humans well done. They make a lot destruction but never seem to consume anything. Certainly on Planet X it looks barren, so what does Ghidorah eat? Those X guys have a nefarious scheme afoot. They want us to send Godzilla and Rodan from earth to defeat Ghidorah. Actually they want to use all the monsters to capture earth.What the X guys weakness is? You won't believe it, but think of that classic Twilight Zone episode with Andy Devine and how he defeated those aliens who wanted to take him back to their home planet.As bad as they are I do so love these monster fests from Japan.
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain Another enjoyable Godzilla film. This time King Ghidra has appeared on a new found planet. The inhabitants ask to borrow Godzilla and Rodan to help them out in return for a cure to cancer. This film encompasses even more of a science-fiction tone. It does does it very well, with some nice interior designs and costumes. It once again focuses on the humans more than the monsters, even if the human characters lack some of the likability from previous outings. The monster fights aren't as impressive, with one of them taking place on a barren planet. A nice change, but no smashy :( Godzilla really begins to embrace his hero role, which makes this less horror. A nice development for the series.
jerekra Godzilla vs Monster Zero is one of the best Godzilla Films made. It features the return of King Ghidorah as well as the first outer space beings invading earth from another planet in a Godzilla Film.Two Astronauts, Glenn and Fuji, travel to planet X. They discover a race of people, Xians, who are constantly attacked by a monster they call Monster Zero, it actually is King Ghidorah. The Xians ask to borrow Rodan and Godzilla to use to defeat Ghidorah and in exchange they will give Earth a cure for all known diseases. Earth decides to do the deal, so the Xians take Rodan and Godzilla to Planet X where they dispatch of Ghidorah. However there is a turn in the deal when the Xians tell Earth that unless it surrenders they will use Godzilla, Rodan, and Ghidorah to destroy the Earth.THe human scenes in this film are great. Nick Adams stars and I always liked when he was in a film. He was great in this film as well as "Frankenstein vs Baragon".The plot works but there are some holes in it as well. For one, why would Earth believe that Planet X would have a cure for all of the known diseases on Earth? I think they were too gullible there.The plot in this one involves a threat from beings from outer space. The Xians are good villains, completely emotionless race that only wants to conquer. THey make a good threat and actually are a bigger threat than the monsters themselves in this film since they are the ones who put the monsters under their control and then set them loose on the city.Godzilla looks good in this film. THey slightly updated the suit they had previously used(the best one in the series), mainly the head and moving eyes. Godzilla gets in some good action, destroying much of Tokyo and battling King Ghidorah. Godzilla is not a complete good guy in this film, but when he is attacking Japan he is under Xian control. They do not make him out to be heroic from defeating King Ghidorah, he is just a monster capable of stopping Ghidorah who happens to be a bigger threat. So I love that Godzilla is not just a good guy in this film, he actually is more of a bad guy.Ghidorah reappears in this film. I think after "Ghidorah The Three Headed Monsters" fans were hoping to see him again and they definitely would. This film is a great follow up and in the beginning it is interesting how they talk about how Godzilla and Rodan were responsible for defeating Ghidorah back on Earth.(Love how the give Mothra no credit and also love how they do not use him in this film) Ghidorah is just a pawn though, the Xians are controlling him throughout the film, so he really is not being evil from his own decision making in this movie. Ghidorah is just doing what he is told, but he is destructive nonetheless. I never really understood if Ghidorah really was a threat to Planet X, or if the Xians always had control of him and only faked him being a threat. Either way he does attack Planet X anyways so I guess it does not matter.Rodan also reappears in this film. That is good because he is a good ally of Godzilla and a great monster in his own right. Rodan looks a lot better than he did in the previous film, "Ghidorah the Three Headed MOnster" but still does not look as good as he did in "Rodan". Rodan gets in lots of action here, they even use stock footage of Rodan. Rodan is a key contributor to the attack on Japan and helps Godzilla tremendously in the battles with Ghidorah.This is the first Godzilla film where Godzilla travels to another planet. Once there I suppose it is revealed that Godzilla has the ability to breathe when no oxygen is present. Another outstanding ability for an outstanding monster.THe monster fights are great in this film. However you really have to wait a while for the first fight and then you have to wait even longer for the final confrontation. They really do build up a lot of suspense and I think they send the message that the monsters are not the real bad guys who should be dealt with, the Xians are. Monster fights are short in this film, but memorable and that is more important, I have seen plenty of long and dragged out fights that do not hold a candle to the fights in this film. Godzilla vs Gigan comes to mind.So while the title in American "Godzilla vs Monster Zero" is somewhat odd since the whole point of the movie is not Godzilla fighting Monster Zero, the Japaneses title "Invasion of Astro Monsters" fits the film perfectly. Sometimes that happens when the American version changes titles.I have to admit though, the ending to this one is confusing. I mean, are we supposed to believe that Ghidorah defeated Rodan and Godzilla? Or is he just retreating? I don't know. I tend to think that he is retreating but there is no way to know for sure.SO this is a great film. Great human villains, Ghidorah returns, Godzilla travels through space, and there is plenty of destruction towards the end. A must see, so go see it.