| 27 August 2005 (USA)
Pterodactyl Trailers

A dormant volcano deep with the Turkish forest holds within it a deadly secret. Perfectly preserved, a nest of pterodactyl eggs are ready to hatch...

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Wordiezett So much average
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Sampe09 I don't think I have laughed so much as I did seeing this movie! This one should have a warning sign saying: Warning! what you are about to see contains: Awful acting! Awful Special Effects! Is probably the worst movie ever made!The acting couldn't be worse! I cannot imagine how anyone could agree to play in a movie like this. The special effects in this movie is by far the most awful I have ever seen! The script is the only thing that isn't completely worthless in this film. If they had a bigger budget, better actors and better special effects this movie could actually have been good.If you feel like having a really funny night, watch this useless piece of dinosaur's, otherwise stay away. Though, if you have a weak stomach you shouldn't watch this movie since it contains some gore.-3/10 on the serious scale 10/10 on the funny scale
foxanddranzer Well this was a good try at making a monster movie but sadly it lacked a little to much for my liking.I am a sucker for any movie that has a monster has the main theme to it. This movie however is not worth 6.99$ which is sadly the price I paid for it. While it does have a decent story line to it, it still lacks in the follow through. The attempts on making the U.S. soldiers is really sad. Coolio was the worst representation of a squad commander I have seen in a long time. The way they shoot and hold their guns is sad. I think a grade 5 who has played FPS games for 3 years could do a better job at controlling the gun and shooting it then these people did. Not enough cheesy blood splattered scenes for something made in 2005, which makes me wonder what the budget was for this movie. Some good lines thrown in here and there but could have been better. There is also a random knife hanging in a wall in one scene but he chooses not to use it when the bird comes at him (Hint I write this as I watch the movie :P)
xredgarnetx My God, how much worse can it get? The Sci-Fi Channel is cranking these crapola flicks out at the rate of one a week, and it shows. This one features cartoon-ish pterosaurs coming back to life after a volcano in Turkey and attacking everything that moves, including a group of scientists and various army types. The sets consist of an open field and a wooded thicket, plus the prehistoric birds' mountain aerie. The field and forest sets are used over and over and over again. Virtually everyone is picked off by film's end, and we don't care about any of them. And I didn't think it could get any worse than that SS DEATHTROOPER abortion. I was wrong.
ilovemygoats Let's start with the one good thing about this movie, the premise. This could have been a great Dino flick, right up there with "Q the Winged Serpent" or even the "Jurassic Park" films. However, the producer chose to go the cheap ass, very cheap ass, route and make a great premise into one of the worse horror, adventure, action films ever made. I think Jason Vorheese would have killed himself over this one. Anyway, i am getting off target. The Pteradactyls looked REALLY fake, which detracted from what little enjoyment there was from the film. The acting was simply beyond description. You know the acting is bad when Coolio is the high spot for acting. Had this film been in the hands of a skilled director and producer and effects house, it would have benefited greatly. The blood and guts, oddly enough, were quite well done, but that was about all.I should mention that the best moment in the film is when the whinny spoiled brat of a blond bimbo gets offed. Why do films like this always have to put a character in that needs to get offed? Do movie makers really think that the movie going audience is that stupid.My advice is to avoid this film at all costs. However, if you want some good laughs and groans, pop it into the DVD player and wonder "what the hell were these people thinking?"