PG | 01 October 1976 (USA)
A*P*E Trailers

A newly discovered 36-foot gorilla escapes from a freighter off the coast of Korea. At the same time an American actress is filming a movie in the country. Chaos ensues as the ape kidnaps her and rampages through Seoul.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
utgard14 Truly awful King Kong rip-off that is so bad you have to see it to believe it. The ape, said to be thirty-six feet tall, is just some guy in a cheap gorilla suit that the filmmakers got at a costume shop or a yard sale. This isn't even a full body ape suit. It's got sleeves with gloves. There are several instances where you can see the skin of the guy's wrists as he moves his arms about. That's the level of quality we're talking here. That's how few *beeps* this movie gives. He's filmed mostly from the chest up. When they do try to show you some scale for the ape's size, they do it with cheap stuff like toy boats and crummy miniature buildings. The ape also moves in slow motion throughout the movie. Let me be clear: they didn't slow down the film. The "actor" in the ape suit just moved really slowly to emulate slow motion! Like a kid playing make believe.The cast is especially bad. This is the film debut of Joanna Kerns, the mom from "Growing Pains." Her screams will haunt me for weeks. So unbelievably shrill. Be prepared to turn your volume down. Laughably, at one point while in the palm of the ape's hand, Kerns stops screaming and says "Be gentle with me, big guy." She returns to screaming almost immediately. Bizarre! Kerns has a romantic subplot with a very '70s-looking guy named Rod Arrants. They kiss a lot. Pretty much every time they are in the same scene, Arrants is all over her. Long-time character actor Alex Nicol plays a foul-mouthed Army Colonel here. I have to believe his performance is intended to be funny. It makes no sense any other way. Bruce MacRae is listed as responsible for the music. He should have been arrested and charged with assault. The score is relentless and will make your ears bleed.As the helicopters approach the ape, he stands there and makes these wild gestures with his arms. For the life of me, it looks a lot like he's dancing. Was the guy in the ape suit inebriated? Very likely. Further evidence of this is the scene where the ape flips off the Army. Yeah. The guy in the ape suit was loaded for sure. It's so terrible. There are lots of pointless scenes. Such as when the ape pulls a snake off of a tree and throws it -- hitting the camera! This goes nowhere. It just cuts away to another scene and when it returns to the ape he's moved on to something else. The only reason I'm giving this a 2 instead of a 1 is because of the unintended comedy. It's one of the worst movies ever made.
slideon A*P*E is both stupid and follows the King Kong storyline, and is probably the worst movie I have ever seen.Everything from King Kong and even Godzilla is copied by A*P*E. 1 - The ape escapes from an oil tanker. 2 - Giant footprints are found. 3 - They want to show the Ape off to the public. 4 - Ape kidnaps girl. 5 - Girl feels somehow attracted to the Ape. 6 - Army attacks Ape.Besides having a duplicate plot, A*P*E has many technical problems as well.1 - The Ape is 36 feet tall, but the shark and snake are the size of him. 2 - He towers over buildings, but he's 36 feet tall. 3 - The Ape throws the snake at the camera, knocking it down. 4 - You can see the Ape actor's shirt underneath the costume. 5 - Tons of plastic toys in this film.And you can tell the actor who played the Ape is pretty angry over him playing the role. He flips off the camera at one point.A*P*E fails as a movie, but as a comedy, it's really good. Get a bunch of friends and do a MST3K kind of thing.
LaserPoint Despise the crappy special effects, the poor acting and the repetitive stock footage Ape will always be a fun b-grade comedy that is crazily enjoyable on so many levels. The story starts out on a toy boat with 2 sailors talking about what there going to do with this 36 foot tall monster. We then see the Ape break loss and crash the boat, he then swims out to the ocean and fights a giant shark but the shark doesn't attack since its not really a shark its just a play toy in which the Ape throws around and wrestle with. Ape then invades land and scares children, fights a giant snake, and trashes down buildings oh and I forgot to mention that he even give the finger to a plane oh and he even dances to music for some strange reason. So as you can see there's plenty of fun yet there's plenty of long, boring and pointless scenes which might annoy the average viewers but hang in there, when Ape's on screen nothings funnier..Ape is also available in 3D so catch that version if you can..
Criti-Size This was intended to be a serious movie which came out at the same time as the big budget remake of KING KONG. I remember as a kid, reading the poster in line at the theater which stated "not to be confused with King Kong", which is hilarious in itself. I ended up walking out (after the dumb guy in the ape suit wrestles the plastic shark in the pool scene) near the beginning and got a refund.If they spent more than $50.00 to make this movie, they were fools.You will be too if you watch this piece of crap.