Jurassic Shark
Jurassic Shark
| 21 September 2012 (USA)
Jurassic Shark Trailers

When an oil company unwittingly unleashes a prehistoric shark from its icy prison, the Jurassic killer maroons a group of art thieves and a group of college students on an abandoned island

Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
StormSworder This film begins with a short "educational" essay in which we're informed the Megalodon lived 2 million years ago. Then the title "Jurassic Shark" appears. Playing on the public's ignorance? Nope. No playing here. This is the real thing and you'd better believe it! Please don't tell me you bought this film thinking it had something to do with the "Jurassic Park" franchise. If so then I should point out to you that "Raiders of the Lost Shark" has nothing to do with Indiana Jones. Oh yes, and it's the Earth that actually goes around the Sun.Now to the plot. After a couple of girls are chomped and a lot of scientists have finished shouting at each other, we find ourselves on an island where a Megalodon is living in a lake. Unfortunately a group of men in black vests (obviously some kind of secret society) are holding some bikini girls at gun-point demanding they dive into the shark-infested water to retrieve a stolen painting. In a way it's kind of "Lake Placid", except that "Lake Placid" had a scary monster created with something more powerful than a my-first-computer-graphics package, interesting characters and a plot that made some kind of sense.This movie avoids a one-star rating purely because of its humorous and ironic coda which seems to have had more thought put into it than the previous hour-and-a-half. Something may have survived, but I doubt it was the career of anyone involved with this.
John Peterson This will be the shortest review in the history of reviews but honest to God I don't remember much of the movie because it was so utterly boring. I bought the DVD from a discount-pile in a local store to watch with some friends but we where sorely disappointed. It's the standard college girls on vacation horror slasher-flick where the crazy maniac is replaced by some sort of badly animated dinosaur shark. Through the wooden monotone acting and boring screenplay I really couldn't care if these characters would live or die. and the computer effect make Sharknado look like Avatar. It is the darkest shark I ever seen on film (and I saw the Jaws-remakes)I would advice other people to stay away.
lauren the dyke this is amazing how someone can make such rubbish of a once great movie. i have'nt even seen this movie but i saw the trailer and oh my lord its hilarious. the acting is so bad it makes me think they're doing it on purpose, the graphics are absolutely REPULSIVE. when me and my friend watched this trailer we laughed at the shark eating the guy. it looks so fake. how and why do people fund this?? i wonder how this guy is even a director! poor actors in this movie, their careers are nothing. i think this movie was made for just a laugh, to give humor because i don't see any other reason this was made. Jesus Christ i hope you spare your eyeballs of watching this crap.:)
Dom Nickson Spoiler Alert!!! OK Now I know this is a low budget film and I shouldn't expect anything other than a horrible movie. OK I was significantly pleased at the way the shark looked I mean at least it looked like a shark unlike Two-headed Shark Attack and many other films. The script like always is just a mediocre shark film that's trying to be like Jaws. The acting is obviously going to be atrocious because hey it's a low budget film you can't expect much for acting. Overall this film does have a cool looking CGI shark, at least I think so. The shark is way better looking in this film than any other Shark I've seen of CGI. Overall this movie sucks but I did like how realistic the shark looked and the script is o trying to be an obvious Jaws rip off. I give it a 3 out of 10 because it's not the worst Shark film I've ever seen, the worst I've seen was Sharktopus, Two-Headed Shark Attack, and Snow Shark.