R | 15 April 2008 (USA)
Inside Trailers

Four months after the death of her husband, a woman on the brink of motherhood is tormented in her home by a strange woman who wants her unborn baby.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Jane H Gods, this movie was nothing but gore, gore, gore and unrelenting trauma. There was not a spark of relief through the entire thing, and the ending was the worst possible place it could go. I'm a writer, and I'm very familiar with beats in story. Normally you want a story to have an up and down beat pattern to hold interest. Or at least an occassional up beat to give some depth to the emotional experience. Yes, even in horror. I'm a fan of horror comedy, but even straight horror has some moments when the good guys get a break or there's some bonding or hope or *something*.I guess this is "edgy" French cinema because I swear there was not a truly positive beat in the entire thing. Yes there were a few times when it looks like the villain might be stopped, but after the first time that fails, and so illogically too, it was obvious that any new character would be introduced into the scene simply in order to have another body to kill, and that the filmmaker's intention was to have the villain magically evade any attempt to derail her. And that's just what happens.The one time the pregnant victim grows some balls and looks like she'll fight back, which would have made this SUCH a better film, that moment is quickly wasted and leads to only more gore and torture for her. Like, hello? If you have the beaten-to-hell victim get up and grab a weapon with murder in her eye, DO SOMETHING WITH IT. But alas no. She has the villain at her mercy and does nothing. And then, illogically, yet a different character steps in and beats her down. Because... variety! Let someone else bash the pregnant belly for a change! Whee!As other reviewers have pointed out, all the characters do stupid things in order to allow the villain to keep going and going, including 3 cops and the protagonist multiple times. The cops are the worst. None of them ever call for backup or respond with true caution, not even when one cop is screaming downstairs as he's being murdered and the other cop is exploring upstairs. Are we to assume the stairwell is somehow magically soundproof? Because, similarly, the pregnant victim upstairs never seems to be aware there is anyone else in the house and never, you know, calls to them for help or recognizes the voices of her friend or her mother who is right outside the bathroom door.The last cop was the worst though. During every action of his I was screaming what an idiot he was. How could he not call for back up? But even if you accept that he had the training and instinct of a two year old, even that doesn't explain why, with 3 cops and a perp missing, the precinct never sends another car out to check up on them. Talk about lazy writing. Can you not come up with a scenario and actions that actually MAKE SENSE? I won't even get into the misogyny aspect here with a pregnant woman undergoing more torture than you can imagine and finally having the baby dug out of here. Ugh. Why? Making the villain a female erases none of the bile of this ultimate abuse of women. I was counting the minutes until it was over. In sum, not recommended unless you love torture porn and love the idea of seeing a pregnant woman abused unrelentingly.
DuskShadow For the now, for this halloween season, I have sated a bloodlust I never needed to sate, because I never really had one. Yet after watching this film, I am almost good. Though I will continue to watch horror and thrillers and mysteries, this film was just a nonstop increasing gorefest.I wont spoil anything as the synopsis on the main page is descriptive enough, but don't see this while eating if you are easily upset by blood and violence. At times the characters ( cops especially) in this film were dumb as all get up, and perhaps that is just a return to the trope when it comes to the overall thriller genre( though cops are pretty dumb, by nature. Police forces don't want anything but grunts).So Though I want to hate much of this film, I want to like much of it, and must give it a medium 6/10; not sterling, but okay.
Fella_shibby The movie is about a woman who loses her husband in a car accident while she is pregnant. Months later, It is Christmas Eve and she is going to give birth to her baby on Christmas Day. Against the wishes of her family and friends, the main character decides to spend Christmas Eve alone. Still depressed over what happened months earlier and angry at the world. During the night she gets a knock on her door..........When I first watched Inside back in 2008, I was blown away by its relentless nature. This is most definitely one of the most extreme films I have ever come across. One important thing about this film is that is very good at maintaining tension and suspense, something that very few gory movies r able to. This movie will keep you on the edge of the seat from the beginning to the end. The score and sound effects r excellent. Made on a pretty low budget, but the acting n direction is very good. It's shot in jus one house n very few dialogues. Definitely not for pg-13 lovers n shud not n seen by pregnant females.
daggersineyes Very mild spoilers - probably nothing you didn't read in the synopsis ---------------------------------------------------------I don't want to spend too much time reviewing this movie because quite frankly it doesn't deserve much of anyone's time. I just had to say something to counter-act the extraordinary & baffling hype this movie gets. Unfortunately there is an element of "blind leading the blind" in IMDb reviews where if a movie gets an undeserved reputation as "fantastic" people tend to believe it even if their own eyes tell them different. This seems to be particularly the case within the horror genre and more easily applied if the movie is "foreign" like this one.This movie is nothing but a series of shocking violent acts strung together by a flimsy, wafer thin "plot" (one that's been done better by many others) that defies any kind of realism or rationality. The makers of this appalling trash must have got a great discount on fake blood and needed to use it up quickly because it's literally poured out in almost every scene. The pregnant chick should have died from blood loss within the first 5 minutes of the crazy super- woman's attack. There is nothing clever about this movie or it's attempts to put the sickest things they can think of on screen even tho they don't make any sense just to fill in the hour or so of run time. If you read other negative reviews here there's plenty of information about why this movie is a pile of drivel so I wont repeat their spoilers. Just suffice it to say, DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE about this trashy movie. Being French doesn't mean it's arty, having oceans of fake blood doesn't make it great horror and having a female idiot running around constantly slashing & maiming another female does not make it -as one reviewer puzzlingly suggested - a "chick flick" for crying out loud - it just makes it boring & silly. These things make it the sort of movie where I use the fast forward button a lot and roll my eyes in disdain.If you are a HUGE fan of gore for gores sake and don't care about quality, logic, plot, acting, etc etc as long as there's randomly pointless sick scenes and bucket loads of blood then you might enjoy this. But if you're looking for a bit more than that in a horror movie skip it.