R | 22 April 2011 (USA)
Incendies Trailers

A mother's last wishes send twins Jeanne and Simon on a journey to Middle East in search of their tangled roots. Adapted from Wajdi Mouawad's acclaimed play, Incendies tells the powerful and moving tale of two young adults' voyage to the core of deep-rooted hatred, never-ending wars and enduring love.

Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
gomgomnoify Great movie. Tranquil but not boring. It good to see it. Recommend. Happy. Great. Nice story. Happy. Stylish
freebirds-36525 One of the movies that makes you realize the reality of the world through a journey about war, love, oppression and human evilness and weakness. I was captured by the movie's surprises and plot twist, along with the sad realities that it presents. still it depicts human reality more than ever, behind the cells, beyond country borders, and beyond humans themselves. highly recommended
TheLittleSongbird The main attraction into seeing 'Incendies' was that it was directed by Denis Villeneuve, having loved 'Sicario' and really liked 'Prisoners' (apart from the ending). Reviews for both films recommended 'Incendies' highly and with people calling it one of Villeneuve's best, so seeing the film was definitely on the cards.Seeing it, 'Incendies' turned out to be every bit the great film as touted. Although more needs to be seen from Villeneuve, 'Incendies' to me does contain some of his best work seen thus far and my second favourite after 'Sicario'. It is a tough watch, often incredibly hard-hitting, and will have things that people will love and others won't (some will, and have done, find it contrived and melodramatic), but again to me 'Incendies' was so exceptionally well made all round with such a strong emotional impact throughout that although it is not perfect it was hard not to be hard on it.'Incendies's' weak point is the ending, it is certainly unexpected and has some power but also seemed rather contrived and like it went on far with the number of coincidences, almost as credibility-straining as the ending of 'Prisoners' if not quite.However, 'Incendies' is superbly made visually, especially in the stylish and brooding cinematography, with deft use of close-ups and long shots, that captures the horrors of the story wonderfully, even if Roger Deakins did it just a little bit better. The scenery is similarly audacious while also highly atmospheric. The music is suitably haunting, with great use of Radiohead's "You and Whose Army".Villeneuve's direction is some of his career's best, he specialised in giving his films a darkness that was beautiful and brutal but also a hard edge that didn't hold back for the better. That can be seen in 'Incendies'. While not as tight as the script in 'Sicario', the script has a lot of emotional impact and provokes thought.When it comes to the story, 'Incendies' is also hugely successful. It really hits hard without overdoing or sugar-coating things, it's very much authentic, and is also very moving. The bus massacre in particular is a highlight that shocks one to the core. The parallel split-time structure of the story is very interesting, neither story line is hard to follow and they tie up neatly at the end, while the numerous revelations and twists could have been credibility-straining and illogical if not done right but Villeneuve keeps it all under control. Anguish, confusion and regret has not in a while been seen by me so poignantly on film.Performances are strong across the board, with powerhouse turns from Lubna Azabal and Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin. The film does a particularly great job in creating sympathy for the protagonist, who is developed beautifully, one where she is easy to root for every step of the way and comes over as a compellingly real one.Overall, great film, a near-masterwork though the ending is not as good as the rest of the film. 9/10 Bethany Cox
Sarah Thank you to the film-makers of Incendies for making such a moving and beautiful film.I cannot rate this film high enough. In terms of a film, it scores 10/10 on every scale that a film can be rated on. Plot, interest, link to reality, beautiful cinematography without being artsy. If you do not like this film, then I imagine you simply just do not like films. People criticising it on IMDb were probably looking for a history documentary or TV drama. It is captivating from the start. And it really holds your interest right up till the credits show at the end.I read the summary of the film and I wasn't expecting much. A history quest in Middle East isn't a film I would go for, but that is totally the wrong description of this film. This film is about who you are and your history which starts from your parents and what we think we know and what is actual. In its essence, it is about a mother striving.Someone wrote that it's not a feel-good movie, but I disagree. It is a movie that jolts you back to reality and makes you count your blessings. But it doesn't shy away from the gruesome callousness of the world. It is a needed film because there is so much war in the world, especially in the Middle East, but the film doesn't try to patronise or teach us about war. The film is about a mother and her love.It is not a film to watch with your family and maybe not for the faint-hearted either. But it is a film if you want a true look at the different forms reality can take in this world.