In Like Flint
In Like Flint
| 15 March 1967 (USA)
In Like Flint Trailers

Flint is again called out of retirement when his old boss finds that he seems to have missed 3 Minutes while golfing with the President. Flint finds that the President has been replaced by an actor (Flint's line [with a wistful look] is "An Actor as President?") Flint finds that a group of women have banded together to take over the world through subliminal brainwashing in beauty salons they own.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
SnoopyStyle The Americans have launched a new space platform. The President enjoying his success on the golf course is kidnapped and replaced with a double by the feminist organization Fabulous Face. The head of Z.O.W.I.E. Lloyd Cramden (Lee J. Cobb) is suspicious noticing 3 minutes of time missing when they were gassed. Derek Flint (James Coburn) agrees to take the case. Cramden is tricked into a scandal by operative Lisa Norton (Jean Hale) and the fake President sidelines him.James Coburn continues not to be funny. This franchise desperately needs an actual comedian at its head. Talking to dolphins could be funny but the best this movie can get to is silly. The idea of an evil feminist organization holds some possibilities. However the girls are nothing more than pinups and have limited charisma of their own. I just compare it to Leslie Nielsen doing Naked Gun and it's no contest. That may not be fair comparing different time periods. This is three years after Dr. Strangelove and it definitely fails in that comparison too.
adrienpop "In Like Flint" is a sequel to the spy parody film "Our Man Flint" starring James Coburn. It posits an international feminist conspiracy to depose the ruling American patriarchy with a feminist matriarchy. To achieve and establish it, they kidnap and replace the U.S. President, discredit the Head of the Z.O.W.I.E. intelligence agency, and commandeer a nuclear-armed space platform, all directed from Fabulous Face, a women's spa in the Virgin Islands. Circumstances compel ex-secret agent Derek Flint to help his ex-boss, and so uncover the conspiracy. Actors James Coburn and Lee J. Cobb reprise their roles as "Derek Flint" and spy chief "Lloyd C. Cramden", Flint's ex-boss.Like all parodies, it's not fair to compare it to the original genre and you have to expect it to be at least somewhat silly - especially in this film the plot of feminists trying to take over the world. The last reviewer who gave it a low score obviously totally missed t.he point it's a parody It's a fun movie that moves along at a fast & Coburn is great in the James Bond spoof role. Enjoy the film & don't take it too seriously & you'll have a fun ride.
txpackfan You have to keep in mind that this movie is a sequel and made in the mid sixties. If you're not sure why the latter is important, then you obviously aren't familiar with that decade, and it's influence on pop culture, music, dress...well, basically everything was different after the 1960's.Thank God political correctness hadn't been created then, or otherwise we wouldn't have most of the scenes of this movie, i.e., the Cuban passenger plane...I'm reasonably sure that recreational drugs were quite prevalent throughout the writing and filming stages of this movie (plus post-production, too?). Otherwise, why would the filmmakers think it necessary for the main character to be able to speak "dolphin"? If you've never seen the scenes where Colburn speaks dolphin, they alone are worth the time lost while watching this film. Ultimately, this film suffers from sequel-itis, in that it looks hastily written, and lacks most of the uniqueness of the original. Except, of course, for the dolphin speak. "Load the bong man, I got another scene to write!!"
StuOz The film is loaded with 20th Century Fox quirks: When the opening credits appear we see a woman reading a magazine with Fox's Fantastic Voyage on the magazine cover. Shortly after, the TV plays with the actor who played "Doc" in Fox's Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea interviewing someone. Batgirl - Yvonne Craig - soon appears and the digital clock seen in Fox's Time Tunnel later does a cameo! The film's most memorable line is "By this time tomorrow, women will be running the world". Flint is more light hearted than in the first film, which I like, but it partly depends on the personality of the viewer as to which of the two films you like best. The song playing at the end is a knockout, I am still singing it now in fact.