The Malibu Bikini Shop
The Malibu Bikini Shop
R | 01 November 1986 (USA)
The Malibu Bikini Shop Trailers

After inheriting a failing bikini shop, two recent grads decide to make a go of it. One, in the hopes of building it into a successful business, the other, in the hopes of getting to look at lots of women in (and out) of swimsuits. As they try more and more outrageous ways of drumming up business, their antics begin attracting some unwanted attention. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
jellopuke This was close to being a great sex-comedy, but just strayed a little too close to the good taste line to really be one of the all-timers. You'd think a movie about bikini's would have more nudity, but it was fairly restrained in that regard and even the ending that should have been loaded with it was cut short. Not enough over the top gags or hijinks but it did have the whole "we need to make money in a week to save the store" plot line. Fun and slight, but needed an injection of raunch to really set sail.
Sam Williams "Malibu" Bikini Shop is a Sex Comedy that manages to be neither comedic nor sexy. Well, maybe a little bit sexy. But the scenes of Barbara Horan in the hot tub are hardly worth enduring terrible music, embarrassing fashions (sadly, the bikinis are some of the biggest violators) a thin, implausible, wholly predictable plot, and characters that are all one dimensional caricatures. This isn't even a "so bad it's good" kind of bad. It's more of a "sixth graders write better than this" bad and "how the hell can a movie about girls wearing bikinis be so unenjoyably" bad. Imagine an Elvis movie and the depth of plot those had, only instead of Elvis you have a pair of B-cups thrown in every 18 minutes or so and you have a pretty good idea of what you're in for with Bikini shop.I realize this isn't exactly Masterpiece Theater, but if you want to see skin (which is why 99% of people would even consider watching this) it would be so much more efficient to just look at a Playboy or even an episode of Rock of Love. The girls in this movie, while young and fit, are saddled with horrendous wardrobes and situations. Visually, none of them really rate higher than about a 7 out of 10.If you're still reading this review, you may be a Trekkie interested in Bruce Greenwood's early work and you're on the fence about if it's worth the time. Be warned: are you prepared for Bruce in a belly shirt? I advise having your thumb locked and ready on the ff/scan button. Life is too short to waste watching trash like this, and when I write "trash," I don't mean in a morally reprehensible way. I mean in a lazy, lowest common denominator kind of way.Bonus points to anyone who figures out why "Malibu" is sometimes attached to this title when the movie hints that it takes place in Santa Monica.
feel_the_rush17 This is it! I just can't believe that people don't like this movie. Whenever I'm sad, I watch it and it always cheers me up. And by the way, the music is great. The closing song is my favorite. Though I'm a hip-hop fan I really like it. If I see the movie in the morning I can't get it out of my head til late afternoon. And it's always enjoying to see all these palms and sunny beaches. And the mood is so right :)) And even the fact that people are getting old and this movie reminds them of what they won't ever have again is not enough. If you want to see a drama, go and see "Titanic". If you want to see many special effects, go and see "Star Wars", but if you want to see a funny movie full with sun and smiles, go and see "Malibu Bikini Shop" because I really think that young people will enjoy it.
Ispystuff The mind numbing dream sequences are so bad that it's hard to believe anyone can make it through them to watch what more of this movie lives on the other side. What is will surely disappoint. Bad acting, bad directing, and bad bikinis add up to a lousy bikini movie. If the dream sequences aren't the worst example of big screen directing, the film's final sequence is. In it, the snobby ex-fiancee is humiliated when her dress is torn off, revealing she wears a girdle, in front of her hardbody bikini clad replacement. Sounds almost funny, except the scene comes off about as funny, and looks more like, a mugging. Nothing to see hear folks..